UWF - Anarchy Roster

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UWF Anarchy 11/7/13: Roman Reigns vs. Ted DiBiase


'Lose My Mind (Instrumental) begins playing throughout the titantron as Roman Reigns comes from the side of the entrance via the crowd, Roman stops by the barricade as he looks at the ring.


Roman Reigns then leaps over the barricade as he approaches towards the commentary desk where he snatches a microphone, Roman Reigns then hops up onto the apron as he steps into the ring.

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Roman Reigns:

First of all, I don't think Anarchy really cares about having Santino and I teaming up. Nor does it bother me either, my time here on Anarchy has been quite the success I must say. After all I was able to remove Rob Van Dam from this very company, never to be seen again as far as I'm concerned... However I did sit back and watched Bad Blood over the weekend, I was at home sadly... my tag partner was able to defeat Goldberg. Mind you, by countout. You see if it was me... I would have ended his career as well, right on the spot. But nonetheless, we're not here to talk about Rob Van Dam or Goldberg at all; we're here to speak about me. Roman Reigns. A man who's been quite destructive as of late, don't believe me... let my actions do the talking then! But this week, there's a man who's got family who's wrestled in the company before. But it's just a shame he's trying to copy his daddy's footsteps, having the same gimmick and what-not. Pathetic if you ask me. Whilst my family is better known, we've got champions, we've got family who have been successful, but we've got our fair share of embarrassments. But I, Roman Reigns... I don't live in the embarrassment category, I live for success. I breathe success, this is why I am my own man; I don't need no cheap-skate gimmick to get me over. Quite ironic that Ted DiBiase Junior is trying to pay the referee's for his own victory, scared are you? You're a big boy now Ted, you don't need to be crawling under your father's skin, you don't need to do what your father did. In fact, you could be much, much more superior but you've refused so. You've got no class, you were teaming up with Wade Barrett for God's sake... Whilst you can question the need of Santino teaming up with me, it's only been done once... I don't think Anarchy will even book us together anymore and to be honest with you; that's not even a concern. I've got my eyes set on being a Champion, I've got my eyes set on representing a team at Survivor Series... I don't want to miss out wrestling at a Pay-Per-View, I'm punctual and hell, I'm reliable to this damn company unlike Goldberg! But of course you're probably envisioning yourself as a future Champion, but the problem remains Ted... I'm in the way, I'm a savage, I'm on a warpath... I want it all, I want the glory, I want the fame! I certainly don't need money and there's certainly no price on it either big boy. So buckle up tight because I'm taking you for a ride down the highway, it ain't going to be a pretty cruise either... it's going to be a catastrophe!

Ted, I understand you probably feel you deserve a better match; but it's quite understandable you'll be under-estimating me at this very point. Sure you've been a former World Champion and you've had success in the past. But I'm not letting you surpass me this week, nor ever... You had your time up there and you failed miserably, now it's my time to shine and prove to the Anoa'i family that I can be just as successful as The Rock was. I can be like Umaga, I can have a long reign. But this bimbo of yours, she ain't gonna be a distraction for me at all; I could do what Dolph Ziggler likes to do... Steal girlfriends, but I'm not an imitator... I'm a wrecker. Just remember Ted, your lovely bimbo Maryse is just on a wrecking ball... she's going to be a wreck. I'm the devastation, I'm the one that destroys the construction site... you can construct time and time again, it'll just keep falling down. After Anarchy, you'll remember exactly who I am, you'll remember what I did. I'm on the road to success and there's not a damn thing you can do about it!

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Oh dear Carlito has a meeting with the boss, better get a win on the board or things could get ugly :/

Looking forward to the start of the build up to Survivor Series after a great PPV, Go Green Team :p


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Nice couple of match ups for this edition of Anarchy. Slim vs Killz and AK vs Andrew have potential to be great as does that 6 man main event.

Me vs Tapout in a little Champion vs Champion match; bring it bro cause you know I will.

Looking good Green Team


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Leggo Slim, I need to vent some after the old PPV and get back on track son!

Good looking card, plenty seemingly on the line, lots of intrigue in the promos and direction going forward. Go greeeen.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Leggo Slim, I need to vent some after the old PPV and get back on track son!

Good looking card, plenty seemingly on the line, lots of intrigue in the promos and direction going forward. Go greeeen.

We gone kill it man.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Anarchy 11/7: Pillman vs Otunga

???: Hello, is this thing on?

Brad Maddox steps out from the behind the stage as is now customary, sans music, in a dashing sweater. He ponders his own question as he saunters down to the ring.

Brad Maddox: Of course it is, after all, my man-hulk David Otunga is both a physical specimen who could physically destroy the technician if this thing wasn’t on but also emotionally destroy him, metaphysically destroy him, financially destroy him and pretty much do whatever he wants to him. David has asked me to make it clear however…

Maddox climbs the steel steps, through the ropes, and into the ring.


…that we of course don’t condone any acts of violence against staff. I got lawyer’d I know.

An “aw shucks†look from Maddox who’s face turns from joviality to something far more stern.

In this ring though – there aren’t the same restrictions. There aren’t the same rules. The goal in this ring is to incapacitate your opponent or put them in such pain that they give up, concede defeat, submit. That’s where David Otunga thrives and you can talk about his nearly-but-not-quite moment on Sunday all you like, we’ve already watched the tapes and we already know where we went wrong so believe…BELIEVE when we say we won’t be going wrong ever again. David thrives not in ladder matches but in wrestling matches. David and I thrive where others fail, where others are incoherent and beat up or simply can’t wrestle a Meltzer 5* to save their life. That actually leads me very nicely on to Brian Pillman.

Mixed reaction from the crowd.

All the promise. None of the substance is how I’d sum you up Brian although you did do one thing David and I didn’t quite achieve and that’s put the Ultimate Warrior out to pasture. Kudos. We planned on doing that ourselves had it not been taken care of. The thing is Brian you’re a poster boy for the erratic and not all there, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and these fans will eat up the way you’ve been known to push boundaries and push yourself to the limit. The problem is you’re jut not…David Otunga. You’re not Brad Maddox. You’re the not the most charismatic, athletic, physically gifted superstar on this brand and you are definitely not the uncrowned champion of Anarchy!

Maddox is getting a little hot under the collar.

There’s a prize for this match. A big spot at Survivor Series. That’s what the guys in the back tell me, that’s what UWF.com is telling you but let me make something perfectly clear – David and I don’t want a spot at Survivor Series. We want the whole damn show and if that’s not what we’re given, if we’re not shown the respect we deserve, we’ll take the damn show. BrOtunga rules-

Maddox is cut off.



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Re: Anarchy 11/7: Pillman vs Otunga

The lights in the arena go off as the familiar raspy voice of Pillman is heard.

The Loose Cannon:

Not quite there. Not quite there are we. No… no never quite there. But almost is good enough. Almost is as close to getting there as you will when it comes to someone like me. But that is something that is for neither here nor there. But it is something for now. And for right now… Maddox… you have to understand that now isn’t the time. But perhaps in the future. Maybe when the constellations align just right… that will be when you’ll get your chance with Otunga and together you two can show how two men can achieve great things while making sure to maintain such a professional personal relationship.

Haha but while you and him couldn’t get the job done… I made such easy work of Warrior it was such a travesty that people couldn’t see me for much longer… they couldn’t experience the greatness, the epicness, the complete and utter unexpectedness that can occur while someone like me is around. This is what has been missing for so long. But all of you were accustom to accepting mediocrity. The sane, the easy going, the take it easy route. The likes of a Maddox and an Otunga but the times have changed. The tides are coming in like a tsunami and nothing will ever be the same after that.

For while the promise will be here. The substance will be here. Anything and everything needed will be here. There will not be an absence of substance as you want to say. And I can guarantee… the person you are about to see before you is not a Brad Maddox nor a David Otunga. I am but one man. I am but one cannon that is a few screws loose. But that is what it takes to make it in this world. There isn’t perfection. There isn’t the most charismatic. Not the most physically sculpted. But the one that is willing to do anything and everything necessary to overtake the likes of you…

The lights turn on to reveal Brian Pillman now standing in the ring.

The Loose Cannon:

The whole show shall not be consumed with the likes of mediocrity. The whole show shall only be overtaken by one that can match what the name of the show represents and you are in the presence of that greatness. Personified.



Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: Anarchy 11/7: Pillman vs Otunga

After getting over the initial shock of Pillman's appearance and selling heart palpatations Maddox goes to speak but he refrains. Instead he scratches his head, strokes his goatee, and thinks for a moment. He finally comes to speak.

Maddox: Thank you.

The crowd boo.

Thank you for giving David and I a modicum of the respect we deserve. I have to admit, it is just a fraction of respect but it's more than we're usually afforded in this superman generation where these fools buy the t-shirts of the overcome-all heroes. You deem us enough to be professional wrestlers but you remain convinced that this show, the image it perpetuates, the very nature of extreme and pushing our bodies to the limit for these fans is what sells, is what is good, is what this industry is all about and it simply isn't. I hate to burst the bubble of every unwashed ECW cretin, every attitude era fanboy and every guy in his mid-20's who would want to see David Otunga don the crimson mask week in and week out whilst guys like Pillman here bring bats and bars to lay waste to each other all to get a "holy sh.." - all to get a mindless chorus from you people.

Now largely referring to the crowd Maddox turns to them.

You people have never gotten behind BrOtunga and it's because you invest yourselves in guys like Jeff Hardy who throws himself off ladders and shortens his career to entertain you because YOU made him think that's what it takes to become champion! Well guess what? He did all that and more last Sunday and still came up short to a jacked up jackass named Matt Morgan. In fact, David came closer than Jeff to that damn title so what do you people think you know? Whether it's the charismatic enigma or the loose cannon you all crave this chaos as if it's life affirming and positive and true whereas the chaos you should all seek is the chaos David Otunga and I clamour for: the chaos that is guys like Brian Pillman and Jeff Hardy, asshole 6 foot 7 giants and the corporation doesn't run things but the charisma and the youth runs things. This is what the BrOtunga movement offers you but you shy away at every turn. It's a shame.

Maddox takes time to salute and wink at the few BrOtunga signs in the crowd so as not to alienate their only source of cash beyond the guaranteed money contracts Otunga had negotiated. Maddox turns back to Pillman.

Pillman you think the tides are turning in your favour but the reality is they've been in favour of idiots like you for far too long. What would Ric Flair say? What would the Dragon say? David and I will take pleasure in teaching you a lesson Brian.


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Anarchy 11/7/13: LAX vs 3LK


Fans in the arena immediately boo like crazy as they hear "Bleeding is a Luxury" hit the pa system, Homicide, Hernandez, and Sin Cara all come out. Sin Cara is obviously trying to get the fans attention, but Homicide, is slapping his hands down telling him to stop it. Hernandez goes and he looks angry as he slides in the ring, and he grabs a microphone first. Hernandez begins to speak as he seems pissed off, as Homicide, and Sin Cara trail behind him

Hernandez: Joo know I thought being apart of this Establishment... It was going to mean good things for us! I thought that being in this group we would be able to succeed in our war of the Gringo mindset, but Homicide it seems like the coolest Gringo joo know, he ain't doing a damn thing for us here on Anarchy. I mean Homicide do you realize what in the hell is going on right? We lose this match, all of our fired. Even Mistico, and he was forced into this just because you beat him up every freaking week. Honestly man what in the hell are you doing? Why in the hell are we forced to be on the chopping block. There are so many other people in our damn faction who failed... but why in the hell are we the ones forced to pay for this? Tell me Homicide tell me.

Homicide snatches the microphone from Hernandez, and he begins to speak

Homicide: Shit man calm down... Like seriously holmes you're all upset just because we on the chopping block. Shit man we ain't gone yet, we still have to wrestle a match... Ya see this is what Russo wanted Hernandez. He wants us to be pissed off that we could lose our jobs, that everything we ever fought for will be gone. That is why we got to remain our focus on the Kru... Ya see instead of being mad at me holmes be mad at the Kru. The Kru is something that will make us lose our jobs... I mean holmes dude we gotta be focused like when I was Ironman Champion, and when I was going for the International Championship.

If we don't have that intensity against the Kru holmes we will lose... Ain't that right Mistico?

Sin Cara looks on like an idiot, and he just points at Homicide, and he goes on as he begins to speak

Homicide: Whatever you're still an idiot too me, now really to be honest I am excited to face the Kru, because they have a certain Rey Mysterio Jr. on that team that I have been waiting to get my hands on. Rey you're a disgrace to all of us latinos. You first came on this show as some lame ass superhero, now all of a sudden you're all about being a rapper, and playing poker. Like seriously man, and you wonder why Vince Russo wants to fire you and your dumb kru. I mean honestly I can see why many years ago in that piece of shit Total Nonstop Action, that Konan left your white asses. You people are just wanna be thugs, but come Thursday night dogs you will see what real thugs are like. Hernandez, and I... Screw you Mistico you're only in this match because Konan is too out of shape to wrestle. Anyways like I was saying Hernandez and I we are going to show you what being thugs is all about. We don't need know damn poker table to be cool, we use our fists, and any mean necessary to get our point across. Cause this Thursday L.A.X were back, and we are going to show why we are the damn faces of this establishment BRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP.

Homicide goes and he hands the microphone to Sin Cara as he just points with it as L.A.X stands in the ring and awaits a response.


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UWF Anarchy 11/7: 3MB versus G.E.N.E.

The fans sit on their hands as they wait for anything to happen in preparation for the next edition of Anarchy. They don't have to wait any longer once the new International Champion makes an appearance.


"Sleeping Giant" plays and the fans begin booing as the new International Heavyweight Champion Matt Morgan makes his way out onto the stage. Standing to Morgan's right is his tag team partner; Alex Riley. The team collectively known as G.E.N.E make their way down the ramp without and fanfare or pyrotechnics.


The duo reach the bottom of the ramp and leap from the floor onto the apron. Riley steps through the ropes as Morgan steps over the top. Both men enter the squared circle as Morgan walks towards the far side and grabs two microphones from the timekeeper. The International Champion is the first one to begin speaking.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: This week on Anarchy marks the beginning of the Matt Morgan era. It is the first night that the greatest World Heavyweight Champion that this company has ever seen will compete in this ring. And to be completely honest with all of you, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it because it gives me the perfect opportunity to do what I love to do without having to break a sweat.

Morgan looks towards Riley before speaking once again.

Morgan: It's no secret that I enjoy destroying people in this ring. It's one of the few things I love about having to sully myself with the lesser talents that this brand is complied of. And tonight, I step in the ring with the bottom of the bottom. Tonight, Alex Riley and myself have the honor of riding Anarchy of the collective joke known as Three Man Band.

The fans begin cheering at the mention of Anarchy's resident boy band.

Morgan: You love the three man band; don't you? Well, I think I've made it clear that I don't care about who you love. I proved that to you when I destroyed your hero Jeff Hardy. I proved that when I broke Shawn Michaels' in half by chokeslamming him off a ladder at Bad Blood. And I'll prove it again when I destroy the trio known as Three Man Band. Now I know that Curt Hawkins is riding high because he won the Extreme Championship at Bad Blood, but let me tell you something son; that victory is nowhere near as impressive as my victory was. My victory was over some of Anarchy's top talent while yours was against nothing more than five bottom feeders.

Morgan: And while you may be content beating a bunch of bottom feeders son; now you and your crew of flunkies is going to be facing the cream of the crop. You are going to step in the ring with the Alpha Male of Ultimate Wrestling Federation and a lot like the Lion preys on the Gazelle in the jungle; G.E.N.E. is going to prey on you.

Morgan chuckles to himself before stepping back and giving Alex Riley the floor.


"The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley: Three Man Band, you're walking into an environment in which you have no chance of succeeding. Just look at our track record; as a team we have dominated everyone that has been put in front of us. We should be the Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions and they only reason that we're not is because we don't play ball. But despite not standing here with the Tag Team Championships, we are still the best Tag Team in this company. But you can take solace in that fact once we defeat you on Anarchy. You'll know that you lost to the best and that mere fact can carry you throughout the rest of your mediocre careers.

Morgan: Now Alex! I wouldn't exactly call them mediocre.

Riley: You're right! Mediocre is being a bit too generous. Your only claim to fame is an underwhelming reign as Hardcore Champion and this reign as Extreme Champion which is bound to be a complete an utter failure. While G.E.N.E. has the International Championship? That means we have the power. And we're going to show just how powerful we are. And if you've got a problem with that; I dare you to SAY IT TO OUR FACES!

Riley lowers his mic and awaits the arrival of 3MB.​


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13: Roman Reigns vs. Ted DiBiase

I come from Money, I come from Class...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the wealthy Ted DiBiase Jr, the UWF Universe already fills the arena with a hostile reception. It doesn't take long for the man of the moment, accompanied by his squeeze, the beautiful Maryse, to emerge from the back into the arena filled with fans that dislike him. The couple look confident as DiBiase offers his arm to Maryse, which she graciously accepts, as they stroll down the ramp. They offer the UWF Universe nothing as they approach the ring, as DiBiase breaks the link and takes off for the ring. He slides in and immediately jumps to his feet and walks towards the ropes. DiBiase pops a note in the announcer's chest pocket and demands he open the ropes for Maryse, which he does so begrudgingly. DiBiase waits in the centre of the ring for Maryse before demanding for the announcer to hand him the microphone that he has in hand, again doing so against his better judgement. DiBiase snatches it from his grasp and tells him to leave the ring as he is ready to say a few words.


Ted DiBiase Jr: I guess there's no point in me coming out here seeing how you enjoyed speaking on my behalf. Maybe we should just end this here and kick up our feet for the rest of the week?

DiBiase shrugs his shoulders and looks at Reigns, before saying "How 'bout it" to an unamused Reigns.

Ted DiBiase Jr: Now as appealing as that idea is, and as much as I'd love to spend time with my beautiful lady, I can't help but think that somebody needs to be knocked down a peg or two. See Roman, you have the audacity to question the heritage of my family and how I choose to follow it in my own way, a way which you eloquently labelled as "copying his daddy's footsteps". I find that very interesting coming from a man who is proud to be a part of the esteemed Anoa'i family yet opts to disrespect a wrestler in a similar position to him. You're setting out to prove yourself to your family and to harness the reputation built by the generations before to hopefully forge a successful career of your own. That's all I'm doing, Roman, and the only difference between us is I've chosen to use my full name, the one bestowed upon me by my Hall of Fame father. Where your family has gone down one path with their identities, mine has gone down another, but it seems it's either Roman's way or the wrong way in this case. What I'm trying to say, Roman, is your opinion is flawed.

DiBiase rolls his eyes.

Ted DiBiase Jr: Considering you have achieved absolutely nothing in this business, you're not in a position to be outlining how anybody should be doing anything with their careers. You also shouldn't be growing too big for your already large boots by questioning how I go about attaining victories. If I was to ever pay off an official, I would have my own reasons for doing so, although I could do so whenever... I.... want! In saying that, Roman, I take offence to your accusations as I was victorious last week on my own accord. I had a comfortable Anarchy debut against a seasoned veteran in R-Truth, while you beat... Heath Slater. Fantastic, certainly a confidence booster for a one-time Santino Marella partner-in-crime. See you may attempt to flatter us by distancing yourself from somebody who not only had a pay-per-view match but was even victorious, but maybe you should hold him closer, Roman. I watched Bad Blood from home and I don't recall watching you compete, which clearly says something about what you offer in this ring.

Some "Ooooos" resonate from the UWF Universe as DiBiase arrogantly grins.

Ted DiBiase Jr: But that does make me wonder where you stand in the pecking order, Roman, because I was appalled at some of the "talent" on show that night. Now although I gave credit to your pal for his victory, Santino Marella is simply a joke and is undeserving of any form of spotlight... but that's the problem. Santino had a match and won, a team consisting of a ballroom dancer and aspiring comedian had a TITLE match and won, and even the has-beens of the business found their way onto the card. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Sting, Ultimate Warrior and the Undertaker all had matches, and what wraps that all up nicely is the fact that Zack Ryder is in a position of power in this company AND his own representatives won. Can you see the picture I've painted here, Roman? If it's that easy to earn yourself a pay-per-view match around here, then why weren't you there? Unfortunately you won't be at Survivor Series either, at least not at my expense anyway. But don't worry, Roman, I won't pay a dime towards any official giving me the upper hand. I'm more than capable of beating you with these two and my "bimbo" of a girlfriend will watch from ringside while I do so.

DiBiase holds both his hands in front of him as he's booed by the crowd. He takes a step back and throws his arm over Maryse, who begins to whisper in his ear as DiBiase intently listens with a grin, almost instantly dismissing Reigns' presence.



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Re: Anarchy 11/7/13: LAX vs 3LK

Beware, coming for you!
Its the remix!,
3 live kru,
still gettin rowdy,
oh ien say,
oh you didnt know?
we the 3LK!


BG James, R-Truth and Rey Mysterio all appear on the stage as they make their way towards the ring. The crowd pops loudly to see all three men live as R-Truth is doing a free dance while walking as Mysterio slaps the extended arms of the fans on one side while BG is doing the same thing to the other side, BG looking into the camera and yells something into the camera.All three of them enter the ring as they look to the crowd in different sides and all pose for them.

BG James: Yo yo my homies the 3 Live Kru is in the house! Everyone just keep the negative vib es down because we don't play that way man, it's all about kicking in back old school and having a good time, ya feelin' me? Well of course that would be easlier said than done if our careers wern't on the line. Yeah we're not going to lie ladies and germs we were pretty nervous when the news first broke out about this match, but once we found out it was against the LAX we lost the butterflies in our stomachs and we laughed hard. We're dealing with a guy who lost the International Title in 4 seconds against Seth Rollins, we're talking to a guy who's massive as fuck and doesn't have any skills set and the other guy is considered a joke even by LAX standards! I mean come on man! Alright listen homies I'll cut you a deal, remove Sin Cara from this match and add in that old fat bastard named Konnan, one that we hoped we would face, and maybe we'll consider you a threat. How that does that grab you?

Rey Mysterio: I think I'm finally understanding what Homicide is trying to say dawg. 'Braaaaaaaap' 'Braaaaaaaap'. It's obviously some kind of alien call for the other freaks that are floating around in space. Haha I kid man, it's quite clear that nobody on this planet gives a damn about you guys; not even anything from outerspace! Y'know vatos it's kind of interesting when you think about it, because LAX has the potential to be something awesome in the UWF, but right now I'm not feeling it. The only thing I'm feelin' from Homicide right now is the bitterness from getting his ass kicked from Seth Rollins, and the fact that he never got his proper re-match. Well I'm sorry ladies but that's not how life works. What I can tell you though is that sometimes you have to get kicked in the nuts and all you can do is smile and say thank you while life gets crammed in your asshole. Well amigos it's been nice knowing you, but I think the 3 Live Kru is taking this one. Have a good time being jobless though.

R-Truth: Yo what you guys sayin' is weak man! You guys want to play hardball in this ring, oh we'll play hardball! Y'all feel like being part of The Establishment is a good thing? Last thing I checked being Russo's bottom bitch doesn't sound like fun to me at all. Shit I would rather be Mysterio's bitch for a year than being in the same room with Vince Russo! I don't care if you were a former Ironman Champion or a former 2 minute International Champion Homicide, the only thing I see in you right now is dead weight on Anachy and I will make sure that you guys will never be around to see another paycheque after next week! Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings Homicide? Then you wouldn't like it what I am about to say about that fat fuck named Konnan..

R-Truth has been stopped by....

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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UWF Anarchy 11/7: Carlito vs Christopher Daniels

I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool!


The familiar catchphrase of Carlito echoes throughout the arena as the crowd starts to boo at the thought of the establishment member, as Carlitos theme turns to the establishments theme Carlito walks out onto the stage.

View attachment 654

Carlito walks straight down the middle of the ramp ignoring all of the fans on the sides, he climbs into the ring and lifts the mic towards his mouth


Carlito: Carlito finds this business very ironic at times, in the weeks leading up to Bad Blood Carlito was constantly berated and insulted at the pure fact Carlito was part of the most dominant group in UWF The Establishment, but when Bad Blood comes around and Carlito enters the ring as one of six participants, once Carlito even looks like the slightest threat all of the other participants excluding The Big Show decide to team up to take Carlito out. What a bunch of hypocrites, each of you who pride yourselves on not being part of the Establishment and being your own person what a joke! This just proves one thing to Carlito though that the other superstars in the UWF are scared! Afraid of Carlito! Its no Secret that Carlito is one of the single most talented superstars on the roster so now that Carlito thinks about it, Carlito doesnt blame you for taking out the biggest threat first, but believe this, to four people that cost Carlito his first chance at UWF Gold it is only a matter of time until Carlito will get his revenge and be right back at the top. Starting this week.

The crowd boo and start to chant you suck at Carlito who continues to ignore them, he lifts the mic again


Carlito: This week on Anarchy Carlito's revenge will begin, and it couldn't come at a better time, because of Carlito's unfair run of results its no secret that Vince Russo isn't all too impressed with Carlito at the moment, and with Survivor Series on the horizon and a huge match for the Establishment booked Carlito needs to prove this week that Carlito deserves a spot in that team. But who is the unfortunate opponent? Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel, one of the biggest hypocrites leading into Bad Blood. In the lead up Christopher you spoke about being against the Establishment and everything you stood for only for you to do the exact same thing the Establishment has done, work as a united unit to achieve a goal. Well you achieved your Goal Christopher you eliminated your biggest threat first! But this week its my turn, no buddies for you to team up with, no extreme rules, and no excuses when I pin you in the middle of that ring and prove why Carlito deserves his spot in the Establishment, why Carlito deserves his spot in the main event and why Carlito deserves to have gold around his waist in the UWF!
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