CWF - Staff Trash #13 (Merging Issue)

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Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Has anyone been part of a fed where each staff member on a show is responsible for one division?

I'm thinking to make things easier we could have a definitive list of who is contending for which tier of belt (2/3 groups) and then each one of us takes one? Like I'd book and write main event 'rank' matches, Hoov IC title, Andrew European (or whatever we introduce). What do you guys think? Means we'd all get to do our own storylines independantly and get our own ideas into the show.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Geelong, Australia
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Sounds good to me


Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
England, UK

We start the show with a bit of a cold open. We’re backstage with Randy Orton in an office with Vince McMahon. He’s sporting bruises and bandages.

Orton: Vince…I demand…

Vince: You demand NOTHING from me, Randall. Now, I know something has to be done about Kane but don’t worry, I’ve got faith that Cena will deal with it tonight. I don’t much like Cena but I’m sure he can handle it.

Orton: So what about me?!

Vince: I’ll tell you what about you, Orton. You get healthy and you get back into a CWF ring and prove why I shouldn’t fire you right now!

Orton storms out, incensed, as Vince gets back to some paperwork. There’s a knock on the door after a few moments and in walk a couple of suits with briefcases.

Man: Vince. Good news, the board are convinced Jim Cornette shouldn’t be taking over here. Bar an official vote, he won’t end up in charge.

Vince: Brilliant news, thanks so much.

Man: Don’t thank us just yet. Unfortunately, the board and the CEO also think you’re a little too…senior to be dealing with GM responsibilities. The jobs yours for now, of course, but we WILL be looking for someone to take over. Someone a little younger maybe, someone with a little more to offer us as a company going forward. Thanks for your time.

The suits exit the room leaving Vince’s face completely blank…another knock at the door?! Cody Rhodes storms in.

Vince: This…is…NOT A CIRCUS! What do you want?!

Rhodes: What do I want Vince? A move up the card perhaps? Did you SEE what I was doing before Shane and Eric ruined this place?

Vince: As a matter of fact I did and you know what? I HATED it. I see nothing in you Cody and you know why? You’re riding your name. Do something special. Stand out. You know what? Whoever doesn’t become #1 contender tonight…you can take them on next week and if you lose, you’re done, you’re out, you’re gone!

Rhodes: …and if I win?

Vince: I guess you get to take their spot in this magical ‘card’ of yours huh? Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Now throw up some pyro or something!

We cut back to the ring to see fireworks erupting from the stage area!

JR: Welcome to a special Friday Night WAR with me, JR, and my broadcasting partner, Jerry ‘the King Lawler’!

King: Oh man did you hear all of that? Massive news and a massive night in store. We’ll be RIGHT BACK with our very first match of the night, stay tuned!


Our first PPV. May 29th. #winning.

We come back and the Miz’s music is just finishing playing and we see him enter the ring with Shark Boy. Shark Boy asks for knuckle touch which the Miz sneers at. Shark Boy keeps up the request until the Miz rolls his eyes and reluctanty accepts but instead Shark Boy gives him the finger and does the classic Austin arm raise! The Miz looks pissed off briefly before he just holds up his hands and exits the ring. He stands against the crowd barrier and folds his arms.

JR: What is this kids problem?


Dolph appears from behind the titantron and runs his hands through his hair, flicking them out towards the crowd. He adjusts his jacket and heads cockily to the ring. He fakes clapping hands with some fans but pulls away, laughing at them, before his face becomes the epitome of seriousness and he looks all business staring at the ring with Shark Boy inside. Dolph waits at the bottom of the ramp for…


Rhodes heads out from the back to similar boos and stops at his titantron mirror to check his face. He likes what he sees and turns back to the crowd, talking smack. He rolls down to the ringside area and touches fists with Dolph before both of these young guns enter the ring and question the Miz and Shark Boy dynamic. The official asks the Miz to re-enter the ring but he doesn’t. Instead, he grabs a microphone. The official shrugs and calls for the bell once Shark Boy has decided he’ll go it alone. Dolph smirks and lines up to face off with Shark Boy.

JR: What IS this kids problem?

King: Look’s like he’s got something to say as this one gets under way.

The bell does indeed go and Shark Boy and Dolph lock up. Shark Boy gets a head lock and drives it home, trying to pull Dolph to the mat but eventually Dolph lifts him up and drops him with a suplex. Dolph asks if Miz is getting involved over the ropes…

Miz: No thanks Dolph, see I don’t associate with THAT type of superstar.

The crowd begins to boo the Miz as Dolph easily drags Shark Boy to the corner and tags Rhodes in who comes in all guns blazing with knees and elbows and right hands to Shark Boy’s back and head and neck.

King: This one isn’t going to end well for Shark Boy I fear.

Miz: Ouch! Poor Shark Boy, getting BRUTALLY MANHANDLED tonight. Shame he doesn’t have a tag-team partner…

Rhodes laughs out loud at the Miz’s commentary and tags Dolph back in who lines up his finisher, the Zig-Zag. In one smooth motion, Dolph puts him down. Ziggler tags Rhodes back in who picks up Shark Boy and hits the Cross Rhodes before grabbing the pinfall.


Your Winners: Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes!


Dolph and Cody stand over their fallen prey but they got shoved out of the way by the Miz who lifts Shark Boy up, ushering Cody and Dolph out of the ring, and hitting him the Skull Crushing Finale! The Miz feigns spitting on Shark Boy before he follows the other two men up the ramp and out of sight. Medics come to tend to Shark Boy who has been knocked out.


King: Sickening show there.

JR: That was an awful display of everything we don’t stand for from some of our brightest and youngest superstars too.

We fade to black..


CWF: Done letting you guys down.
Backstage a camera sweeps around through corridors desperately in search of someone. Eventually, after about 30 seconds of travelling, some voices can be heard.

??: Man, where is my damn cooler?

??: Would you focus for a second, you’re on MY payroll as it stands!

??: Hey hey don’t ya be givin’ me that. Now where is my damn beer…

The camera nudges open a door and we see Robert Roode, James Storm…BEER MONEY! They continue talking as if the camera isn’t there.

Roode: Would you just focus for a second James. Remember why we’re here?

Storm: We’re here to be raisin’ hell all over this here C ‘double ya’ F!

Roode: Well yes maybe once they introduce a damned tag division but what about until then, do you half recall the conversation?

Storm: Oh what are you even goin’ on about? I’m like that there Bender from that Futurama series, no beer and no wrasslin’ doesn’t sit too well with this cowboy…

Roode interrupts.

Roode: You think I don’t know that?! Damn, the last company we were in we basically RAN. Backstage, out front, no-one could touch us. This company is still so fresh that we could take it and run with it, run all the way to superstardom. We could get a tag division going, we could hold all the gold, we could do it all, man, you know it pays to be Roode!

Storm: Haha you said it and guess what?

Roode: What?

Storm: I found my damned beer!

Storm bites off the cap and takes a swig.

Storm: Oh mamma…CWF is gonn’ be sorry bout it’s DAMN luck.

We cut to the ring. Kane is already in the ring.

Now it's time to see if Kane can earn his Intercontinental Championship shot

King: Well, he is the big red monster. I'm hoping he can destroy Cena tonight.

So.... You Think You're Untouchable?


"Call me a Doctor" blares through the arena and can hardly be hard, what with all the boos for John Cena, the Intercontinental Champion as he makes his way to the ring.

The bell sounds as John Cena instantly begins punching Kane, Kane fights back before sending Cena to the ropes as Cena bounces off before hitting a shoulder-block, Kane gets up as Cena hits another one. Cena looks for the five knuckle shuffle but instead slaps on the STF.

JR: He's slapped on the STF already!

King: Kane can't tap out here, he just can't!

Kane struggling to get to the ropes gives up and taps out.

Winner: John Cena

JR: Damnit! Cena finishes him quick enough.

King: I cannot believe what we've just witnessed.

As the match is over, Vincent Kennedy McMahon makes his way down the entrance ramp.


Vince climbs up the steel steps and climbs into the ring before demanding a micropone. Vince takes up centre stage.


Vince: Congratulations John, now we did say the stipulation would be if Kane won he gets a shot at your title but unfortunately he didn't win. But, you do have an opponent at the next pay-per-view. You're quite STREET aren't you John? Well, you will be defending it against Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler in a Triple Threat Street Fight!

Vince leaves the ring and heads backstage as we go to commercial.


Doing it.

[video=youtube;7R4mX4HFBDU] [/video]

The countdown precedes one of the most electric entrances of all time as Y2J appears, arms outstretched, at the top of the ramp and spins around pumping his fist. He makes his way to the ring, stopping to flex and gloat and all things ‘Y2J’ before he climbs into the ring and awaits his opponents.

[video=youtube;PVvIz4nbP2A] [/video]

Typically all energy, Kofi rushes out from the back, jumping around, fist pumping and bounding to the top of the ramp. He does his ‘boom’ clap and fireworks erupt from the stage. On the last one he bounds down the ramp towards Jericho, clapping hands with the fans.

[video=youtube;yQNJIhyqb10] [/video]

And now it’s time to play the game as the complete professional, the veteran, appears on stage under his lights with his head down. He lifts his head and sprays water before walking purposefully down to the ring. Hunter climbs onto the apron on the nearside and does his vintage pose, spraying water all the while. He finally enters the ring to begin combat.

King: Triple threat time. One rising star, two veterans of the sport. This should be a good one!

The three men stare at eachother before suddenly Jericho hops out of the ring and starts chatting to some of the ringside fans. They’re chilling out when Kofi decides to plancha over the top rope onto Jericho! But Triple H stops him mid-air by ducking underneath Kofi, grabbing him around the waist, carrying him to the middle of the ring and planting him with a spine buster! Triple H poses and the crowd pops big for his pose and signature move. Suddenly, Hunter turns around to eye up Jericho but he holds his hands up and feigns innocence. With his eyes locked onto Jericho, Triple H lifts Kofi up and plants him with a vicious pedigree but during that motion, Jericho enters the ring and as Triple H’s knees hit the canvas Jericho kicks Hunter in the head sending him to the mat.

JR: Ouch! Did you hear that kick?

Jericho smirks and shrugs with a ‘ya gotta do what ya gotta do’ attitude and lifts Triple H up. Jericho throws Hunter over the top rope and turns back to Kofi whom he lets get to his feet. Kofi groggily restores a vertical base to proceedings but he turns straight into a codebreaker! Jericho with the easy cover.


Your Winner: Chris Jericho!


Jericho celebrates as his music hits and he poses for the crowd. Triple H gets to his feet but looks like he’s nursing some sort of shoulder injury as he stumbles to his knees and struggles to make it up the ramp. Medics rush down to help him out.

JR: Convincing victory for Jericho here and you bet Vince was watching.

King: Plus Triple H looks like he’s in a bit of trouble. Eventful evening thus far, huh JR?


18 months left on my contract for my BB Curve, it's falling apart, this comes out for a similar price. Failure.


Christian makes his way out from the back, patting his chest and looking out for his peeps. He totally swaggers down towards the ring, all smiles, and climbs in. There’s an air of confidence about him as he poses for the crowd and waits for Finlay.

[video=youtube;P_gb5Sat3wQ] [/video]

Finlay’s music hits to a pretty good pop as the crowd know a Finlay win would be a shocker given his age but totally deserved. He comes out from the back at a slight jog looking ALL business. He claps hands with a few fans and rolls into the ring coming face to face with Christian. Finlay mutters something before heading to his corner and stretching. The official calls for the bell.

JR: So here we go, this to see who faces Alberto Del Rio three or so weeks from now on pay-per-view!

Finlay goes for a lock up but at the last second extends his hand instead with a wry smirk. Christian accepts it and both men let go, no untoward intentions, just respect. Christian does take advantage of the close proximity however and lands a right hand to Finlay before grabbing him in a headlock. Finlay shoves Christian off into the ropes and shoulder blocks that bad boy to the ground on the rebound. Finlay hits the ropes himself but Christian rolls onto his front, Finlay hops over, and Christian connects with a high back body drop as Finlay makes the return journey. The man they call ‘fit’ arches his back and grabs his lumbar region as he fell pretty flush to the canvas but rolls to a knee at least to prevent Christian capitalising too much. As Christian comes towards Finlay, the fighting Irishman lands a few shots to Christians torso and battles to his feet before a knee to the gut leads to a suplex from Finlay and our first cover of the bout.


Kickout from Christian and this ones just getting warmed up. Finlay drags Christian to his feet, whips him across the ring and, leading with his knee, meets Christian half way on the rebound and sends Christian over and to the mat. Finlay hastily climbs to the first rope in the corner and waits for Christian to wobble to his feet before diving off and delivering an elbow to Christian’s head. Finlay falls to his knees into the cover.

JR: Our second pin fall of the night.

King: And this has been ALL Finlay!


Another kickout from Christian and his eyes widen, obviously not 100% prepared for this kind of methodical onslaught. Slightly out of his depth with the brutal Finlay, Christian rolls to the outside but Finlay is in hot pursuit, cutting him off around and corner and running at him but one sidestep later and Finlay is eating steel post! Christian sees his opening and clubs Finlay on the back before rolling him into the ring.

JR: That was a sickening thud, you could hear that throughout the arena.

King: Christian could have found a way to turn the tables by himself I’m sure but when you use your surroundings like that it shows real knowledge of your craft.

Christian crawls onto Finlay but he rolls away getting his shoulder up before a count is made. As he groggily gets to his feet, Christian in pursuit, we see Finlay is bleeding from the mouth but hey, that’s not stopping Finners! Finlay ducks a right hand from Christian, lands a headbutt to the chest and then picks him up looking for the Celtic Cross! Christian avoids that though, you know the drill, before shoving Finlay front first into the ropes and looking for the Killswitch to the turned Finlay! Finlay manages to avoid this manoeuvre too and instead hits a back suplex on Christian, killing the momentum of the match. Finlay nurses his mouth as Christian holds the back of his head having obviously landed quite awkwardly. A few moments pass before…

[video=youtube;ELOG5HlX8ow] [/video]

The horn of a VERY expensive Bentley sound off as the crowd boo heavily the arrival of Alberto Del Rio. He drives out from the back and steps out of his car totally suited up and not ready for ring action. He goes all out and does his full, sparks falling from the heavens, entrance as the two men try to recover in the ring. World title over his shoulder, Del Rio walks slowly to the ring talking trash to some of the fans on the way…

JR: Who does this guy think he is?

King: Well this match does directly concern him, he’s the champ, why shouldn’t he be out here?

JR: Because nothing ever good comes of people hanging around ringside with a vested interest, ever.

Christian and Finlay are incensed their battle is interrupted as Del Rio walks around the ring and takes a seat at ringside. Suddenly, Christian takes a few steps backwards and rolls Finlay up! The official is distracted for a moment by Del Rio’s presence still but then quickly drops to the mat.


Finlay pops out of the hold and furiously begins clubbing away at Christian and drives him to the canvas. Finlay hits the ropes and drops his entire lower back onto Christians midsection before looking for a cover.


Kickout from Christian and this one rolls onwards!

JR: Always unique offense from Finlay!

King: He’s a veteran of the game and Christian’s a student of the game. No better match-up.

Both men battle to their feet but Finlay kicks Christian in the gut and grabs a double underhook before lifting him up and planting him with a bomb type move. Finlay stays on top for the cover.


Christian kicks out and rolls to the ropes but Finlay is already there ready to shove Christian into the corner. Finlay backs up and looks for a corner clothesline but Christian hops up and spins out of the corner, lifting his legs out of the ring and sitting on the second rope. Christian leans back, connects with a boot to Finlay’s face and climbs the turnbuckle to hit a tornado DDT onto Finlay! Pinning attempt from Christian.


Kickout at the last second from Finlay and the two men scramble to their feet. Finlay, having his second wind, lifts Christian up by the waist and looks to plant him in the corner but Christian wriggles down Finlay’s back and pulls him over into a victory roll style pin!


Your Winner: Christian!


Finlay kicks out but just a second too late as Christian’s music hits to rapturous cheers and applause for the superstar AND the match. The crowd have gotten over the Del Rio heat as Christian celebrates his opportunity!

JR: There you have it, Christian finally has the chance to win the big one right here in CWF!

King: This is a special moment JR!

Finlay looks frustrated with himself and punches the mat but is helped to his feet by Christian. Finlay, with his head down, heads towards the back but as Christian looks on at him, disappointed for stopping his dream, the World Heavyweight Champion slides into the ring and hits Christian with a low-blow!

JR: No!

Christian falls to his knees as the crowd boo heavily and Del Rio angrily rips off his shirt and tie. Finlay is none the wiser. Del Rio drags Christian to his feet and applies his VICIOUS armbar submission hold leaving Christian tapping desperately and crying out in pain! At the top of the ramp, Finlay turns to have one last look at the ring but sees the damage being done instead! He powers towards the ring and slides in but Del Rio bails just in time to avoid a beating from Finlay and escapes towards the back!

King: I don’t know where Del Rio is going, his match is scheduled to be up next!

Sure enough, at the top of the ramp boos turn to a major pop as Del Rio backs into a certain someone. A certain pie eatin, trail blazin, eyebrow raisin’ someone and turns to eat right hands from the Rock! He lands right hand after right hand down the ramp as Finlay smiles and helps Christian up and towards medical attention in the backstage area. Rocky and Del Rio fight into the ring and have to be separated by officials!

JR: I’ve got word this match is going to kick off in just a few moments, join us then!


WAR: All Action Wrestling Baby.

JR: We’re back ladies and gentlemen and you’ve missed but 30 seconds of action from this bout, the Rock still in complete control.

King: He’s really teaching Del Rio a lesson here.

Rocky is on top of Del Rio landing some heavy right hands and pops up to remove his shirt. The crowd pop as he throws it to them before beginning to stomp away at the downed Del Rio. Rocky heaves Alberto to his feet and shoves him into the corner but Del Rio jabs a thumb into Rocky’s eye and buys himself valuable seconds of recuperation time. In fact, Del Rio rolls to the outside and Rocky has to roll out of the ring to pursue the champ. Del Rio grabs a drink from a fan and throws it into Rock’s face forcing the great one to take a couple steps back and rub his eyes.

King: Classic tactics.

JR: Classic in the loosest sense, more like dastardly.

Del Rio lands some right hands of his own now and grabs Rock’s head, throwing it into the steel steps repeatedly and then whipping Rocky into the crowd barrier! Del Rio breaks the referees count by rolling under the bottom rope but exits the ring just as fast to continue the beat down on Rock. Rocky lands a few shots but Del Rio quickly overpowers him with some vicious knees and then sets him for a suplex. Del Rio delays the drop for a few seconds but once the official starts counting again Del Rio plants the Rock down onto the floor outside and re-enters the ring. Del Rio poses and smiles as the Rock holds his head and seems to be out cold. Rock lays motionless as Del Rio calls for his title. The time keeper totally doesn’t give it to him ‘cause that wouldn’t make sense but nonetheless, the referee counts Rocky out.


More gloating from Del Rio, he motions gold around his waits.


“You’re not in my destiny, Rock! Haha!”


The Rock finally stirs and rolls onto his front.


Del Rio’s expression changes and he waits and stalks Rock.


Suddenly Rock is on his feet and dives under the ropes AS the official counts the 10. Insantly he waves it off though and lets the match continue!

JR: This one’s going to carry on, the ref’s waved it off, he didn’t count the 10!

King: That seems a contentious call…

JR: The king improving his vocab every single night folks!

Del Rio grabs the official by the shirt and screams in his face. The ref points to his CWF logo and indicates that Del Rio is close to a disqualification. Still in his smart trousers, Del Rio looks like he’s heard enough and exits the ring. He grabs his title and heads straight up the ramp, shouting trash to the fans and with a glare on his face. As he gets half way up the ramp though, and as the referee begins to count him out, the Rock wobbles to his feet and gives chase! Rocky flips Del Rio round, making Alberto drop his title at the top of the ramp, and lays into him once more. Grabbing his head, Rocky throws Del Rio into the crowd railing and then drags him back to the ring and rolls him inside. The rock climbs into the ring and bends down to pick Del Rio up but the champ rolls him into a small package!


The Rock pops out just before the three count is made and stumbles to the corner. Del Rio rushes at him but Rocky evades it. Del Rio stops himself before he ends up crashing into the corner but he turns around only to be hit with a patented Rock DDT! Rocky poses for the crowd, they start to lap it up, and Rock stalks Del Rio!

JR: This feels like classic Rocky.


Del Rio wobbles to his feet and is planted with a spinebuster! The crowd know whats coming as Rock sets up for the people’s elbow! Unbeknownst to the Rock, Del Rio’s usual ring announcer Ricardo runs down to the ringside area and as Rock bounces against the ropes Ricardo trips him nonchalantly. The referee misses this action and the Rock becomes incensed at the intereference. He leans over the ropes and rains abuse down onto Ricardo but this gives Del Rio the opportunity to creep up behind Rock and try for the school boy pin! Ever one for the people though, the Rock actually notices some crowd reaction and holds onto the ropes as Del Rio just hits the canvas having failed to get a grip on Rocky. The Rock turns around to see Del Rio begging off but instead of allowing him a reprieve the Rock lifts him up and plants him with an EMPHATIC Rock Bottom! The Rock goes for the pin, on his back, with one eye on Ricardo.


Your Winner: The Rock!


Rocky’s music plays as he climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd!

JR: He’s done it, he’s knocked off our loudmouth champ!

King: What does this mean for the title scene?

JR: Looks like we’re about to find out!

Vince walks out onto the stage with a microphone and speaks immediately, his music dying.

Vince: Del Rio, I presented you with that title last week thinking you were the future of this company. I expect you to disrespect some of the guys round here but some of my biggest money spinners come in the form of the Rock and Christian names…in fact, Rock…Christian…Rock vs Christian…that has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? Rock, you proved tonight you still have what it takes to cut it at the top so at our first pay-per-view, Vengeance, May 29th, not only with you defend your title against Christian, Del Rio, but also The Rock!

Vince smiles as the crowd pop heavily and…



Christian walks out onto the stage, arm in a sling. On the outside of the ring Ricardo tends to Del Rio who looks most upset. Rocky is stood atop the turnbuckle, staring out at Vince and Christian. Christian walks down the ramp to the World title and picks it up. He looks at it and smiles before placing it back onto the floor and using his good arm to motion gold around his waist!

JR: Blockbuster announcement tonight, we’ve got our world title match set for Vengeance!

King: We’ll see you next week..this is HUGE!



Cena vs Kane - Andrew
Everything else - Killz

Confirmed for next week:

- Cody Rhodes vs Finlay

Confirmed for Vengeance:

- Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho vs John Cena (c) for the Intercontinental Title under Street Fight rules!
- The Rock vs Christian vs Alberto Del Rio (c) for the World Heavyweight Title!

Owners note:

Ok number 1, no promos this week, that sucked. I know I screwed up the preview but none? Crazy. Better turnout next week pl0x.

Number 2, anyone who has PM'd me regarding a character and HASN'T got a reply (I think there's one, maybe two of you) please PM me again, I've purged my inbox and lost the messages. Thanks guys.

Number 3, PPV schedule, roster and championship thread are all now up in their relevant sections :) things are shaping up!
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Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
England, UK
Preview May 12th


Cody Rhodes vs Finlay - Killz
Robert Roode vs Chris Jericho - Hoov
The Miz vs Shark Boy - Killz
Dolph vs Cena - Hoov/Andrew
Orton/Kingston vs Undertaker/JBL - Andrew


Peep Show! (feat Rock and Del Rio) - Andrew could you sort this segment out with Hoov and Ak?


CM Punk on his imminent debut
Finlay on his loss last week, his match this week and where he sees himself
Kane on why he attacked Orton and Taker and why/how he got dealt with by Cena
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Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Writing assignments up there. You guys think you can sort out the peep show ting?


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Yeah; I'll contact AK

Cody Rhodes vs Finlay - Killz
Robert Roode vs Chris Jericho - Hoov/Andrew
The Miz vs Shark Boy - Andrew
Dolph vs Cena - Andrew
Orton/Kingston vs Undertaker/JBL - Hoov

I'm happy to do it like this if ok?


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Vengeance Poster + Match Cards



Live from Staples Center, Los Angeles, California


Official Theme Song:

Shinedown - Devour

Official Card:

CWF World Heavyweight Championship Match - Triple Threat

CWF Intercontinental Championship Match - Triple Threat Street Fight

#1 Contender's Match to the CWF Championship


Singles Match

Elimination Style - Special Prize Match

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I've placed it on the PPV section too;

I'll be writing the Intercontinental that's for sure.

The Hoov

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The World Title banner says Chris Jericho instead of The Rock lol

The Hoov

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About this week...

Hey guys. I really apologize for not helping out this week. I feel like a fucking asshole to be quite honest. Work and school this week has been hectic on me and I completely forgot. I know its no excuse but I really want to make it up to you guys this week.

Again, my bad dudes.


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All good man; this week should pick up especially the PPV.


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Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Don't even sweat it dude, you said you could only take one match so I presumed you were busy anyway, there's no hate here :)


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Sure bro. May as well just give Hoov the Roode/Jericho match then you've got two each since he said he wants to 'make it up' to us ;) haha. But yeah that's fine, we'll go by Andrews post, just let me know by Tuesday-ish if you won't get one of your matches done guys cause I can then make up whatever is missing.
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