ACW Closed

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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

Ben, thank you, and I had fun....most of the time. I REALLY wanted to be around long enough for somebody to bop me off the top. I like getting to the top, but staying there is not a good plan. ANyway. RRS, you are still hilarious and you did your best rping, bar none. Pete...SO not your fault. The fault rests on the shoulders of all of those who fell off along the way.
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If CWF still ran, I wouldn't be bias and I certainly wouldn't give Derrick a fucking chance at the top.

Hoov's credible enough but he'd have to prove it.


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John McHenry

John McHenry
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Sorry to burst the bubble but CWF and Andrews inadequacies as... ... ... really isn't the topic of this thread.

I see this as bitter sweet. ACW had some great moments. I think my personal highlight was when BDC fired me without realizing it (hilariously screwing his own intended main event) but my Fired Promos I really enjoyed doing those I shouldn't have tried to Suit Up McHenry so fast after those promos - or taken myself out of the main event thus allowing Bronko to win.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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I had fun while I was in it but yeah I just kept seeing this ultimately happening. I don't think my continued involvement would have changed much.

I just hope that the next RP fed here if there is one isn't just jumped into too soon expecting people to just join. I really would like something that wouldn't have interchangeable staff every few weeks. You get to know one staff crew and then it's completely different. The direction of everything changes. Better luck with the next run because I do certainly see one coming around again either way.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
I wish you guys would have let me be the one to break the news, seeing as I was the one who stepped forward after King left and took the reins, and did everything. I had been talking about closing it myself, but...yeah. Didn't like that overmuch. You couldn't wait a few hours for me to wake up?

Whatever. I tried. It would have lasted another week anyway. You can all go back to enjoying your UWF now.

Slim, ManOn, Dod, BDC, Derrick, King and Corey, thank you so much for your efforts and for being here until the end. RRS, thank you for being the best efedder on here, quality-wise. Ben, thanks for the compliment. Maybe we can all continue somewhere else (don't worry Ben/Troy, I know recruiting by PM is not allowed so I won't do it).

And for those saying it sucked and you were about to leave: how bout some feedback? How many times did we ask for it? Did we get it? Did we bollocks. When we did, it was shitting on us, rather than suggesting or whatever. Point being, if it sucked, YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING instead of letting it carry on sucking. That's what people who are invested do - not that I've ever seen too many people actually invested here.

It's also funny how we got shit on for measures I've seen taken on UWF, and getting praised over there. Strike system, anyone? Punishing no-shows, anyone? Half-assing shows where nobody participates? If we would have done this last one, we would have had shit piled on us (we already did with quick results). But CWalker does it over there, admits to it, and everyone says what a good GM he is. Not ragging on anyone, I just don't get the duality of criteria.

(EDITED after I read the topic on Creative, to remove unnecessary finger-pointing)
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If it was to come back the attitude of some of the RPers has to change dramatically. They all want so much yet aren't willing to put in the effort required, they are so critical of the fed yet aren't willing to volunteer to help get it back on track. The staff tried their hardest but unfortunately they were in a no win situation thanks to the attitudes of some members. Thanks to all those that spent time on staff here and to all the members that showed up and RPed every week.

I hope that we can eventually have a strong RP fed here but it would need a large group of dedicated members to be part of the staff and writing team before we would even consider it. Think of this as a nice break for everyone where you can all sit back and recharge those batteries and we will revisit this in a couple of months time to see if we can get an RP fed to work.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
If it was to come back the attitude of some of the RPers has to change dramatically. They all want so much yet aren't willing to put in the effort required, they are so critical of the fed yet aren't willing to volunteer to help get it back on track. The staff tried their hardest but unfortunately they were in a no win situation thanks to the attitudes of some members. Thanks to all those that spent time on staff here and to all the members that showed up and RPed every week.

I hope that we can eventually have a strong RP fed here but it would need a large group of dedicated members to be part of the staff and writing team before we would even consider it. Think of this as a nice break for everyone where you can all sit back and recharge those batteries and we will revisit this in a couple of months time to see if we can get an RP fed to work.

Thank you Troy. You said what I wanted to say, with the added necessary distancing and minus the hot-headed indignation. Basically, everyone, this is what I think too, except I'm quite a bit angrier than Troy is about it all.


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Trust me I woulda said a lot more about everything but I decided not to just to be nice. But Pete... all I gotta say is don't act like a saint in all of this. And the point out to RRS, yeah I don't see that either. But what I do see... PWA guys sticking together.

There would have to be a lot of change and not only that but staff actually being in charge and working together instead of staff being against each other. It was essentially members vs. staff and since staff was friends with certain members they looked to protect them cause "it was good to keep members due to low counts." That is never good. When it is time to cut someone it is time to cut someone. It doesn't matter about numbers because that is too short sighted. Yeah in the immediate it would be good but in the long run it hurts the fed a whole lot more and thats what happened. Staff looking to protect certain members and members acting out while staff didn't do anything about it. It was as if staff was relegated to just writing shows and even that wasn't good enough cause of the unrealistic expectations of members that contributed NOTHING except maybe one RP to their match.

If the show wasn't posted the exact day... like lets say the deadline is Monday 11:59 pm... if the show wasn't posted right at 12 am then the show is late and all you heard was bitching bout the show being late. Because it was done so well on another place in another fed. How tiring that got. How freakin tiring it got to hear... if this was PWA it woulda been done. If this was PWA it woulda been finished already. If this was PWA we would have done this and that. What it all boiled down to was people didn't have an ounce of patience for anything to be done. It was supposed to be boom boom boom boom. As if all staff did was live on the fed, live on the computer and look to make your lives entertained doing things at the drop of the had and doing EVERYTHING suggested because every idea is supposed to be accepted.

There has been request after request after request for help writing matches and how many of those complainers signed up to help? NONE and yet they were first to say show is late, where is the show, what is going on, we need to change this we need to change that. And then there are the best members of them all... the absolute cream of the crop. The ones that posted nearly once a week that the fed is about to die. The ones that would go LOA and only come back to post about the fed dying. Yeah that is a real motivation to all the work that the staff is doing. All the time they are sacrificing.

So until all that crap can get sorted out. Until all that crap can be taken care of, until members like that are done away with then there is no way an RP fed can exist.

And to those that are on UWF and want to join if there is another rp fed down the road... if you can't do both feds... don't join. If you would rather focus on one more than the other... don't join. You aren't doing a favor... you are doing a disservice by joining up and half assing because you would rather do TTs but think that doing a half-assed job is helping and making you look good. And even if you come here and you look to focus more on here than there... drop one of the feds. Its only fair to both feds that they get your best. Its fair to the staff of both feds that you give all that you can.

But the patience level of people needs to be a lot more realistic. I mean you wanna know something... at my other fed... we once waited 4 months for a show. 4 MONTHS! You know how many people quit? maybe 2. You know how many people complained? Those 2. You want to know why we waited and remained loyal? One... we were a family there. We were real good friends there. Plus that was when Hurricane Katrina hit and the owner of the fed... he lived in the area. Real life happens so yeah maybe the show can't be posted on the day of or even the day after. You never know what is going on in someone's life that results in a show having to be delayed. The world isn't going to end because the show wasn't posted on the exact day and minute that you were expecting it. The world will keep spinning. Yeah we had our fights but we always got over them. We always worked through them. That is how a fed can last for 8 years. Because unrealistic expectations are tossed out the window and people help however they can. This fed could last and could work but there would have to be a lot of attitude changes in people.

I won't RP cause I've done this for 10 years and I'm just tired of it. ACW finished off whatever drive I had left to RP. Cause it just was that bad. But IF there was another RP fed in the future... I'd help probably. But a lot has to change before there could even be thought of attempting another RP fed here.
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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Trust me I woulda said a lot more about everything but I decided not to just to be nice. But Pete... all I gotta say is don't act like a saint in all of this. And the point out to RRS, yeah I don't see that either. But what I do see... PWA guys sticking together.

There would have to be a lot of change and not only that but staff actually being in charge and working together instead of staff being against each other. It was essentially members vs. staff and since staff was friends with certain members they looked to protect them cause "it was good to keep members due to low counts." That is never good. When it is time to cut someone it is time to cut someone. It doesn't matter about numbers because that is too short sighted. Yeah in the immediate it would be good but in the long run it hurts the fed a whole lot more and thats what happened. Staff looking to protect certain members and members acting out while staff didn't do anything about it. It was as if staff was relegated to just writing shows and even that wasn't good enough cause of the unrealistic expectations of members that contributed NOTHING except maybe one RP to their match.

If the show wasn't posted the exact day... like lets say the deadline is Monday 11:59 pm... if the show wasn't posted right at 12 am then the show is late and all you heard was bitching bout the show being late. Because it was done so well on another place in another fed. How tiring that got. How freakin tiring it got to hear... if this was PWA it woulda been done. If this was PWA it woulda been finished already. If this was PWA we would have done this and that. What it all boiled down to was people didn't have an ounce of patience for anything to be done. It was supposed to be boom boom boom boom. As if all staff did was live on the fed, live on the computer and look to make your lives entertained doing things at the drop of the had and doing EVERYTHING suggested because every idea is supposed to be accepted.

There has been request after request after request for help writing matches and how many of those complainers signed up to help? NONE and yet they were first to say show is late, where is the show, what is going on, we need to change this we need to change that. And then there are the best members of them all... the absolute cream of the crop. The ones that posted nearly once a week that the fed is about to die. The ones that would go LOA and only come back to post about the fed dying. Yeah that is a real motivation to all the work that the staff is doing. All the time they are sacrificing.

So until all that crap can get sorted out. Until all that crap can be taken care of, until members like that are done away with then there is no way an RP fed can exist.

And to those that are on UWF and want to join if there is another rp fed down the road... if you can't do both feds... don't join. If you would rather focus on one more than the other... don't join. You aren't doing a favor... you are doing a disservice by joining up and half assing because you would rather do TTs but think that doing a half-assed job is helping and making you look good. And even if you come here and you look to focus more on here than there... drop one of the feds. Its only fair to both feds that they get your best. Its fair to the staff of both feds that you give all that you can.

But the patience level of people needs to be a lot more realistic. I mean you wanna know something... at my other fed... we once waited 4 months for a show. 4 MONTHS! You know how many people quit? maybe 2. You know how many people complained? Those 2. You want to know why we waited and remained loyal? One... we were a family there. We were real good friends there. Plus that was when Hurricane Katrina hit and the owner of the fed... he lived in the area. Real life happens so yeah maybe the show can't be posted on the day of or even the day after. You never know what is going on in someone's life that results in a show having to be delayed. The world isn't going to end because the show wasn't posted on the exact day and minute that you were expecting it. The world will keep spinning. Yeah we had our fights but we always got over them. We always worked through them. That is how a fed can last for 8 years. Because unrealistic expectations are tossed out the window and people help however they can. This fed could last and could work but there would have to be a lot of attitude changes in people.

I won't RP cause I've done this for 10 years and I'm just tired of it. ACW finished off whatever drive I had left to RP. Cause it just was that bad. But IF there was another RP fed in the future... I'd help probably. But a lot has to change before there could even be thought of attempting another RP fed here.

I was actually actively trying to bridge the us vs them gap that there was on this fed. But the ACWers were just as much to blame for it as the PWAers.

Barring that, I agree with everything you said. In the PWA (famous last words) we once waited nearly a year for an award show. But the family feeling that you talk about that you had on that fed...we had that on the PWA too. Even when we were at each other's throats, in the end, we were family.

Just wanted to make those two remarks. Other than that, I agree with your post. Just wished you'd warned me that you were jumping ship, I wouldn't have held it against you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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I think one of the major problems with ACW was the competition and the clash of styles.

RPing takes tremendous amounts of time and creativity to do to a successful style, compared to majority of trash-talkers who pretty much can write something big up in like an hour, but also the lack of consistant shows to begin with... 18 Adrenalines in how LONG? Or something minor like that, I think ACW wasn't flawed by the people running it's fault as such but more by the competition offering something a bit more in your face, smash mouth style... 2 shows on a weekly basis and a PPV per month, it was gonna be tough to come out fighting when 99% of the people was a TTer.

But that first guy who wrote ACW and then Wrestlingaddict and me fucking off honestly, that screw it over but Slim held steadfast and recruit this new bunch in and the fed seems to be on it's raise then the inconsistency of the staff and particularly personally, the lack of creative coherence and direction royally fuck this place up.

Perhaps it can return in the future once we got more TTers in... It's unfortunate UWF & ACW didn't team up on the recruitment drive I'm getting started for UWF.

Sad to see the fed go but it was gonna happen at some point :(.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
I think one of the major problems with ACW was the competition and the clash of styles.

RPing takes tremendous amounts of time and creativity to do to a successful style, compared to majority of trash-talkers who pretty much can write something big up in like an hour, but also the lack of consistant shows to begin with... 18 Adrenalines in how LONG? Or something minor like that, I think ACW wasn't flawed by the people running it's fault as such but more by the competition offering something a bit more in your face, smash mouth style... 2 shows on a weekly basis and a PPV per month, it was gonna be tough to come out fighting when 99% of the people was a TTer.

But that first guy who wrote ACW and then Wrestlingaddict and me fucking off honestly, that screw it over but Slim held steadfast and recruit this new bunch in and the fed seems to be on it's raise then the inconsistency of the staff and particularly personally, the lack of creative coherence and direction royally fuck this place up.

Perhaps it can return in the future once we got more TTers in... It's unfortunate UWF & ACW didn't team up on the recruitment drive I'm getting started for UWF.

Sad to see the fed go but it was gonna happen at some point :(.

OK, this one genuinely threw me because I was here trying to bite my tongue about UWF, and you just voiced everything I think about the subject.

Except for this: most people don't have the CREATIVITY to develop an RP character. It's not just time. It's that people want a ready made meal rather than to cook their own.

Anyway, thanks for the honest approach. I gave UWF a genuine try, not really for me, but now that I'm fedless I might take another swing at it.
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