UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Raw 8/14/12 Review: Chris Jericho vs CM Punk

Fans in the arena are cheering and raving about Monday night raw in the arena, all of a sudden lights go out and fans cheer than a image is shown


Fans cheer and we hear the traditional

Break the


Fans cheer as pyro goes off and Chris Jericho does his usual turnaround pose. Jericho goes and he begins to slap the hands of many fans and they are going crazy. Jericho goes and he enters the right and lays against the ropes. Jericho smiles as he makes his way into the ring. Jericho goes to the top rope as the fans cheer like crazy for him. Jericho jumps down and is handed a microphone, Jericho awaits and he is waiting for the crowd to settle down. Jericho goes and he begins to speak


Chris Jericho: Now I know many of you are wondering about what I am going through right now... talking about of course Christian. Well you have to just tune into Tuesday night Raw to find out, but before that let me just say this. RAW is once again, finally... RAW is Jericho!

Fans cheer like crazy as Chris Jericho smiles as he is happy with what he did on Raw, fans start to chant "Y2J" and Jericho lets it sync in before he speaks again

Chris Jericho: So it seems like my efforts to take out the NWO are going pretty good right now, that is one member less for the NWO, and their greed to take the crown of the UWF championship. Now it seems like we have a new competitor inside of the Elimination chamber and that new competitor is none other than the United States Champion CM Punk.

Fans give a big cheer for CM Punk and Jericho goes on to continue what he is going to say.

Chris Jericho: Now Punk and I we have a very extended relationship, and we are very common in many ways. Not only are we both exceptional in ring workers, but we are also people who love to tell the truth. While everyone else hides behind smoke and mirrors we are not afraid to let our voices be heard, and that is what makes us both successful. We don't let anyone step on our tows and tell us what to do. Nor do neither of us bitch or complain about anything... and I mean anything we let our actions do the talking. Now I know CM Punk though does not care about the NWO nor cares about what happens to anyone else on the roster but himself. Punk comes off as a selfish superstar but maybe he is better off because of it. Now Punk I know your the United States champion and you are looking once again to become the UWF World Heavyweight champion, hate to burst your bubble junior but that is not going to happen.

Fans give a mix reaction toward Jericho as he continues to speak

Chris Jericho: Punk you had your moment in the sun, you were living life as one of the best champions in wrestling history. You decided though to walk out on us and leave. You decided you had enough, now I have done the same thing where I walked out in crucial situations but you had left us when UWF needed you most. By that statement and move alone shows you don't care about the UWF, and that you only want what is best for CM Punk. Let me tell you something Punk I know what is best for you, and what is best for you is you stay in the hell away from me at the Elimination chamber. Not only am I going to finally become the UWF Champion once again, but I am also going end the reign that is the NWO. Not you, Stone Cold, or anyone else will stop me on this mission. So junior I hope you know your place on where you stand, because Punk this Tuesday will be a little preview on if you do get in my way what will happen.

Fans give a mix reaction when all of a sudden​


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Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust

The crowd in the packed sold out arena are all excited for the start of the UWF Raw house show. They start off the show with very loud cheers and they hold their signs up. Suddenly a theme starts to play, one that has not been heard in the UWF until now. The theme takes them off guard.


Then out from the back step the Hardcore Champion Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks! Both have on custom vests, and Hawkins is wearing a pair of shades. He has his cane at his side like usually. Hawkins is clearly pumped as he makes his way down the ramp.


Reks follows silently behind him, with little emotion on his face like usual. The both walk to the side of the ring and take a few jogs before leaping up onto the side ring apron facing the crowd. Hawkins takes a few steps towards the corner then turns around and throws his arms to his side, letting out a loud scream.


Hawkins takes off the shades and throws them into the crowd while he goes to grab a mic. Reks takes off his vest and drops it at ringside. Hawkins joins up with Reks and the both look over at the titantron. Hawkins is nothing but smiles tonight.


Curt Hawkins: Did you hear that!? Did you hear that!?! That my friend we our VERY OWN THEME! That's right. It's been 5 weeks. 4 straight wins and championship around my waist, and finally, FINALLY, we are treated to our own theme and titantron video. No longer do I have to cover up the lack of a theme by speaking on the mic before I come out here. Man it feels good to be on top!

Some cheers for the two men in the ring are heard. Week after week the fans are turning more in favor of "The Wrecking Crew."

Curt Hawkins: I got a title match at SummerSlam, I'm always featured on Raw. I'm in all the rankings that the fans post about. Reks, the days of me being a jobber are over. I have proven to be a real wrecking force here in the UWF. Last week we got a break from in ring action and we tried to hunt down Goldust...and well, that didn't turn out too well did it? But rest assured because there is no hiding for Goldust this week when he has to step into the ring with me, and my tag team partner for the night, Bully Ray. Speaking of Bully Ray, how good is that man? He is a true force, and I am proud to have him be apart of the Wrecking Crew on Monday. He has some problems with a certain Christopher Daniels, who just happens to be Goldilock's partner Monday. I'm no stranger to Daniels. Daniels was another up and comer on Raw who thought that he had a bigger name then me. He thought he could knock off the Hardcore Champion like I was nothing but things didn't turn out that way did they baldy? Not at all. Because you fell just like the rest of them. I know what it takes to beat you buddy, and between me and you, it's not much.

Hawkins nods his head with a very fake "sad" look on his face.

Curt Hawkins: Sorry there. And Goldust, I look forward to getting my hands on you this week. Think of it...as a test run, for our match at SummerSlam. This is the last thing you wanted Goldy. Because now I can see you first hand. I can heat seek on your weaknesses and at SummerSlam I am going to use every single one against you. You managed to hide from me on Raw but there is no escape this week. I don't plan on the losing the title any time soon, and frankly, I just don't plan on losing, period. Isn't that right big guy?

Hawkins motions to Reks who looks down at the mic, emotionless. He leans over as if to speak, but then stops, and straightens up again.

Curt Hawkins: You are too much man, you know that?

Hawkins slaps Reks on the back but his little happy moment is cut off by the arrival of the next star.

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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RAW 8/14 - James Storm vs. John Morrison

The arena is silent in anticipation, before...


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion. Morrison then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the fans, and begins to speak.

Morrison: August 14th, the day John Morrison returns to action in this very ring!

Morrison smiles as the crowd around him cheer, Morrison waits for a second before continuing.

Morrison: And who, you ask, stands before me? None other than the Butcherer of the English Language, the Slayer of Elocution, The Cowboy, James Storm. James, if it's any consolation, you're one of the most well-spoken cowboy's I've ever come across. I mean, you're no Heath Ledger, but you make a valiant attempt at speaking in a semi-logical manner. Fear not, though, by the time you've listened to The Guru of Greatness speak for at least a few minutes, I feel like your IQ will have skyrocketed. It may even reach the dizzying heights of the low thirties. Admirable achievement. You can put that on your CV, along with that fact that you once faced John Morrison in a match on Raw.

Morrison has a smirk on his face as he saunters around the ring, basking in the atmosphere

Morrison: UWF is facing a revolution, one week at a time. John Morrison is heading back to the stars and is on the doorstep of glory once again; I'm not knocking on any doors, though; I'm kicking them down. The Ambassador of Abdominals is striding into the house and taking it by storm. I'm wasting no time. Taking no prisoners. The time is now. And whilst this great revolution is taking place, James Storm is probably sat in his yard, sipping on a beer and pleasuring himself whilst he watches his dog lick its testicles. That's the level of disparity we're talking about here. Fear not, though, Storm. This Tuesday, once I'm done with you, you can go back to doing whatever the hell you want on your perverted ranch of satanic animal sex acts. You can even herd yourself a few fatties. Make a real party of it. Even call it "The After-Party". The after-party to your baptism of fire that's awaiting you on Raw. I'll plunge your head into the proverbial holy water and you'll come out of it born again. Once you've been in the ring with me, your life will be different. Sharing the squared circle with The Lady Tamer will highlight every inch of your being; the ultimate test of weakness. Every flaw in your game will be systematically and ruthlessly exposed. It will be the most enlightening experience of your life. It will certainly be more enlightening than the time you made your dog ejaculate in your beer. You pervert.

Morrison pauses and moves over to face the titantron

Morrison: Come out, Storm, say hello. This isn't like the Palace of Wisdom, where you're most-certainly allowed nowhere near. I'm waiting. Speaking of waiting, I bet Undertaker is watching some, waiting for his almighty smiter to smite me. He's going to be waiting a while. Nobody smites the Shaman of Sexy. Not any almighty being, not The Undertaker and CERTAINLY not James freaking Storm. James Storm defeating John Morrison would be the equivalent of Gary Coleman outscoring Kobe. It just doesn't happen. I'm not even too sure what to expect when Storm comes out here. I've got a pretty good idea, though. He'll probably come out here and tell me that he's going to "teach me a lesson", or some other overused cowboy cliche. Whatever. I've heard it all before. "I'm going to teach you a lesson", "you're in for a world of hurt", "I don't screw my cattle". Sure. There are many things John Morrison doesn't do; eat fast food, drink alcohol, and most importantly; listen to cowboys. Remember that, you'll thank me one da-

Morrison is cut short as he's interrupted...



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Nov 7, 2011
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Re: RAW 8/14 - James Storm vs. John Morrison



John Morrison is interrupted by the theme song of James Storm. Morrison is looking towards the entrance ramp when The Cowboy is seen walking through the curtain with a beer bottle in one hand and a microphone in another. Storm looks at John Morrison and he looks so angry. Storm waists no time, raises the mic to his mouth and begins to speak while he stands on the entrance ramp.


James Storm: Enough. I listened ta' all da' crap 'ya were sayin' for da' past few minutes and I'm 'bout ta' puke. I'm comin' out here week after week and I tell people they are delisuonal and it looks like I'll have ta' continue doin' so dis week 'cause boy, yer one of da' most delusional people I've ever met and trust me, I've met a lot a' people. I've been all around the world and people still keep surprisin' me wit' their stupidity. Not da' kinda stupidy 'ya think I'm talkin' 'bout. People aren't stupid when they don't have a college diploma. I'm talkin' 'bout da' pure stupidity and when I listen ta' 'ya, I can tell dat yer stupid is f*ck! All da' things 'ya have said...I don't know how ta' respond. I don't know what ta' say. I don't know where yer comin' from but I will get ta' dat a lil' later. I have enough time ta' stand here and make yer mind clear. First...'Ya don't eat fast food? 'Ya don't drink? 'Ya don't smoke? Dat's yer choice and I respect dat but c'mon. Dat doesn't make 'ya better then me or any of these people here ta'night. I eat fast food. I eat hamburgers, cheeseburgers, all kinds a' burgers. I drink. I drink beer, whiskey, vodka, fruit alcohol, I drink erry'thing. I smoke. I smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipe. I'm standin' here and I have no health problems at all. 'Ya said one more thing. 'Ya said dat 'ya don't listen ta' cowboys. Well, I don't care 'cause now yer gonna stand right there wit' yer mouth shut, yer gonna look me in ma' eyes and listen ta' me 'til I decide ta' stop talkin', got it? Yes? Fine. No? Then 'ya better get it real fast 'cause otherwise I'll run down ta' dat ring and stick ma' cowboy boot right up yer shiny Shaman Daman Baman ass!

James Storm is still standing on the entrance ramp and it looks like he is not going to go down to the ring anytime soon.

James Storm: Yer wrong 'bout erry'thin' 'ya talked about since 'ya came ta' You Dubya Eff but I ain't gonna correct erry'thin'. I'mma correct only those wrongs 'ya made now. First of all, no, I wasn't 'bout ta' tell 'ya dat I'mma teach 'ya a lesson. Wha'? 'Ya wanna know wha'? 'Cause life a'ready taught 'ya a lesson when 'ya were born and I know a man dat will teach 'ya a lesson. Dee Undertaker. Ta'night yer ass belongs ta' me and at Summerslam it belongs ta' him. Second of all...'ya can make jokes 'bout me and ma' IQ but 'ya know dat I won't get offended and these people won't laugh at it, right? Now somebody would say dat 'ya need to get a filter between yer mouth and yer brain but I don't think so. 'Ya only need ta' have yer imagination cut down a little bit. 'Ya come out here and 'ya try ta' cut a promo but what 'ya do is dat 'ya put together a new animal sex movie. Dis is You Dubya Eff, a wresstlin' company and we ain't got no place for perverts like 'ya. Dis ain't 'bout me tryin' ta' offend 'ya...no, not anymo'. Dis is 'bout me tellin' 'ya how sick 'ya truly are. Through all those years I listened people lie ta' me but they lied ta' me 'bout "normal" things. Like: "I really am yer friend", "I ain't gonna cheat ma' way outta our match", "I'm gonna beat 'ya One, Two, Three". Now 'ya come out here in 'ya tell me dat I have a satanic ranch or whatever. Dat I watch ma' dog lick its testicals and I watch it ejaculate in ma' bear bottle? What 'bout I bring ma' dog and I let him ejaculate in yer mouth and after dat 'ya won't say things like dis.

James Storm slowly begins walking down the ramp as he heads to the ring where John Morrison is walking in circles. Morrison is getting but Storm keeps his smile on.

James Storm: See, John...from two of us, I'm not da' one who makes a bad name ta' mankind. While I am sittin' at ma' ranch, takin' care of animals, buildin' houses fo' people who need it, payin' attention ta' ma family and friends, trainin' ta' get better, yer standin' at some bar or club and 'ya hang out wit' other lunatics like yerself. 'Ya don't do a damn thing, 'ya only pretend ta' be a superstar and yer not even good at it. Everybody sees dat yer nothin' more than a lonely lil' boy who was gettin' all dee attention when he was a lil' kid and expects people ta' treat him da' same way as 15 years ago. But eh...I remember times when 'ya used ta' be pretty cool. When 'ya had respect fo' erry'body, when 'ya could wrestle a man and after da match wether 'ya won or lost 'ya would stand up and shake his hand, raise it and admit dat he is a better man. I remember times when people called 'ya da' Shawn Michaels of dis generation, one of da' best wrestlers in da' world but now yer nothin'. Now 'ya jus' hide behind yer new lunatic gimmick 'cause da' JoMo we all known, da' JoMo people loved is broken. He is broken in millions of lil' pieces and there ain't no glue dat could put him back up.

Storm climbs the ring-steps and enters the ring. He is standing right before Morrison. He takes down his sunglasses and gets even closer to Morrison.

James Storm:I'm standin' right here in dis ring, lookin' in yer eyes and I can tell dat erry'thin' 'ya say is a lie, nothin' more, nothin' less. I could kick yer teeth down yer throat in a blink of a eye but I won't 'cause I'll safe dat fo' later. As I say...dat's all it takes. One kick. Look out. 'Ya can't defend yerself from it, 'ya can only see it comin' from da' corner. 'Ya will fall in darkness and dee only thing 'ya will hear will be me screamin': SORRY...ABOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK!

Storm and Morrison go nose-to-nose and people wait what is about to happen next.

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Jun 11, 2010
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Raw 8/14/12 Robert Roode v. The Undertaker!



The iconic bell tolls and the arena becomes engulfed in darkness. Flames shoot from the stage as the music of only man plays. The lights in the arena turn blue and the stage fills up with smoke. Nothing can be seen through this smoke for quite a few moments until a silouhette is made out; it's a man. This man stands almost seven feet tall, and weighs in at a shade under 300 pounds. The figure stands behind the smoke until the time is right before busting through and revealing himself to the masses.


The Undertaker stands tall on the stage as the fans cheer the return of The Deadman. He slowly begins his descent down the ramp as people reach of the barricade, hoping to touch the icon. Undertaker slowly walks down until reaching the end of the stage and turning a sharp left, heading towards the ring steps. He slowly climbs each step before reaching the final one, raising his arms in the process, bringing the lights back to their original setting.


Undertaker enters the ring through the middle rope before removing his top hat and rolling his eyes into the back of his head. He throws his hat back on not wasting anytime and pulls out a mic from his trench coat pocket before beginning to speak.


The Undertaker:

The night has ended and the Dawn has come for the UWF Universe. For this Tuesday night the Dead shall rise once more to wreck vengeance and agony on a tortured soul in need of healing. This man’s name is none other, than Robert Roode. A fitting name for a man who’s moral compass has faltered and acts as though he were a King. He claims a throne that is as obsolete as the title belt he carries around his waist. For Robert Roode follows a code, his own, and it has landed him in hot water with the higher being. It is time for the reaper of souls to go into battle and force the rudeness of the self appointed king into oblivion with all the many others who has come before. For a King is no good without his people, and Robert Roode has no one to blame for this but himself.

The fans cheer on the Undertaker who's new style of doing things is indeed different, creepy, and yet extremely exciting. The Deadman's eyes hidden behind his hat show no remorse as he continues.

Darkness fills his heart and so I will plunge my hand into it and rip it out as though it were a baby in the womb who needs to leave his mother now or else be lost forever! I will perform the C-section on Roode’s tortured soul, a soul that has betrayed a friend and brother. I will bring the light back into the eyes of Robert Roode so he can truly be a beacon of light for the next generation he supposedly leads. After I am through he will look at his comrade and ask forgiveness. Forgiveness he should have been asking for a long time ago for now his time is up and his soul is mine to collect. I will not fail in this task, I cannot, for I am the right hand of forces beyond the mortal plane, and when all is said and done Robert Roode will lay on the ground cleansed of his earthly sins, or he as well as his soul will not find eternal peace. I must save Robert Roode from his evil ways or the man who once carried himself in dignity and honor soul will be destroyed by my hands and he will forever, REST IN PEACE!

The crowd cheers the Undertaker's famous catchphrase, the Undertaker having said what he wanted to say turns around to leave when...

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: RAW 8/14 - James Storm vs. John Morrison

Morrison looks into the eyes of Storm, before he smirks and turns away from Storm. He paces slowly round in the corner with a grin on his face, he raises his mic to speak once again.

Morrison: You know something, Storm? I've had people ask me a lot of things in my life. Women have mailed me and asked me for a night with them. I've had men ask me to be their workout buddies. I've had fans who ask for a clump of my hair. Not once, though, has anybody ever asked me to taste their dog's semen. I knew you were sick, but you've reached a new low. Better yet, you tried to disguise your indecent proposal by saying that it'd teach me a lesson. Or, is that genuinely how you dish out punishments? "The local thief has been stealing again? Cut off his hand? No, that's far too simple. Let's get the dogs to ejaculate in his mouth. That'll show him." America is lucky you never got the chance to guest host Judge Judy. I mean, come on, I mentioned that you might dabble in animal cruelty, and you flew off the handle and asked me to join in. You're a disturbed individual.

Morrison pauses for a moment and paces slowly round the ring, keeping his focus on Storm.

Morrison: Whatever. Let's close that book. Fifty Shades of James Storm is making me sick.

A fan in the crowd shouts an obscenity at Morrison, who fires him a bemused look, before continuing.

Morrison: Somewhere amongst your tirade of incoherent drivel, you called me "plastic". Me, John Morrison; The Shaman of Sexy, The Lady Tamer, The Ambassador of Abdominals, The Prince of Parkour, The Honcho of Hotness, The Guru of Greatness, The Tuesday Night Delight, The New Face of Raw... plastic? Don't make me laugh. There's nothing plastic about John Morrison. I embody everything which I claim to be. There's no fake-front here, Brokeback. What you see is what you get. It's funny, really, because in this world, there are two types of people; the people who want to be and the people who ARE. You most definitely fall into the category of the former. You look at me and see everything you want in life; I'm charming, charismatic, entertaining, and last but not least, extremely talented. I exhibit the characteristics James Storm would if he wasn't so pathetic. Talk all you want, Storm. Sure, we may need a translator to properly understand it, but keep talking. Keep living in your realm of fantasy. Bury your head in the sand and keep telling me that I'm a fraud, or whatever you tin-foil hat theory is. I don't care. The one thing I care about, when it comes to you, is beating you this Tuesday night on Raw.

Morrison lowers his mic for a second and smirks to himself.

Morrison: I forgot to mention, good luck "kicking my teeth down my throat". Funnily enough, I have a pearly white smile. I have the smile of a Ladykiller. The smile of a man who has fought many men like you and still retained the good looks that I'm famed for. If anybody was going to kick my teeth down my throat, don't you think it would have happened by now? Oh, wait, you're different to everybody else. I forgot. You're unlike anything I've ever faced before. Sure. I'll have to remember that one.

Morrison maintains his pompous smirk as he continues.

Morrison: The act's wearing thin, Storm. I see right through it. I see right through you. I don't look at you and think of you as anything different to anybody I've ever faced before. You're a journeyman. A journeyman who wears a ridiculous cowboy hat and has an irritating speech impediment. I don't care if you build homes for people, you could be Mother Theresa for all I care. It doesn't mask the fact that you're distinctly average, and always will be. Men like you walk through the door of federations like this every single day, but it's not often a man like John Morrison comes along. A man of grandeur, a man with the relentless desire to win, and most importantly, a man who can do it all whilst looking completely imperious. This Tuesday, I guess you're going to get a preview of that.

Morrison stares at Storm and smiles, as he lowers his mic and awaits a response.



Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: Raw 8/14/12 Review: Chris Jericho vs CM Punk

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous roar of boos. After a short while, the new United States Champion quietly steps through the curtain, wearing his trademark t-shirt and wrestling attire. Punk is sporting his title belt in his left hand and a signature pipe bomb in his right hand. Punk begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds reaction. Punk has a small grin on his face as he walks down the isle.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to walk up the steel steps and climbs his way to the top rope. He raises his championship into the air and lets out a loud yell, which causes the crowd to boo even louder. Once finished, he hops down and skips one lap around the ring. Punk walks dead center in the middle of the ring and faces Chris Jericho. He waits for his music to be cut before he begins to speak.


CM Punk: Before I begin, please allow me to correct one of the things you just said. RAW is not once again 'Jericho'.. RAW hasn't been 'Jericho' for years. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to.. RAW is Punk!

The crowd boos loudly once again, as Punk pats the belt that's hanging around his waist. He shoots off a cocky grin and waits for them to settle down before continuing once again.

CM Punk: Unlike you Chris, that's a claim that I can justify. I dare you to try and find a 'superstar' on this roster who's been on more of a roll than myself since my return. I've won the United States Championship, I retired the People's Cancer, The Rock, and now I find myself in the Elimination Chamber with a chance to take my UWF title back home. Now if that doesn't make me the face of this brand, I don't know what will.

The crowd boos some more as Punk takes a short pause. Punk shrugs off the boos with no effort at all and continues to address Chris Jericho

CM Punk: But among the many other fallacies that just spewed out of your mouth, there was one that stuck out to me more than the others.. You see, believe it or not, I do care about the nWo. However my reason is very different from yours. I don't care about saving these people, I don't care about disbanding the nWo for the greater good, I care about the nWo because two thirds of that faction stands in my way of recapturing the UWF Championship. But since we're on the subject, it looks like I've unintentionally done your job of 'saving' the Ultimate Wrestling Federation better than you ever could. I defeated both Cody Rhodes and Randal Orton in a matter of three weeks, and not to mention, I was the one who took Christian's spot in the elimination chamber. I guess this is just another example of CM Punk being better than Chris Jericho is, was, or ever will be.

The crowd erupts into an even louder chorus of boos as Punk takes a short pause and stares a hole directly through Chris Jericho. He quickly continues.

CM Punk: But that's the way it's been for years, hasn't it Chris? I can't even begin to count how many times we've repeated this cycle. You come out here, you talk a big game, you take exception to my claims of being the best wrestler in the word, and when all the chips are on the table and it's time to lay it all on the line, you fail. Well Chris, my dear old friend, this Tuesday night on RAW and in that elimination chamber at SummerSlam, the story will be no different. You will fall victim to CM Punk, and you will be reminded why there is only one.. best in the world!



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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: Raw 8/14/12 Robert Roode v. The Undertaker!


The fans erupt into boos as Robert Roode comes onto the titantron, reading a newspaper and his NWA World Heavyweight Championship resting on the table besides him.


NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Robert Roode

Yeah, you heard me, Undertaker, I'm up here, in fact to be precise, I'm in London, United Kingdom. Busy promoting UWF to the world and putting Raw back on the map, seeing as Raw has fallen into mediocrity, Theodore Long has sent me on a mission to get MY face out there, to get the company out there! Because Theodore Long has finally recongized my talent, my class, my statue amongst the Raw ceasepool but it's unfortunate for Theodore Long as it's too late, I perhaps it's time for me to move on from UWF Raw! That's right Undertaker, I am sick and tired of hearing the same old crap everyweek from everybody on Raw, in the back, in the office about James Storm or anybody else for that matter having my 'number', NOBODY appreciates my talent till it's too late and beginning to walk out the door! As for you, Undertaker, all your so called magic and trickery will end come this Tuesday.

It doesn't matter how Jet-Lagged I am, or whether James Storm is lurking at ringside, I will defeat you, because I am on a different level to you! I am the future of this industry, I am the IT factor of Professional wrestling, but most importantly, I am not intimidated by you, Undertaker! You are nothing more than a has-been, who shows up when he needs to line his wallet and feel like you are still relevant but that isn't the case! You ARE NOTHING, and I will prove that, I will prove that you are nothing but a fraud, regardless of your pathetic threats, I will end you Undertaker and I'll be doing John Morrison a favour in the process! Your streak was nothing but a fluke, your claims to be a saviour are nothing but fraudulent, and most importantly, you can't save me because there is nothing I need to be saved from, I am the BEST and I am that Standard Bearer who will bury you, Undertaker with your pathetic ancient generation and lead the Next Generation, the Selfish-Generation forward into the light! Because it truly does pay to be Roode.



Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust

The crowd are still cheering moderately, when the lights suddenly dim to a golden hue and a familiar theme plays over the audio system.

Shattered Dreams
A Shattered Dreams Production
24 Karat Films Presents
A Shattered Dreams Production



'Goldlust' hits the PA system and from the back walks the Golden One himself Goldust, alongside his valet and director Marlena. Goldust and Marlena stand on the ramp, Goldust pulls a microphone from inside his coat and begins to speak.


Goldust: "Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!", Auntie Mame, 1958... and I'm starving right now Curt baby, this little Golden 'sucker' is starving... just, salivating at the thought of meeting you this week on Raw. And oh how I just dribble at the thought Curt, of locking up, hand in hand, arm in arm in the Greco Roman Knuckle Lock... or grabbing you around that strong neck of yours in the Collar and Elbow Tie-Up. But I just can't help but 'tremble' at the thought of putting you down to the mat with the Curtain Call and covering your carcass... oh, it just excites me soooo much Curt, baby. But I suppose we'll just have to wait, but the waiting game is one I am particularly good at Curt. As you probably know. From last week, I saw you trying to stalk me... stalk me?, c'mon now, you know that's my kind of game. In fact, I've been watching you for so long now Curt that I'm starting to know more about you than I ever thought possible, and what I know is the nature of you and Tyler's relationship... and oh what a loving relationship it is. Isn't it?.

Goldust makes innuednos about Curt's relationship with Tyler Reks as the crowd boo him.

But let's for one moment suggest that you don't have a 'special' relationship with Mister Reks. Let's just say that you don't like to play 'partners'... let's just suggest that you want me to be the... ahem, 'third wheel'. If so, then why do you stalk me Curt?... huh?... I mean, I can be seen loud and clear on Raw everyweek, clearly you had some information to pass onto me. Will we ever know?... probably not, but what we will know is just how badly you want me this week on Raw in this tag team match featuring my favourite pair of calves and my tag team parnter, a real 'angel' Christopher Daniels. And while Christopher is probably, slightly apprehensive about tagging up with The Bizarre One, I can only promise him the most wonderful partnership, a make shift partnership... a one night stand, a fling... so to stay. And we can take this as an opportunity to really get to know our Summerslam opponents... and I can promise you Curt that I will get to really know you, inside and out... and at Summerslam we can turn up that heat until we start to sweat... and sweat you will when I take what is mine and become the UWF Hardcore Champion and you, will be left with some wonderful memories... which I promise will mean that you will never forget the name of...

Goldust inhales deeply.



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Nov 8, 2010
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Re: Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust

Th tron suddenly comes alive with Bully Ray in the backstage area. Goldust and Hawkins don't realize but the Bully makes himself known.


Bully Ray: Hey, pretty boy! Goldy, up here!

Both Hawkins and Goldust look at the tron.

Once your sick freak show is over, it's time for someone who actually means something around here to talk. You may have got one over on me last week Goldust, you may have stopped my undefeated streak, but reason being pure and simple. Not because your better than me, not because you wrestled a better fight than me, no.... Simply that I was on edge. I was on edge all that match because of Christopher Daniels. I had confirmation delivered to me that Daniels was planning an attack on me last Tuesday night on Raw. I may be able to take care of that son of a bitch but two on one beat-downs aren't necessarily my favorites to be in. So whilst I was in the ring with you, yeah I was nervy. Not only because I was afraid you were gonna grope me at any time but that Daniels could have come out from anywhere. But this week is where it is different. Daniels will be in your corner, I will know exactly here he is at all times, and I have Curt Hawkins in my corner... Not exactly the standard Bully Rays used to tagging with but he makes the numbers up just fine. You see this match I couldn't give a crap about Goldust. I couldn't give a crap about Hawkins, no offense. No, this is all about Daniels.

Christopher, you have been a thorn in my side from day one and whilst you come out to the ring and try and get me to punch you when you want me to, that's not gonna happen. I get things done around here unlike you, and I get things done on MY terms, no-one else's. I don't pander to yours, or anyones wishes. I am the leader of Bully Nation, and the first meet of the bully nation is live at Summerslam, when I show the whole world the Christopher Daniels isn't who he says he is. He is a fraud and a liar. He is not a "Fallen Angel"..... he is a dead angel!

Now if you all will excuse me, I got some calf raises to do.... These bad boys don't grow on their own you know. Shut that damn thing off!

With that the camera switches off and Hawkins and Goldust are left in the ring when...........


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust


Oh, oh yes, you work on those calves Big Bully Boy. You work them good. Excuses... excuses, a poor workman blames his tools... an even worse workman blames those who supply his tools and the worst workman of all blames another workman for his shortcomings and you fell short of the margin and blamed Christopher Daniels, my tag team partner, for it. Well then naughty boy, you are the worst workman of all. And it doesn't surprise me, a man with that much tension was outdone by his own anxiety. It's a crying shame, it really is, because I could always... relieve... you of that tension, of that anxiety and maybe you might turn out, not to be a Bully, but instead a big loveable bear. And wouldn't that be a treat for everyone, and a delight for me. I could take away your fears, your inhabitions... you don't like being groped?... well I had no intentions of groping you or touching you... appropriately at any time Bully Ray... and this plays into your fears, your anxiety, your tension, your anger... and that makes you a very unbalanced individual... and I can reason with your fear, I mean my first touch of gold truly did confuse me... but if you take my hand, oh Bully Boy, naughty boy, I can show you just how truly fabulous a touch of gold can be... ohhh and I just loved it when you called me pretty.

Goldust rubs himself down before turning to Curt in the ring.

And I can show you too how a touch of gold can change a man. We can make a night of it, wouldn't that just be wonderful... a dream... a golden dream. It's certainly on my to do list this week. To clear you both of your fears, your inhibitions and show you that the grass is... golder... on the other side. I am the other side, I am Goldust and this week I will show you just why all that glitters is gold and all that's gold, including that Hardcore Championship, will belong to the one, the only, the Bizarre One, the Master of Perversion.



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Re: RAW 8/14 - James Storm vs. John Morrison

John Morrison is awaiting a response from his opponent for Tuesday, James Storm. Storm looks totally unimprised with things Morrison said. He then raises the microphone to his mouth.


James Storm: At some point yer right, John. Men like me come and as they come they go. Dis happens day in day out. Although, there is a difference between me and 'em so as there's a difference between me and 'ya. Dose man don't have 'nuff passion, will and patience ta' stay here fo' a long time. I ain't no average cowboy...I am The Cowboy. I ain't some lil' bitch who grew up in big city and now he puts on a cowboy hat jus' ta' feel like a true 'Merican, a true patriot. When people pointed their fingers at me and said: "Dis guy ain't gon' make it 'cause he is jus' a redneck cowboy." I've didn't get offended, I didn't put ma' tail between ma' legs like a coward. When people underestimated me, looked me down it didn't make me quit doin' dis. It made me strive even harder ta' get ta' da' top of dis business and after ten years a' hard work I stand here in You Dubya Eff ring as a former Tee En Ay World Champ, a man who built dat company, a man wit' a beatiful wife, beatiful daughter and I can open ma' mouth and wit' all da' prod and honesty I can say "I did it!". I did it, I am a successfull wressler from lil' city and I make a livin' doin' what I love doin'. I somethin' 'ya don't have, somethin' 'ya only say 'ya have. I have peace in ma' heart and a system in ma' mind. Yea, I have peace in ma' heart but I only do so 'til someone makes me angry and 'ya jus' made me angry. People like 'ya always make me angry. 'Ya act like yer shit doesn't stink, 'ya act like yer somethin' more than me and people I surround ma'self wit'. That ain't right. Le'mme ask 'ya somethin'. Who's a better man? A metrosexual, bisexual boy from El Ay who works out wit' his friends who look at him at da' gym and get boners erry'time they see his muscles, a lil' boy who visits solarium at least for days a week jus' ta' give his small rich dick a non-natural color, a lil' boy who had erry'thin' handed on a silver plate since he was a kid...or a man who grows up in a farm, who grows up, workin', helpin' his mom and his dad, a man who when he was a lil' kid went ta' get somethin' ta' a supermaket and honored every grown up, a man dat could never hit his wife or his kids, a man who always stands fo' what he belives in, a man who works on free days jus' ta' make people 'round him happy, a man who helps people who need help da' most. I could go on like dis but it's pointless 'cause I know, 'ya know and people in dis arena already know who da' better man is. In fact, they know how is a man and how is jus' a lil' boy.

Storm takes a little break, scratches his beard, corrects the placement of his hat and then he continues.

James Storm: Yer problem is dat 'ya didn't build yer name on bein' a hard worker and a loyal man. 'Ya said it yerself, 'ya made yer name ba' bein' good lookin'. Ba' havin' a six-pack, ba' havin' nice white teeth like Hollywood actors. 'Ya act like a freakin' superstar but when 'ya get home 'ya jump in yer bad and 'ya have what I call a "mind tornado". 'Ya jus' sit on yer bed and 'ya think 'bout how unfair it is dat erry'body only sees 'ya as dat guy who is good lookin' and not dat guy who has so much talent in his pockets. 'Ya think 'bout ways how ta' make yerself relevant for these people. 'Ya grab a pen and a paper and 'ya jus' write nicknames and phrases 'ya can say when yer in dis ring. People used ta' call 'ya a man of millions a' tricks when 'ya first emerged on da' scene. People couldn't even blink 'cause they knew if they would do so, they would miss somethin'. Dat John Morrison si no-more. Now yer nota man who has millions a' moves, yer jus' a boy who has millions of nicknames and useless phrases. If 'ya have ta' prepare yer speech befo' 'ya come down ta' dis ring then don't even bother doin' it. We come out here ta' speak our minds when it's time ta' talk. I put ma' money where ma' mouth is but I can't say dat 'bout 'ya. Sure, 'ya say say erry'thin' 'ya jus' want, nobody will ever tell 'ya ta' stop doin' it but it's always like dis...People know when 'ya say somethin' dat's on yer mind at da' moments and tehy also know when 'ya say somethin' 'ya have prepared. That don't matter anyway 'cause all da' trash talkin' we do always leads ta' fight. Ma' questin is...are 'ya ready ta' put yer money where yer mouth is, step inside da' ring wit' me, look me in ma' eyes, shake ma' hand and have a fair fight? 'Ya know what? I don't care. If 'ya do so, fine. If 'ya don't fine...I'm still da' one who is knockin' yer lights out. So yeah, 'ya better remember dat 'ya didn't face anybody like me before.

People in the arena show their respect for James Storm as they see a point in what he is saying to John Morrison.

James Storm: Le'mme quote 'ya. "Somewhere amongst your tirade of incoherent drivel, you called me "plastic"." Eh, Eh. I ain't n
o stupid Es Ou Bee but hell, I don't know what da' hell did 'ya jus' tell me. Saying things like dis won't work either 'cause nobody understands 'ya, boy. Lawyers, doctros and people like dat don't watch dis show. Jus' look at dee' audiance. Wath 'ya see? Kids, students and people who don't freakin' understand any of those words dat keep comin' outta yer mouth. No offense people, I don't as well. *People laugh* Funny, right? 'Ya know what is funny too? Da' fact dat dis guy in front a' me says dat I live in fantasy land. Well, jus' look at some fact, shall we? 'Ya, John...'ya call yerself ba' all those names, 'ya always say some stuff 'bout some Palace of Wisdom and other shit. Do I have ta' say more? C'mooooon! Erry'thing yer brain creates is pure shit. Palace of Shit, Guru of Shit, Shaman of Shit, John Shit. SHIT...SHIT...SHIT...SHIT...SHIT...Absolute shit...See, people always 'asked' 'ya ta' become their work out buddies, women 'asked' 'ya fo' a night wit' 'em. Come Tuesday, I won't be askin' 'ya ta' go down. I will tell 'ya ta' go down...ma' boot will.

Storm takes few steps back and awaits a response from Morrison.



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Re: Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust

Curt has had enough and starts to speak into his microphone. He has to say a few words before the attention goes all to him and Reks in the ring.


Curt Hawkins: Please, please, PLEASE, would you just shut up! God, you are a bigger freak than I even thought. What the hell is wrong with you? What's wrong with him Reks? You have got to be one of the biggest failures of life that I have ever seen. I was looking forward to our match on Raw, and at SummerSlam but now...I don't even want to be in the same room as you! I'm almost certain I heard that you were going to rape me. There has to be something in the rules against that. This is unfair treatment of the champion. I shouldn't have to face you on Raw, or at SummerSlam. I shouldn't have to face you period. Come to think of it, what in the hell did you ever do to deserve a shot against me? What did you do that was so damn special that you got to face me? Did you blow the right people backstage? Or wait, can I not say that here? One's thing for sure though, I'm glad Bully is on my side. Now, we may not see eye to eye exactly but one thing is certain, we both want to kick your ass, and your little Fallen Angel's ass as well! Come to think of it...where is your little partner? Is he too scared to come out here and see me again after the beating I gave him? Or is he just scared to be around you. In that case, I wouldn't blame him.

Fans are backing Curt in this fight. Like usual though, he doesn't pay attention to them.

Curt Hawkins: Can we please just get this match over with, so after I beat you at SummerSlam, I never, ever, have to see you again? I think a trade to Smackdown would be better then having you on the same brand as me. I will try everything in my power to put you away once and for all. Me and Reks here...we're going to destroy you. Thats what we do. We are a Wrecking Crew and after SummerSlam I hope that we hurt your little golden face so much that we, and all these people never have to see you in a UWF arena again. I wanted competition, but this...this isn't what I had in mind. This is no way to treat the Hardcore Champion! Change is going to come Goldy, CHANGE is going to come.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust


Trust me Curtis the only thing that will be coming any time is... well... you can probably guess. That's right, the Hardcore Championship and it's going to come right into my begging hands. But I'm not begging for you Curtis, baby, oh no, you've burned your bridges already with the Golden One. No I'm begging for goooold. The one desire that manages to quench my thirst and fulfil all of my deepest, darkest, diritiest lusts. For the one lust that remains true through all of these years is indeed my lust for gold, it's what get's me up in the morning... and at night, and it stays with me all day, I just can't get it to go away Curtis and you are teasing me right now as you stand there with that Hardcore Championship. Your acusations of false means in the way in which I gained a championship opportunity are just that... false. I came into this company with a lust for gold, yes, and I would do... aaannnything for my gold... but let's just look at the facts Curtis, I am a golden star in this industry. I've been all over the world and with it I have gained golden success... I came from a golden family, brought up into golden life... I have my qualifications... do you?. Oh that's right, you're the new kid. Well consider me a test, an initiation... because if you do, you will find yourself tripping over the first hurdle.

The crowd are booing Goldust heavily as he tirades against their new favourite in Curt Hawkins.

But let us not look past our partners. Their rivalries are based on hatred rather than a lust for gold and the arrogance of youth. They want to tear each other apart like animals... and I may just get some enjoyment from watching them. But like a young wolf I might just learn a thing or two from watching my fellow animals tear each other apart and I may just turn violent on you. So if it is indeed change you desire then by all means, attempt to tame my animalistic side, because well, sometimes, it makes me blush, but I just can't control my urges, and as a result the only change that will come about through our little spat will be the rearranging of that youthful, inexperienced face before it got the chance to shine as golden as that of Goldust. As much as it really would pain me to do that to such a young, innocent pretty boy... I just can't control my animalistic desires... and my desire for gold... you're just in the way, and forever destined to be disposed of by the one they call... Goldust.

Goldust goes to turn and walk away, but turns back around for his final statement.

Change will come... but it will be golden. And the face of it all will be the man you will NEVER forget the name of. Goldust.

Marlena grabs the microphone, she lowers her cigar and in a half interested tone she says...

Marlena: Cut.

Goldust and Marlena then proceed to turn and walk behind the curtain out of sight, probably to go and prepare for the match on Raw.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: Raw 8/14: Hawkins & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Goldust

The lights dim just as Goldust and Marlena leave Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks in the middle of the ring looking on, somewhat confused. The crowd is a little apprehensive as to what may be going on with the lights right now. Suddenly Daniels walks out from behind the curtain, looking back and grabbing at his body in an almost concerned way. With a microphone in hand, he looks at Hawkins and Reks and speaks.

Christopher Daniels: That Goldust guy is weird isn’t he?

Daniels smiles as he looks straight ahead at one half of his opponents for Raw.

I don’t envy you in any way shape or form right now. I don’t think I’d be able to handle a full match with him one on one. I don’t think I’d be comfortable being around him for five minutes. It’s a real shame someone as young as you has to experience something such like that. That could scar a man for life.

The crowd is giving off a mixed reaction to the words of Christopher Daniels. He looks around and sees the indifference in a lot of the fans. It was clear he would probably be the bad guy in this situation, as the fans seemed to be backing Hawkins a lot more lately.

Now, about what you said earlier, about me being scared. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not scared of you. That match we had, you call that a beating? That was merely a mosquito bite to me! All that loss did to me was feed my hunger even more to strive for more. To be better than what I currently am. So, I’m not scared of, I’m just thanking you. Thanking you for helping me see my flaws, helping me see that I need to work harder if I want to get a win. You talk about being scared, yet you pretty much said so yourself that you were afraid to get in the ring with Goldust at SummerSlam. You’re obviously threatened by him, he’s different, and that scares you. But, I won’t drag on about it, as I’m sure that’s just boring for you young kids. Let’s talk about us Curt. We’ve never seen eye to eye. The instant you walked into UWF, there was that little bit of tension between the two of us. You were the young cocky guy, constantly winning; I was the old bitter guy who continues to lose.

But me losing doesn’t make me a failure, the fact that I come to work every day, walk down to the ring for every match makes me a winner. I don’t like it when punks like you make false accusations, claiming me to be scared, or a failure or something completely ridiculous. I have shown no fear at all, I’m not intimidated by size, I’m not afraid of the younger faster guys. I have gone toe to toe with some of the best, and yes, sometimes I fell short of the win, but I have always proven to be one of the toughest opponents. Now, I know you’ll just come back with the cliché young guy claiming that I was an easy win. And you know what? I’m actually fine with that, if you’re so insecure that you will lie in such a way, it makes me happy. It shows me that I made just that big of an impression on you.

Daniels pauses as some of his bigger fans who happen to have tickets close to the stage start to cheer loudly for him. He smiles as he continues on.

Now, on to what Bully said, I must applaud you my friend, to make it very obvious that you are threatened by me. It takes a lot of courage for such a large man such as you to admit to being threatened by a man much smaller than yourself. I’m actually quite curious where you heard that I was planning another attack on you. I had no real intentions of getting involved in your match with Goldust, I figured he’d probably do enough damage to you, physically and mentally. Now, you say you’re going to prove to everybody that I am not who I claim to be. I’m not sure if I understand what you meant by that. I have yet to lie to these people. I have been honest every step of the way in my UWF career.

I have made it known that I’d really like to challenge for the belt at some point. I have made it known that win or lose I will still keep coming back. I haven’t shown any kind of cowardice, save for attempting to bash your skull in with a chair once. Other than that little setback, I have as honest as an honest man can be. At SummerSlam, I really hope you stay true to your word and bring everything you have, even if to just show the world I’m a liar, which is just outrageous. Now, we have a tag team match on Raw, and I’m sure you’re just itching to get your hands on me. I look forward to the challenge. Whoever wins this tag match could very well go into SummerSlam with some kind of mental advantage over their respective opponents. Although, I think Hawkins is already at a disadvantage going up again the Bizarre One.

The fans show their reaction as most boo, yet some cheer. Daniels smiled proud of himself as he slowly walks down to the ring. The fans cheer slightly more, as they obviously believe that some form of confrontation is about to occur.

It looks like Mr. Hawkins has something on his mind.

Daniels says as he makes his way into the ring to come face to face with both Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks.

What’s on your mind son? Come on, speak up! This old fart doesn’t have the sharpest of hearing. Foolish me, I left my hearing aids in my bag in the locker room. You may have to yell.

Daniels says in a mocking way, awaiting a response from Curt Hawkins.
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