UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Re: RAW - 31st July 2012 - Kofi Kingston V James Storm

Storm waits until fans stop booing Kofi and A.W. and calm down. Storm then raises the mic to his mouth and speaks as he looks totally unimpressed with Kofi.


'Cowboy' James Storm:

James Storm will get da boom? I'm standin' right in front a' 'ya boy, don't talk like dat. I think yer of your mind. First, 'ya come out here, talk 'bout how yer bein' underestimated, how yer a victim of dis business but then, 'ya say somethin' totally different. 'Ya say dat 'ya have fulfilled these people wish ta'. 'Ya can say yer "not bitchin', just tellin' how it is" all 'ya want but these people ain't stupid. They don't boo yer ass e'rytime they see 'ya 'cause yer black. They boo yer ass 'cause they see yer just a lil' brainwashed boy from Ghana who wants ta' dig a hole in da' world of professional wresslin' but he does nothin' fo' it.

James Storm nods his head like he forgot something.

Sorry, I fo'got what 'ya said but now I start rememberin'. 'Ya have been da' champion of United States of 'Merica and 'ya felt ashamed? Great superstars like Harley Race, Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Magnum T.A., Dusty Rhodes have held dat title and they built it into something big just like they had their part in makin' 'Merica betta' wit' makin' professional wresslin' fun ta' watch. When 'ya ask somebody ta' tell 'ya three things dat suit 'Merica they will probably say it's baseball, the great 'merican army...god bless 'ya all, and wresslin'. So when 'ya say 'ya felt ashamed holdin' dat title you insult every true American. Dat's wha' people look at 'ya as if 'ya were a murderer when 'ya go out for a walk, dat's wha' they spit at 'ya when they see 'ya at a mall and dat's wha' I will spit it yer face as well.

Kofi thought that Storm is talking about their match but he gets really, really surprised when James Storm spits right in his face. Fans begin to chant "THERE YOU GO! THERE YOU GO!"

You live in dee United States of 'Merican and when 'ya talk crap 'bout it, 'ya can expact people ta' do things even worse than what I did right now.

James Storm is getting really angry.

'Ya have been patient fo' far too long? 'Ya have been patient fo' far too long? Cut the bullshit! I waited a decade ta' finally get what I deserve and I got it. I became the Tee En Ay World Champion in record time. I did so 'cause I was patient. Through a decade I was winnin' tag team title all 'round the world. I concentrated ma' career on tag team division for a freakinv decade! But then I have broken through. Every crap I stepped into, every idiot I met, it all paid off. I made history and I made history ba' only bein' da' best and ba' bein' patient. Also, I'm so angry at 'ya right now but I know dat if I'm gonna be patient, I'm gonna enjoy kickin' yer ass more than if I would do it right now! See, your patient ain't dee only one who hit a wall like a brick. Yer gonna hit a wall too...I'm dat wall, Kofi. And no, it won't be a drunk wall you jus' run through. I ain't permanently drunk. I'm a cowboy fo' a reason. I can drink ten beers in a row and it won't leave any and I mean any effect on me. Oh, and 'ya damn right. Befo' our match, I will be in a bar. I will drink a beer, then a second beer, a third beer, a fourth beer, then I will order a big chicken burger, shove it down wit' a fifth beer, drive ta' dee arena, drink 'nother beer on ma' way to the ring and kick yer ass. People say "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" but don't think dat da loss you'll gain when I beat 'ya will stay in Vegas. When I beat 'ya I will make history be givin' 'ya da biggest ass whippin this company has ever witnessed.

Kofi doesn't seem to be worried about the fact that Storm spit in his face but Abraham Washington is. Storm looks at him and smiles.

Hey 'ya! Hey 'ya! Stop petting yer baby and look at me while I'm talkin' to 'ya! *A.W. looks at Storm* I'm a white man, a white man from 'Merica and when 'ya say I'm a prime example of a white man I'm not offended, I'm happy. I'm happy 'cause I'm not hidin' what I am. I will have a liver disease? I don't give a damn! I do what I wanna do and I enjoy doin' it and if it's gonna kill me, I don't care either 'cause I can say I had an amazing life. I am a former Tee En Ay World Champion, multi time Tag Team champion, a father a husband and of I will die tomorrow, I don't regret anythin' unlike 'ya. 'Ya spend yer money buyin' things and clothes you don't need ta' impress people 'ya don't like and at dee end of da night, 'ya have nothin' except yer job so yer not the right man ta' judge me. In fact, only god can judge me and ma' actions...You are tryin' to be a great manager as yer giving Kofi dose huge ego strokes and it works 'cause he is too stupid ta' realize 'ya only care 'bout yerself. 'Ya said Kofi will be da first black guy ta' be successfull wit' a manager. First, if 'ya hate racists so much wha' do 'ya call Kofi a black guy instead of Afro-American guy? Second, yer not tryin' to make Kofi da first Afro-American guy wit' a manager who is successfull, yer tryin' ta' become da first Afro-American manager ta' be successfull in dis business. Okay, not da first one but one of da few.

People in the arena are pretty quiet, listening to James Storm who takes a little break and then continues.

Yer client wasn't treated wit' respect he deserved? If he wasn't treated with respect, it was 'cause he didn't earn it jus' like 'ya. Both of 'ya are not treated with respect 'cause you don't deserve da respect of these people. See, I'm here for a week and e'rybody in da back already calls me Mister Storm and they treat me with all the respect 'cause I earned it ba' fighting, not ba' tryin' ta' get their respect with insultin' their country and acting' like ma' shit doesn't stink...Now I would like ta' say "SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK" but yer luck already ran out when you get booked ta' face me.


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Raw 07/31/12: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Cody Rhodes

Austin wastes little time in responding to Cody as a more serious tone arises in his voice.


Stone Cold:Now is where you and I have something in common. You get irritated by the fact that each and every one of your opponents has something to say about Daddy Dusteh and Gold Dustin, while I get irritated when each and every one of my opponents says something to the effect of what you just said, that the alcohol has gone to my head or damaged my brain cells or what have you. It's not because I can't take the insult, like I said I'm not the type that dishes it out but can't take the retaliation, it bothers me because it's burning proof of what I've been saying throughout my entire You See Dubya slash You Dubya Eff career, you young buck heels are so painfully unoriginal it turns my stomach.

You chastise the feel good moments of Stone Cold Steve Austin that have happened of late, well my response to that is that's a nice shade a' green yer sporting there, kid. Ya see, you youngsters have another defining trait in that many of you tend to be hypocrites, and you have just proven that you belong to that lot. Aren't you desperate for a feel good moment? Isn't that what all this is about? The frustration regarding being overlooked, the frustration regarding people you've beaten and therefore deem unworthy getting shots that you aren't getting? If you win the title, I'm not sayin' yer gonna take the mask off and give 'em reason ta' cheer ya, but in some form or fashion yer after a feel good moment, even if the only one feeling good in that moment is you as you rub your ultimate victory in everyone's face.

There is one thing about your family that's relevant to this situation, and it ties into the explanation you just gave as ta' why you wear the mask, it ties directly into what you said about hiding "Dashing" Cody Rhodes from the world. I understand that because I just left a frame of mind where I was frustrated, I felt overlooked, I took the Stone Cold they loved ta' cheer and hid it from the world. These fans cheered Dusty Rhodes, these fans cheered Goldust, they want to cheer Cody Rhodes but you won't let them. You're cold to them, you reject them, and show no signs of stopping any time soon. But you know that they want to cheer you, and I think part of you wants them to cheer you too, the part of you chasing that feel good moment. You gave yourself away when you worded it as "hiding Dashing from the world". You know he's still a part of you, you just refuse to let him out because you feel the world's not ready to appreciate him.

You're afraid of their negativity, it crushes you, and that's why you're so pissed off when you don't get rewarded for your victories and have to steal a microphone to get promo time. But no one can see the pain because of the hood and mask, I can because anger's a good friend a' mine and I know and can comprehend all levels of it. You're going to disagree and have something ta' say in response that's going to piss over all of it, but that's just part of you resisting the fact that someone you deemed an ignorant alcoholic redneck is picking apart what you thought was a complex persona.

You don't want Stone Cold ta' make jokes about your robotic voice or your bizarre lineage, fine, I'm not laughing anymore.[/COLOR]

Austin shoots Cody a very serious stare as Rhodes responds in similar fashion to his previous rebuttals.


Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
RAW 7/31/12: CM Punk vs. The Rock

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous roar of cheers. After a short while, the new United States Champion quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk is sporting his title belt in his left hand and a signature pipe bomb in his right hand. Punk begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds reaction. Punk has a small grin on his face as he walks down the isle.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to walk up the steel steps and climbs his way to the top rope. He raises his championship into the air and lets out a loud yell, which causes the crowd to cheer even louder. Once finished, he hops down and skips one lap around the ring. Punk walks dead center in the middle of the ring and sits. He waits for his music to be cut before he begins to speak.


CM Punk: The champ is here!

The crowd pops like mad, as Punk pats the belt that's hanging around his waist. He waits for them to settle down before continuing once again.

CM Punk: Last week I made a promise, a promise that at The Great American Bash in Chicago I would defeat Cody Rhodes and become the new United States Champion.. and as you can see, I delivered. This belt now has something it's lacked for a very, very long time.. a champion. You see, Cody Rhodes wasn't a champion. Cody Rhodes was coward who hid behind his nWo cronies Randal and Christian. I will bring honor, tradition, and respect back to a belt that's been lacking it for so long. With all of that aside, my celebration didn't get to last very long as I found out my first opponent since becoming champion will be none other than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

The crowd pops cheers at the mention of Dwayne's name, causing Punk to shoot off a rather sarcastic grin. Punk waits a few seconds before continuing his promo.

CM Punk: Once again, Dwayne has managed to force himself into another undeserved opportunity. The man disappears for months on end, then waltzes right through the door whenever he pleases thinking he owns the place. Meanwhile, I've been right here the entire time, busting my ass each and every week, and now I have this United States Championship around my waist to prove it. It makes me physically sick the way Dwayne manages to warp and manipulate the system with his sporadic appearances, each one of them less memorable than the one before. Your presence here is a slap in the face to me and the rest of the wrestlers in the back who don't care about making crappy movies or doing media appearances.

Some of the crowd cheers, but the majority are now directing boos Punk's way. Punk continues.

CM Punk: So this Tuesday night when we go one on one, it'll be the best wrestler in the world against professional wrestlings cancer. After I defeat you, Dwayne, I don't care what you do. Just stay out of my way. I don't like dealing with prima donnas who believe the world revolves around them. Maybe you can go off and film a Toothfairy sequel, how about that? Regardless, whatever you plan on doing, I suggest you keep yourself as far away from a wrestling ring as possible.. because I won't hesitate to make your time here a very unpleasant stay.

Punk lowers the microphone to his side and stares at the crowd, who have seemingly turned on him in favor of The Rock. Suddenly...


The Hoov

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Re: RAW 7/31/12: CM Punk vs. The Rock


OOC: Ignore the dumb intro. It's just a sick titantron I had to use it.

The crowd erupts into cheers as “The People's Champ” The Rock emerges from the back, fresh off of his lose to Bully Ray last week on RAW. He doesn't look too happy, especially since he heard everything CM Punk has said about him in the ring.


The Rock marches down the ramp and towards the ring with red hit intensity. He climbs up onto the apron and scales the ropes and lifts his arm high to all of his fans.


The Rock climbs down and enters the ring. He is handed a microphone from a ringside employee and paces around the ring for a bit, sizing Punk up and looking at his United States Championship belt. He waits for the crowd to die down a bit before speaking.


The Rock: Let The Rock cut you off right there because we are live, live right here in Sin City baby! The Rock has had some times here in this town, you can believe it. It puts those guys from The Hangover to shame with the kinds of things The Rock has seen and done right in this very city so The Rock is proud to say that FINALLY! The Rock HAS COME BACK to LAS VEGAS!!!

The crowd pops loud as The Rock mentions Las Vegas. The Rock then puts his attention on CM Punk.

The Rock: But, The Rock isn't just here to recount some past times, oh no no no. The Rock is here because somebody made a “Tooth Fairy” joke for the one millionth time. You missed the boat on that one. Dolph Ziggler and Bully Ray beat you to that one but E for Effort, champ! No, The Rock has a lot of important things to say tonight. The Rock has lost his last two matches and that doesn't look good but The Rock doesn't live in the past. The Rock lives in the here and now and right now The Rock is standing in the ring with CM Punk, the “Best Wrestler In The World” a title which The Rock thinks you stole from somebody over on SmackDown, someone who claims that The Rock is wrestling's cancer when he himself looks like he actually has cancer. Punk, The Rock just sees that you're one of those people who is just never pleased with anything. The Rock has been here, week in and week out performing for these people and that's not good enough to impress you. The Rock comes out here and electrifies like no other and yet Punk, it's not good enough. Well, let The Rock tell you IT DOESN'T MATTER what you think because the fact of the matter is The Rock is gonna be ready to whip that tattooed candy ass all over the Vegas Strip!

The crowd is just loving The Rock here just like every night. The Rock paces around again before continuing.

The Rock: You wanna say The Rock has gone Hollywood, you wanna run down The Rock because The Rock chooses not to be limited to the ring to entertain the people? That's fine and good. The Rock accepts that. What The Rock doesn't accept is this attitude like you're the greatest thing going today because you're not. The Rock has beaten bigger, badder and better men than you in this ring and The Rock makes you no exception. And, as far as the RAW Roulette goes, whether it's a tables match, a ladder match, a steel cage match, a pinata on a pole match or a Kennel from Hell match, The Rock guaran-damn-tees that he's gonna put his boot up your ass and lay you out for all the world to see because, when you piss The Rock off, The Rock does not stop until that bell rings IF YA SMELLLLLLL-LALALALALALALALALALALALALOW! WHAT THE ROCK........IS COOKIN'?!

The Rock lowers his microphone and glares at CM Punk.
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Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: RAW 7/31/12: CM Punk vs. The Rock

Punk looks on, unimpressed at The Rock's most recent spiel. Just as The Rock thinks they're finished, Punk decides it's his turn to speak once again.


CM Punk: You know what? I do smell what The Rock is cookin', and it reeks of the same empty promises and pure unadulterated bull[censored] you've been feeding us for the past two years, Dwayne. You're right, you've been here for the past couple of weeks. I wouldn't exactly call you getting your ass handed to you by Bully Ray "electrifying", but anyway, how long is this going to last? Answer me that. How long before you turn your back on these fans and this business as a whole and go on another one of your signature year long hiatuses? My guess is you'll be disappearing very, very soon. You want to know why?

The crowd remains rather silent, as Punk pauses for effect and glares directly into the eyes of Dwayne. Punk continues.

CM Punk: Because this time around, it's different. The higher ups in this company finally reached the conclusion I came to years ago, and they realized you don't deserve to be handed anything! WrestleMania main events and world title shots are goals professional wrestlers work their entire careers to achieve, and a good 90 percent don't come anywhere close. But of course, what Dwayne wants, Dwayne gets. All you had to do was waltz through the door on your high horse, kiss the right ass, and you had the upper brass eating out of the palm of your hand, and why? So they could make a few extra bucks putting your name on the marquee while you take a break from your movie schedule. It's pathetic how you've used professional wrestling as your second-hand side project with absolutely no remorse. Professional wrestling is the one true love that I have in this world.. and you've treated her as a mistress for far too long.

Majority of the capacity crowd direct boos in Punk's direction. Punk, a usual fan favorite, doesn't seem to be bothered by their sudden change of heart. Punk continues.

CM Punk: It's the same old song and dance, Dwayne. The only difference between now and a few years back is I'm no longer the only person who sees the error of your ways, so the UWF has stopped the giveaways and the handouts, and is making you work for everything you aspire to achieve.. and how's the working out for ya? The last time I checked, the so called "most electrifying man in sports-entertainment" is struggling to work his way up the card on RAW. You may call that bad luck, but I call it poetic justice. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this Tuesday night will be no different. I've fought too long and too hard to reach the position I'm in to let someone like you knock me off of my totem poll. I don't care if it's a hardcore match, a steel cage match, or even a god-awful Rock movie marathon match, I'm prepared for anything that roulette wheel throws my way. I will defeat you, Dwayne, and I'm going to prove a point I've been trying to get across for years.. you and all of these people are going to find out the hard way that CM Punk is better than you!

The crowd continues to boo as Punk raises his United States Championship high into the air. Punk turns his head and shoots off a rather cocky grin while locking eyes with The Rock.



Jun 3, 2010
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Raw 8/7: Goldust Vs Bully Ray

The crowd inside the UWF Raw arena are on their feet awaiting the arrival of their favourite superstars. When suddenly the lights dim and a golden hue dawns across the arena and ominous words flash upon the titantron.

Shattered Dreams Productions

24 Karat Pictures Present

A Shattered Dreams Production



The unforgettable theme of Goldust hits the PA system and a spotlight focuses on the stage as he emerges from the back. He is decked out in his usual gold attire, complete with the platinum blonde wig and extravogant robe. Marlena is by his side, smoking a cigar looking very hot. Both of them make their ways down the isle, Goldust stops and rubs himself up and down in front of the camera, licking his lips as he does so. He then continues on towards the ring where he and Marlena waste no time in entering. Marlena has a Directors Chair set up in the ring and she takes her seat, smoking away on her luxury cigar as Goldust does his usual posturing on the top rope. He steps down and is handed a microphone... he pauses for a moment, his music stops, and he speaks.


Goldust: "I've wrestled with reality for 35 years Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it", Harvey, 1950. Yes, I have broken down the thin veil of reality all through my life. Son of a plumber I may well be, but a common man, I could never be so crass. No I was not born to be a common man, working hard with his hands... no, I was born to be the Prince of Perversion... and well, I still work hard with my hands. Ohhh, but it's been so long since I've laid my soft, golden hands on another man's body in this wrestling ring. On this canvas. I haven't let my easel out to paint a pretty picture in quite some time, but now... now I am ready to come out and play again... and play I will. You see, I have many ambitions in my life, to win an Oscar, an Emmy, a Bafta... more importantly to win Championship Gold here in the Ultimate Wrestling Federation. And I have the opportunity just to do that, because if you had watched my pre-premiere showing on Raw, you would know that I, Goooooldust, have been placed in a match for the Hardcore Championship against Curt Hawkins. Oh yes, and this pleasures me in just... so many different ways. Because if there's something Goldust loves in his movies... it's a spot of hardcore...

Goldust inhales deeply after this sentence. The crowd are taking in Goldust's words, not sure what to make of the bizarre one.

And in preperation for my Hardcore matinee performance with Mister Hawkins at Summerslam, I get to show off my latest effort when I go toe-to-toe, nose-to-nose... heart-to-heart... with Bully Ray. Now, I've known Bully Ray for quite some time, and I know what he can do with his wood. But this match will sadly not be tailored for this man. The man I used to call Bubba... I had a pet called Bubba, he was a Golden Retriever... and do you know what happened to him?... he went doggy paddling and he died. But I didn't feel sad, he had a long, happy life. But it's this that signifies what indeed will happen to you, Calfzilla. Yes, you may indeed wrap those thick... muscular... calves of you around my head once... or maybe twice depending on the mood... but at the end of the day Bubba Boy... you are doggy paddling in dangerous territory with Goldust and you will drown. And it will make for quite the entertaining scene watching you fall under my lake of perversion and drown like my doggy Bubba... and I must admit it would be a real shame to see those calves go, but this business isn't about calves, or tie-dye shirts and stutter.. stut... stuttering... is it now?, oh you naughty bully you... oh no it's not. No, this business is about gold, and my business is gold... and in time I will add more gold to this beautiful golden body.

Goldust removes his robe and stands tall, arms outstreched showing off his signature golden jumpsuit.

And I will be ushering in the new 'Golden Era' of professional wrestling. And you might indeed come up for air, or like a horror movie you may indeed make the sequel after your demise... but regardless of it all, naughty big Bully boy... regardless of it all, I will make sure that you NEVER... forget the name of

Goldust inhales deeply, rubbing his chest as he does so.



Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
RAW 8/7/12: CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Immediately following Tuesday Night RAW, July 30th 2012

The scene opens with CM Punk walking through the curtains into the gorilla position. Punk, obviously beaten and out of breath, has just defeated one of his arch rivals - The Rock. Punk, panting and taking in as many breaths as he can, has a small grin on his face. UWF.com's resident interviewer/camera man approaches Punk and decides it's an opportune time to ask him some questions.

Camera Man: CM Punk, just moments ago, you defeated The Rock in a Loser Leaves RAW match, effectively ending 'the great ones' career. What do you have to say?

Punk stops dead in his track. His smile is quickly fades into a stone cold stair. After a few brief moments, Punk decides it's time to chime in


CM Punk: I told you so. I told you, I told those fans, and I told the world that tonight would be the end of The Rock, and as usual, I was correct. That pathetic excuse for a man once again tried to use the one thing in this world I hold dear to my heart.. professional wrestling. There are people like me who love her, who cherish her, who respect and adore her like no other.. and then there are people like Dwayne. Dwayne attempted to treat her like his two bit, second rate whore, like he has way too many times before. The way he waltzes back into this business and gets hand fed whatever he damn well pleases just to leave whenever he deems fit and repeat the same cycle over and over is sickening. Does he think this is a game? Does he take this profession as a joke? Well as you can see, we obviously don't share the same sense of humor. But this time around, there was something standing in the way of his pompous and selfish agenda - me. And it's because of me that you'll never see Dwayne Johnson in a wrestling ring again.

Camera Man: As I'm sure you're well aware, there were quite a bit of boos getting thrown your way as you entered and exited the ring tonight. It seems the fans aren't as happy about this as you are. Do you have anything you'd like to say to them?

CM Punk: Absolutely nothing. I don't owe these fans anything. But believe it or not, I did what I did tonight for them. Dwayne was nothing more than a master manipulator who pulled their strings as if they were puppets, and they were too stupid to figure it out themselves. Call me a martyr, call me a savior, call me whatever you damn well please. Boo me, cheer me, don't make a sound, it doesn't matter. Their reactions don't dictate the decisions the I make. There's only one person on this earth who tells CM Punk what to do and when to do it - and that's CM Punk himself.

Camera Man: I've just received word that next week on RAW, your opponent is going to be one of the participants in the RAW elimination chamber at SummerSlam, and he also happens to be the leader of the nWo - Randy Orton. What are your thoughts heading into next weeks bought?


CM Punk: Two weeks ago at The Great American Bash, I defeated Cody Rhodes. Fair and square in the middle of the ring with no strings attached. How do I get rewarded as a result? With no match on the card the night after the show, and one week later I find myself booked against filth in the form of Dwayne Johnson. And here's the kicker, I'm not even on the SummerSlam card yet. I'm in the commercials, I'm on the billboards, I'm the focal point of the damn poster for christ sake, yet I still find myself without an opponent. And Cody, the man I embarrassed a mere two weeks ago, gets placed into the UWF Championship chamber match? Now even someone with a miniscule IQ such as yourself should be able to realize that doesn't make an ounce of sense. And that's where Randal comes in. It just so happens that Cody's keeper, another man that I've embarrassed countless times before, finds himself in that match as well. But i'm not bitter. You see I'm not just going to sit here and complain. I'm going to prove that my exclusion from the elimination chamber is a travesty by defeating two of the matches participants in a matter of three weeks. Cody was first, and Randal, my dear friend, you're next. This United States Championship I proudly display over my shoulder is glorious, and it's a testament to my abilities, but it simply isn't enough. By now the UWF universe should know that when I speak, I don't just mutter words. I project promises, and I promise you that you're looking at the future UWF Champion. And it all starts with me defeating Randal next Tuesday night on RAW.

The scene fades to black as Punk turns his back and walks out of frame.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: Raw 8/7: Goldust Vs Bully Ray

Goldust waits in the ring for some kind of response to his words but instead of an intervention in the arena, the tron lights up with movement backstage, and Bully Ray has just made it to the arena, when the cameraman walks over and tries to get a word with the Bully.

Cameraman: Hey Bully, Bully!

Bully Ray: Get out of my face pretty boy, I've already done your stinking interview for Summerslam.

It's not that, it's just, we want to get your thoughts on Goldust.

Bully Ray stops and pauses for a moment with a look of confusion on his face.


Goldust? The... The like fifty year old Goldust, that guy? He was always the member of the Rhodes family that could do nothing, and he had a gimmick that worked in ninety-eight but was god near unwatchable the last few years of his career. The day that he announced his retirement was the best thing he ever done for himself, and for the decency of his family name. Now, I have a question for you. Why are you stopping me, the undefeated Bully Ray, at the first moment that I walk through the door, after multiple hours of travelling, and asking me questions that I can only put under the category of irrelevant bull-crap?!

Well, the thing is he's out of reti-

You see, I'm sick of not getting the respect I deserve. People are starting... Only now god help them, are starting to realize that Bully Ray is the man around here on Tuesday nights. It's a routine that big stars have tried to perfect but I come in and do flawlessly, the three step program to a Bully Ray lifestyle. Arrive; Beat the hell out of somebody and get the victory; Leave. It's a formula that is tried, tested and followed religiously, by yours truly. You will see it against Christopher Daniels at Summerslam, and you will continue to see it every night on Raw. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go check who my victim is this week.

Well, thats what I'm trying to tell you Bully... it's uh... it's Goldust. He's come out of retirement, he's here in the UWF and he's been given his first match for this Tuesday at Raw.... against you. He can actually see every word you just said as it's being fed to the arena, he's in the ring Bully.

Bully looks up at the cameraman in disgust, and then up and down the corridor like as if he thinks he's being wound up.


You better not be playing boy? You... You're not? Fine. Goldust. They tell me you can hear me and can see me right now so listen up weirdo. What are you even doing here? Royalty payments all washed up have they? That's the only feasible excuse that I can see you even having coming back here. Or are you still pushing that one Wrestlemania moment still, with your brother? Is that it? The one thing you never had... Apart from a world championship.... Or a run as a superstar anybody gave a crap about. Your like Kane and Undertakers cheap counterparts and the reason you two at Wrestlemania never happened up until now, is because nobody even cares about the pair of ya. At least your younger brother is now at least starting to make a name for himself, something that although you did desperately try.... You failed.

Look, I'll spare you the suspense. I'm not coming out there right now, I just got here, I got some working out to do. Calfzilla wasn't born in a day you know. And more to the relevant point for you, I care about you too little to even warrant walking down that ramp. And be glad, in the mood I'm in right now, if I was face to face with you I'd be ripping off that wig of yours, and replacing all that gold on your body with black and blue. So do me and the rest of the UWF a favour Goldust. Leave the ring, go back to your locker room. Do your breathing exercises and pray to god that this "match" that Teddy Long has granted you gets called off. If I can beat The Rock in the middle of the ring like as if he's nobody, imagine how much of a light job you are going to turn out to be. And whilst everybody in years to come will NOT remember your name Goldust, for generations and generations alike, they will all know who Bully Ray is.

They will all know who I am.

With that, Bully turns away from the cameraman and lugs his bags back towards his locker room. The feed ends instantly and focuses back on Goldust.


Chris Dresdon

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Re: 8/7/23 Raw: Austin/Jericho vs. Christian/Rhodes


At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. Stone Cold walks over to the nearest corner and ascends it, throwing up the Stone Cold Salute with one hand and raising his championship belt as high as he can with the other hand. Austin steps down and heads to the corner diagonal from the one he was just standing on, repeating the process. Austin steps down again after posing and repeats the process with the remaining turnbuckles before signaling for a microphone from the ringside officials. He is granted one as he makes his way into the ring.

The fans erupt with further excitement as Austin stands there with the microphone in hand, soaking in the adoration further. His theme music fades out until it can no longer be heard playing, making the deafening "Austin!" chants more audible than they were before, as they echo throughout the arena and seem to shake the place. After a moment, Austin raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.


Stone Cold: You should've finished the job, idiots. You had yer one opportunity ta' put me on the shelf, stripping me of the You Dubya Eff Championship and effectively removing me from the Elimination Chamber match at Summerslam, and ya didn't take advantage of it, which is surprising since the last person Cody had ta' face for a title, the then-United States Champion Brock Lesnar, got that very treatment. Last week, Stone Cold was beat down and exhausted from the match he just competed in, bleedin' like a stuck pig and sweatin' like a blind lesbian in a fish market, ripe for the kill and ya left 'im fer dead instead a' finishin' him off. That's the biggest mistake you absent minded pieces of trash could've made, sweethearts, because now Stone Cold's even angrier than he was last week before all that happened, now you have ta' contend with me this week on Raw and in the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam.

And as you can see, I'm not really worse for the wear in the aftermath of that cowardly mugging. My knees are functioning, my neck's still good, ma' back doesn't hurt, the place I was bleeding from healed, and I was perfectly capable of walkin' through that curtain down the ramp and now here I stand in this ring. And not only am I healthy enough ta' face some combination of the members of the In Dubya Oh for the billionth time, real creative booking, just three days removed from that match I will be makin' my way ta' Friday Night Smackdown ta' beat the bratty piss out of the World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase. So whether it's right now, Tuesday night, or three weeks from now at the climax of Summerslam, my sincere hope is that you finally realize that Stone Cold Steve Austin is a man that cannot be stopped no matter how badly you beat him down. Big Show couldn't finish me off, you bottomfeeders couldn't finish me off, I'm waiting to see exactly who in the You Dubya Eff can truly rise above Steve Austin's level.

One thing's for certain though, kids, even though you pose Stone Cold no true threat singularly or combined, I sure am sick and tired of lookin' at ya. I'm sick of Randy Orton, Christian, Cody Rhodes, the combination of Orton and Christian, the combination of Rhodes and Orton, the combination of Christian and Rhodes, and the collective trio. I'm sick of those black tee shirts, the logo on 'em, yer entrance music, the black and white effect the camera gives yer entrance, reading the letters In Dubya Oh, hearing the letters In Dubya Oh, and speaking about any of it. If Jericho and I can agree on one thing, and it likely is the only thing we can agree on, You Dubya Eff would be a whole hell of a lot better without your little group around and since we're both determined ta' make sure that happens, it will happen and You Dubya Eff will in fact be a better company and produce a better product once it is without the In Dubya Oh.

Now why the blonde haired Christmas ornament hasn't shown himself yet is beyond me, but even if he doesn't show up at all, if I have ta' face the two of you on my own, I will. Because Stone Cold never entrusted Jericho with having his back, Teddy Long did, so if Chris doesn't show up it's not gonna let me down because I never counted on him. Stone Cold relies on Steve Austin and Steve Austin relies on Stone Cold, so if it comes to a one-on-two sitch-ooh-ation or a one-on-three if Randy gets involved, I'm gonna even it up with the three men wrapped into one that's me, myself, and I. It's gonna be Stunners and whoopass for all parties involved, and that's the bottom line cuz Stone Cold said so!

Austin lowers his microphone as neither Christian nor Rhodes look impressed or intimidated by anything the UWF Champion just had to say.


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Re: 8/7/23 Raw: Austin/Jericho vs. Christian/Rhodes

Lights go out when all of a sudden

Break the


Fans cheer as the twinkle being shown of Jericho's jacket is shining and the lights go on fully and shows Jericho

+Chris+Jericho+vs.+Kofi+Kingston+WWE+RAW+World+Tou  r+February,+2012+Abu+Dhabi+9-2-2012+(1).JPG

Jericho turns as he is happy to see all the fans Jericho begins to look at the ring as he smiles looking at Stone Cold. Jericho goes and he walks down the ring and he begins to go on as he looks on at the NWO Jericho goes in the ring and he goes on the top rope. Jericho pounds his fist does his usual taunts and Jericho moves on as he is handed a microphone. Jericho goes and he looks on at Austin. Jericho begins speak


Chris Jericho: Christmas tree, huh Austin good joke there. You wax your head this morning?

some fans chuckle as Jericho smiles a little, Jericho goes on and he begins to speak

Chris Jericho: Austin you do not need to tell me your little game, or how you think because I already know who and what is Stone Cold Steve Austin, so save your little history lesson for someone who does not know. Now Steve I am glad we can agree on one thing, we both are sick and tired at looking at these assclowns ruining the fun of Monday night Raw. So Steve I guess the saying great minds think a like are true.. than again I am surprised your mind can actually comprehend more things than just beer, and kicking ass.

Fans give a mix reaction as Jericho pokes fun at his tag team partner Jericho goes on and he speaks

Chris Jericho: I am kidding you all know that, but what I am not kidding about is getting rid of the NWO once and for all, on Monday night Raw Cody and Christian I hope your eyes will be glued to the television sets, because you will see how I will be getting rid of you two once it is all said and done, now first moving onto you Cody. Look Cody I know about the past, I even talked about it. How I was inches away of becoming the UWF world champion, but then afterwards it was taken away from me by you. Yes after that incident I pretty much moved on to being whatever and so so on everything I did, but the thing is Cody when I was writing my autobiography I thought of something about a story I was writing and that story happened to involve Christian...

I wrote about how learning for your past mistakes can help you become a better person. At one point I ruined my friendship with Christian when I was looking at getting some Stratusfraction instead of being a good tag team partner, and ever since that little incident we had well Christian and I were on and off again friends. When Christian decided to come in UWF I wanted to rekindle that bond and spirit again, that did not go as planned as he joined the NWO... anyways the point is this. Cody you were better than me that night, you obviously showed some grit and determination, but Cody when I see your reflection I don't see Gold in it... oh no what I see in your reflection is you screaming in pain with me grabbing and pulling your' legs out as you tap the hell out!

fans cheer as Jericho gets fired up about what he just said and he goes on to speak to both Rhodes and Christian

Chris Jericho: You guys can pull off all the little statistics you want, but the thing is I am back with a new and better purpose, my purpose is not only to stop the tyranny of the NWO, but give these people what they really want. What they really want is to see I Y2J the sexy beast, the ayatollah of rokin' rolla become the new world heavyweight champion-ah! That is what want to see and I will give it to them, so this Monday in the ring return of Chris Jericho since Starrcade things will change, the lies will become truths, the UWF will be saved because I am the savior of the UWF. I am the one that brings the U into the UWF, and I will defeat the NWO not only on Monday night Raw, but will walk out of Summerslam as the new world champion... and trust me folks you guys things here will never..... and I mean nnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvveerrrrrrr bee the same again-ah!

Jericho is fired up as the fans cheer Christian and Rhodes don't look to shaken but more shocked. Stone Cold looks at have an angry look on his face as Jericho turns to him and he smiles as Austin does not smile back.



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Raw 7th August 2012 - Kofi Kingston V Matt Morgan


Kofi Kingston’s theme song plays over the arena much to the delight of the capacity crowd. Kofi Kingston steps out onto the stage accompanied by Abraham Washington. The duo walk down the entrance ramp, climb up the steel steps and get into the ring. Abraham grabs a mic that was laid out for him.


Abraham Luther Washington: My name is Abraham Luther Washington, founder of All World Promotions and last week on Raw, my client began the first step on the road to become the first ever black UWF Champion. My client, Kofi Kingston did what many thought was impossible. This man overcame a white alcoholic just like his ancestors many years ago. Last week on Raw, Kofi defeated that ungrateful white man in James Storm. James Storm hadn’t shut his mouth all week, bragging, drinking and singling poor Kofi out, discriminating him because of his skin colour, even going so far as to spit at another humans face. That is the work of a vile person. That filthy excuse of a person is the perfect example of a white man. Arrogant, drinks too much and is mediocre. But at the end of the match, it was Storm who was laid out for 10 seconds, it was Kofi getting his arm raised by the referee while Storm was in a position he has been in many times before, passed out on the floor. Only this time it wasn’t from binge-drinking, it was from being beat so bad he couldn’t get up.

The crowd rain boos down on Abraham before he passes the mic to Kofi.

Kofi Kingston: This week, I face Matt Morgan, clearly another attempt by management to get me hurt. They keep putting me against the biggest guys in the roster just because of my race. I will not let them put me down. I will keep fighting for my rights. My rights to be in a UWF Championship match. Chris Jericho can come back and just be put in a title match because he is white. I am not allowed to do that. This week, I will beat Matt Morgan and show management that we are fighters and it isn’t just about white people. Black power!

OOC: It's short, but he won't post anyway so there was no point in doing a huge TT​


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 8/7 Edition


Tuesday August 7, 2012



The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to UWF Tuesday Night Raw, live from the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. Tonight another jam packed edition of Tuesday Night Raw for you.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: That's right Cole. Last week, we all saw the return of "Y2J" Chris Jericho and he made it known that he is the sixth participant in the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam.​

Cole: And tonight, Jericho will be teaming up with one of his Summerslam opponents the UWF Champion "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to take on the nWo's Cody Rhodes and Christian.

King: But that's not all. United States Champion CM Punk will face...


At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Suddenly a big black truck begins to roll into the arena with the Smoking Skull emblem emblazoned on the hood as the crowd erupts into more passionate cheering as they realize who the truck belongs to. Stone Cold gets out and climbs up onto the truck, standing on the top of it and looking out into the crowd.


Austin turns and motions to one of the ringside officials for a microphone, who tosses one through the air to him. The UWF Champion catches it and raises it to his mouth, ready to speak as his music fades out until it can no longer be heard, making the cheers of the fans in attendance more audible.

Stone Cold: Stone Cold Steve Austin. Christian. Cody Rhodes. Randy Orton. Em Vee Pea. Chris Jericho. What do these six men have in common besides the fact that they're all going to be competing in the You Dubya Eff Championship Elimination Chamber match in Raw's main event at Summerslam? They were all once part of You See Dubya. When You See Dubya decided ta' quit restartin' every three weeks and shut its doors for the final time, some looked at is as a simple exodus of a bunch of talent leaving one company ta' go work for another one. Well, Stone Cold views it a bit differently, if you don't know that by now. The way Stone Cold sees it, You Dubya Eff absorbed You See Dubya, See Dubya Aye, and See Dubya Eff the same way that the Dubya Dubya E absorbed Dubya See Dubya and E See Dubya several years ago. As a result of this merger, You Dubya Eff acquired much of the talent roster of those three companies, and not only the talent rosters, but some of the staff too.

A few examples, you ask? Sure. Chris Dresden, a former writer for You See Dubya Smackdown, See Dubya Aye Anarchy, and See Dubya Eff Honor has made his way ta' You Dubya Eff to write reviews for the weekly programs Raw and Smackdown, as well as pay-per-views. He also writes wrestling matches about Pokemon and pretends ta' be various wrestlers and does interviews and lots of other garbage that humiliates this fine business, but whatever, people read 'em and seem ta' like him so I guess he's okay in Stone Cold's book. Tom Wazzock, a former writer for You See Dubya Tee In Aye Impact and You See Dubya Smackdown, brands that Stone Cold was a huge part of, and a former writer of just about every brand you could think of, is now one of the writers for You Dubya Eff Smackdown. Now I know what yer thinking, why am I randomly rattling off these things, what's the point I'm driving at? The point is this, not everything You Dubya Eff acquired from the other companies, namely You See Dubya, is positive.

The worst thing they acquired is the brand war that used to exist in You See Dubya. Week after week after week, everyone from the general managers to the announcers to the talent to the damn referees went out of their way to make sure their respective brand was better and also went out of their way to make sure the members of the opposite brand knew it. It resulted in cross-brand matches on the weekly shows, cross-brand matches on the pay-per-views, just an all-out war for bragging rights. Now here it is in You Dubya Eff but with the volume cranked up, this time around the competition is a lot more personal and a lot more cutthroat. And when si-chew-ations like this arise, Stone Cold tries not ta' get involved and pick sides as he's had more than his share of it in his career already. When the Dubya Dubya E brands first split and I had my choice of which show I wanted ta' be on. (What?) The period of time that the Invasion was going on. (What?) When the E See Dubya Faithful went against Tee In Aye's New Regime. (What?) When Team McMahon went against Team Heyman. (What?) When You Dubya Eff first expanded ta' two brands. (What?) I've had enough of it.

The fans support what Austin has said thus far with cheers and the starting up of an, "Austin!" chant as the Rattlesnake continues.

Back when I would make it a point ta' run down Smackdown and its sorry excuse for a talent roster during my promos every week, that was just Stone Cold doin' what he does best, talkin' trash about anybody and everybody ta' get the wrestlin' world talkin' and the talent hungry ta' get more involved. But now it's evolved into this, Desmond Wolfe and Jim Cornette talking smack and issuing challenges to Teddy Long, and Teddy Long talking smack right back and refusing challenges while laying down challenges of his own. As both sides went back and forth, it became apparent that this war wasn't going to stop any time soon, so even if he didn't want ta' be a part of it, Stone Cold knew he had ta' pick a side, he had ta' get involved in the war. As You Dubya Eff Champion, he had no choice but to get involved, and of course the choice made was remaining loyal ta' Raw.

And any good strategist knows that the first step in a battle such as this is ta' find out as much about yer enemy as possible, so Stone Cold made the arrangements ta' be able to make an appearance on Friday Night Smackdown on August 3rd. (What?) Figured I'd get a look at the way they ran things. (What?) Maybe talk a little bit a' trash like I do here on Raw for the sake of talkin' trash in the spirit of competition. (What?) Maybe get ta' see some old friends a' mine that jumped ship during the draft like, well, okay Stone Cold doesn't have any friends on Smackdown. (What?) Anyhoo I cleared it with Teddy Long and I cleared it with Jim Cornette, and as a result, I showed up on Smackdown and did what I intended ta' do, I talked trash about every aspect of Smackdown that came ta' mind, waiting for someone ta' come out and have words with me. I knew I was asking for trouble but I didn't care, I was havin' fun. Well, someone answered my call in Damien Sandow, and just as the time for talkin' was coming to a close and I was about ta' drop that unshaved piece of trash walking Webster's, we were joined by someone else on Smackdown's roster.

The World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase came out to defend Smackdown and Damien Sandow and try ta' put Stone Cold in his place, which he didn't take too kindly to, but before he could do anything about it, that fat potato chip eating bastard Big Show punched me in the face and knocked me into last week's Raw. You wanna know what it's like being hit with the Weapon of Mass Destruction, I'll tell ya, it's like being hit with a sweaty pillowcase if someone put a cinder block in there with the pillow, because it was soft due to the flabbiness of his fist, but it's also a wonder it didn't break my nose because of the strength and muscle behind it, and sweaty because well, let's face it, the chubby sumbitch passes gas and begins perspiring. Looking back on that, Stone Cold has changed his stance on this brand competition a bit. I still think it's stupid and Raw and Smackdown should work together ta' make You Dubya Eff as a whole great ta' watch and fun for everyone, but at the same time if the blue team's gonna jump me like scared schoolyard bitches just for appearing on their show, I am more than happy ta' be at the head of Raw and bring the fight ta' Smackdown.

The fans erupt into cheers again and begin an even louder "Austin!" chant.

So as you can probably imagine, getting jumped on Tuesday and then again on Friday isn't Stone Cold's idea of a good week, in fact that's probly the worst one I've had since debuting for the company. But this week, this week's gonna be different. (What?) In fact it's going to be a complete 180* from last week. (What?) I'm heading into tonight's main event. (What?) And whether I can count on my teammate ta' carry his weight and have my back or not. (What?) I'm going to beat the hell out of Cody Rhodes until the ring on my fist breaks that silly little mask of his in half. (What?) Then I'm going to stomp a mudhole in Triple C, Captain Canadian Charisma, and before I walk it dry I'm gonna take both halves of that mask and shove 'em up his arrogant ass! (What?) Then when the bell rings and my team is declared the winner, Boo-yah! A Stone Cold Stunner for Christian, a Stone Cold Stunner for Cody Rhodes, and a Stone Cold Stunner for Chris Jericho. (What?) Then Randy Orton will run down ta' save his girlfriends, (What?) swing the purse with his psychiatric medication in it at me, (What?) then I'm going to rip it in half, (What?) shove it down his throat, (What?) and boo-yah! Stone Cold Stunner for the ex-Marine.

Then Em Vee Pea, not wanting ta' be left out, is gonna come running down the ramp and enter the ring so he can holla to the world or make big things pop or lean back or whatever ex-convict rappers do and guess what? Boo-yah! I'm gonna debut my new hit single on his sorry ass, "Stunner". (What?) But that's not all, because then I'm going to Friday Night Smackdown, in their main event, and I'm going to beat Ted DiBiase like his daddy should have, (What?) and then I'm gonna beat him some more. And after the bell rings, I'm gonna apply the Million Dollar Dream until he passes out, (What?) and when Big Show comes running from the backstage with one of his fat mitts still clutching the tube of Toll House cookies he was about ta' make and enters Stone Cold's ring, I'm gonna lay him out with the You Dubya Eff Championship. (What?) Then I'm gonna take that tube of Toll House cookies, (What?) stick it up his fat ass, (What?) and apply the Million Dollar Dream on him until he passes out. Then the Smackdown locker room is gonna empty like a Black Friday mob, and that's when I'm gonna hand out Stunners like it's Christmas. Then I'm taking the World Heavyweight Championship hostage, (What?) coming onto the next edition of Raw on August the 14th, (What?) and doing what I did with the old Undisputed Championships, throw it in the trash!

The crowd explodes with positive reaction at the thought of the Raw champion degrading the Smackdown champion's belt.

Besides, even though I got my ass kicked by the World Heavyweight Welcome Wagon, at least I had the balls ta' show up on DiBiase's show. I guarantee you that Ted doesn't have the balls ta' come over ta' Raw and show his face, him or that giant gorilla. In fact, I'm guaranteeing that NO ONE on Smackdown's roster has the balls ta' show up on Raw. Not Bray Wyatt, not Batista, not...


To the surprise of everyone in the arena, the music of Smackdown's John Cena begins to play! At first they aren't sure how to react, as it may be a trick by Austin or someone in the back, but it is quickly seen that there is no ruse going on as the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship himself walks through the curtain and stops at the top of the stage, sending the crowd into an explosion of cheers even though he's interrupting the "Texas Rattlesnake."


The camera pans to Austin looking as shocked as the fans in attendance, then back to Cena on the stage, who is eating up the crowd reaction he's getting. After soaking it up for a moment, he raises the microphone he's carrying at his side up to his mouth as his music fades out to silence.


John Cena: John Cena?

The audience releases a mixed reaction, half whom are loyal RAW fans and half whom are loyal CeNation fans. Cena has a huge smile on his face, as he raises a finger in the air, slightly chuckling before continuing.

John Cena: He-he, before I explain my reasons for showin’ up on RAW and interruptin’ you Steve, I just gotta’ say this; if anyone’s RAW, it’s John Cena! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, make some noise because the Champ is here! Once again, the audience releases a mixed reaction, mostly on the booing side as obviously if anyone’s RAW, it’s the U.W.F. Champion himself, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. Hello Philly. Playing with the audience’s emotions, John Cena proceeds to wave at the fans with a crooked smirk before continuing. Back to the place of non-forgotten memory. I cannot forget the countless battles in this city. Some of the greatest and worse moments of my career occurred in this very city. And I know the great majority was prior to this company, a long ass time ago if y’ask me. I’ll always hold those memories close, Philly. Memories like those will never die; I’ll always keep them close. And every time I see I have an opportunity to perform in front of you guys, I dunno’ it just drives me forward. Somethin’ about this city, and believe me you guys aren’t the only ones. Hell, ask C.M. Punk, he whooped my ass all around Chicago. I dunno’ what it is! Hmm, let me think, it must be the people. Ooh, if John Cena struck a nerve, it had to be now! The audience responds with boos as they believe Cena insulted them. Cena shakes his head, as he continues Thanks for the response, guys. John Cena waves quick open hand, as he agrees with the ‘support’ Philly fans has given him thus far. Onto a more serious note, though, as more often than not I must get to the point where I consider myself ramblin’. Because let’s face facts, I can go on all night. I really could but eventually I’m sure your U.W.F. Champ will get bored, most likely stunner me and prepare for his match later on tonight. That’s definitely not good for me. Instead, I guess I shall explain why John Cena showed up on RAW? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

John Cena goes to continue, but a certain chant interrupts him. ‘Let’s Go Cena! Cena Sucks!’ rings around the arena, and Cena takes a moment to realize what the fans are chanting and he has a huge smirk on his face, as he continues.

John Cena: Ah, man. I haven’t heard that in a while but, OK, stop ramblin’ John. Ahem, let’s do this. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin! It’s a pleasure and an honor speakin’ to you, even though I’m on the stage and you’re on that truck but I wanna’ apologize. Not for me, but for Damien Sandow, Ted DiBiase and Big Show not thinkin’ the same way as I am. Not all Smackdown guys are like that, y’know? I mean, some of us believe the same way as you do. I’d appreciate as well if both Smackdown and RAW guys could cooperate and make U.W.F. as a whole a much better company. But, you and I been in enough companies, enough brands, and enough wars to know that’ll never happen. Since day one, I’ve heard the guys in the locker room braggin’ about RAW. Then, Smackdown made its return and I’ve heard the guys in the back braggin’ about Smackdown. We have better authority members, we have better wrestlers, hell we’re blue so Smackdown’s better. To me, I’m here lookin’ at the big picture and that’s the World Heavyweight Championship. Clearly you looked at the big picture because you’re the U.W.F. Champion, homie. Matter of fact, give a round of applause for the U.W.F. Champ, Philly!

The audience explodes in cheers for their U.W.F. Champion, and Steve Austin nods his head in respect toward John Cena who does the same. Cena, immediately continues.

John Cena: Anyway – let’s get back on point. There’s one teeny tiny problem I’m dealin’ with Steve. You managed to make your way to – my show, Smackdown and talked some big words if y’ask me. So, I decided no one else on the brand had the balls to show up in Philly to return the favor beside myself. I had to show up, I had to see my favorite fans, and I had to confront you Steve. I had to confront the so-called ‘facts’ you stated this past Friday night on Smackdown and just recently. Now, now – one thing, let’s talk about the superstars on Smackdown you addressed. I don’t have a problem with that to be honest because I’m sure we could all agree Batista, Bray Wyatt, and Alberto Del Rio are nothing but a bunch of jackasses, he-he. Onto the announcin’ team for RAW, I’m sure we could all agree Michael Cole is the biggest tool known to mankind. And Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, a true Hall of Famer if y’ask me, how’s it goin’ King? Onto Smackdown – Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jim Ross, despite what Piper thinks of some of us; phenomenal commentary team, no doubts about it. I had to voice my opinion on what you said about those two things, Steve but if y’think you’re gonna’ give out stunners to the entire Smackdown locker room and take the World Heavyweight Championship with you? You got another thing comin’ because at SummerSlam, despite the odds, I will be walkin’ out the World Champ and hell if you want a match to unify the championships, I’ll gladly put it on the line and prove the World Championship is superior to the U.W.F. Championship.

The loyal RAW audience boos, and John Cena releases several chuckles as he nods his head with a smile on his face, continuing.

John Cena: Alright, alright, seriously though, Steve. I’ve believed I rambled on way too much. At SummerSlam, I have a huge task in facin’ both The Big Show and Ted DiBiase Junior. Ted paid off the referee for that match, and the first thought is I’m screwed. They’re right, I am screwed but I proved I can overcome the odds as I defeated Bray Wyatt with DiBiase and Show at ring side, and the crooked Nick Patrick referring and I’ll do it again. You also have a huge task at SummerSlam in an Elimination Chamber match. I’ve been in plenty, you’ve been in plenty and we’ve both won a fair share of em’. I wish you good luck, and I hope you can return the favor but that’s not what’s more important. What’s more important is I’m sayin’ you’re gonna’ have a huge task during your match with Ted. I know you may believe he’s some rich pretty boy, I did also but he’s a smart rich pretty boy. The referee is gonna’ be crooked, and The Big Show will be there. I know you think you can handle it but eventually two defeats one. So, I’ll be watchin’ and if y’need some help out there you better bet your ass I’ll come runnin’.

The audience cheers for both John Cena as he is willing to help out a RAW superstar in need. Cena nods his head at Austin, as he lowers the microphone, staring at him.

Stone Cold: Who woulda' thought I'd see the day that John Cena would willingly offer ta' help me. Well my response to that is...

Suddenly the lights go out. When they come back on, Cena and Stone Cold are standing back-to-back in the center of the ring with the NWO surrounding them. Because of their history, it's a no-brainer that Cena and Orton go after one another while Austin is left with his opponents later tonight in Cody Rhodes and Christian. Austin fights the numbers as long as he can until Cody leaps onto the top rope and then leaps off, connecting with the Disaster Kick and sending the Rattlesnake to the mat where both men begin laying the boots to Austin. Orton knees Cena in the stomach and throws him out of the ring, joining his stablemates in beating down Stone Cold. Suddenly James Storm comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring as he spins Orton around and connects with the "Last Call" superkick. Christian and Rhodes now set their sights on the "Tennessee Cowboy" and go after him, when Cena slides into the ring and takes Rhodes down with a flying shoulder tackle. Christian and Storm trade punches as Cena hoists Rhodes onto his shoulders when he gets up from the mat, connecting with the Attitude Adjustment. Orton and Rhodes roll out of the ring under the bottom rope as Stone Cold gets up and Christian irish whips Storm in the UWF Champion's direction.

Storm stops himself before he collides with Austin, then turns and goes for the Last Call on Christian, who sidesteps and reverses into the Killswitch! As Christian gets up, Cena scoops him onto his shoulders but Austin pulls Christian off by the heel, turns him around, and delivers a Stunner! Christian rolls out of the ring as the NWO back up the ramp and Stone Cold's music begins playing again as Cena helps up Storm and Austin starts a beer bash. The crowd is cheering for all three when suddenly Storm sprays beer into Cena's eyes and Austin hops down from the turnbuckle he's toasting the crowd from, kicking Cena in the stomach and delivering a Stunner! The crowd still cheers even though Cena's the one that got stunned and Austin and Storm toast one another as Raw heads elsewhere.



Can't decide who to make the new official diva of Raw. It's between Eve Torress


Raw comes back to the ring where the audience is excited to see what comes next what they get is nothing upon which they expected…



The music of the Undertaker hits the arena and the UWF audience goes nuts. The smoke fills the stage and the lights turn blue, purple and black. People cannot wait for the Undertaker, however instead they are shocked when they see the legendary druids come out to the ring, four of them all of which are carrying the thing that’s get everyone’s attention. A casket!


Good lord, what is this? Last week we saw the return of the Undertaker, and now we have a casket coming down to the ring.

I’m not going to lie to you Cole, I’m a little bit spooked here.

The druids walk to the ring carrying the casket to the melody of the Deadman. They bring the casket into the ring and place it down in the center of the ring before turning around and exiting the way they came. A hush feels the arena as all lights appear on the casket.


You don’t think someone could be in that casket do you? Could it be John Morrison? Does the Undertaker have that kind of supernatural power?


As Cole goes to speak lightning hits the casket and it flings open. Only seconds later does the casket open from the inside. Out pops the Phenom who sits up like a bat out of hell to a huge ovation from the audience.


It’s the Undertaker! He’s here!

The Undertaker gets out of the casket and looks around as the crowd has begun a Taker chant, Taker turns back to the casket and pulls out his Jacket and Top Hat to the delight of the crowd. The avenging Phenom puts on his trademark hat and begins to speak to the masses.



Rise! That is the first I heard when I woke from my slumber. Little could I have guessed just what this simple four letter word could mean that brought me back from darkness! I have spent my career destroying souls and ending lives, but this voice was different. This voice was not of Hell but from somewhere else entirely. And it told me, the sins of the world have become great, your services are needed once again, so rise Taker of souls and become what you were always meant to be. A Savior! And so I arose and returned here to the only place I have ever known and when I saw what laid before me here, I knew what I had returned re-risen at the right time.

The Undertaker looks calm as he countinues to speak the entire Raw crowd is listening to every word as if it were gospel.

I have been gone far too long. Even those who claim to be pure and noble have fallen to sin. While I slept a Champion was crowned whom’s allegiance changes on a whim. A group in black has made Raw their playground of deceit and destruction. A beer drinker and a business man have stabbed each other in the back for nothing more than bragging rights. The red has been covered and should it continue, the red will fade into nothingness and the souls of mankind will fall to darkness. While I may find peace there, I can promise there are many who will not!

The crowd cheers the Deadman even though This is not the Undertaker they have come to know and love. Still the fact the Undertaker wants to help all of them makes them feel good, but what about John Morrison, the Undertaker’s opponent for Summerslam. As if reading their minds the Undertaker answers.

Summerslam I begin my holy work, no longer am I the reaper of souls but their salvation. I have been reborn not in purity, not in darkness, but somewhere in-between so I may face what is to come with the strength required to purge away the sins of the world and bring about a light that has been gone for too long. It begins with one man, John Morrison. And while his sins may not have harmed anyone yet, they have harmed himself. At Summerslam, I will save John Morrison from his wicked ways, I will drive the demons of vanity, pride, and ignorance out of his flesh and return him to the Higher Power. So it is written and so it shall come to pass, Morrison you set your fate when you came out here last week and challenged me. I see it now as nothing more than a cry for help. Help you will receive, help you need, for not only when I beat you do I put everyone on notice that their sins must be atoned or punished, that I am real, but lastly I will do what I have come back to do. I will save your soul, and the demons inside you shall forever REST IN PEACE!

The gong hits and the arena lights are gone, complete darkness engulfs the ring before the lights come back on and the Undertaker is GONE! The crowd cheer as this is indeed the Taker they love before Raw heads elsewhere.

The Camera goes backstage where The Hardcore Champion, Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks are standing.


Curt Hawkins: Hello once again UWF fans it is I, the Hardcore Champion, Curt Hawkins and my best friend Tyler Reks here. Now unless you've been living under a rock you know by now that Goldust has issued a challenge for my title at SummerSlam and being the great champion that I am, I accepted. Now we're backstage at Raw, and we're going to go look for that freak to give him a piece of our minds, and show him what he's really messing with, come SummerSlam. Come on, let's go!

Reks and Hawkins start off in the backstage area and the camera follows them.

Curt Hawkins: Here, Goldy Goldy...we got a...a nice wig for you! Here here!

Curt whistles at him like a dog while Reks stays silent in the background. Curt is pushing over crates and looking in trash cans for Goldust but he just can't seem to find him anywhere. They come upon Hornswoggle sitting against a crate. A smile creeps over the face of Hawkins as he approaches him.


Curt Hawkins: Hey...hey there little guy. Could we ask you something? Have you seen our friend Goldust? He went missing and we'd really like to have him back.

Hornswoggle:...er...ugh..dhfrbgb. Sdfdhy. Hdysnd!

Curt snickers a little to himself.

Curt Hawkins: Aww...that's too bad. You know what this means now, right?

Reks stands over Hornswoggle and looks down at him. Hawkins smiles as Hornswoggles face is over come with fear.

Curt Hawkins: Boo!

Hornswoggle takes off down the backstage area screaming his head off. Hawkins laughs and pats Reks on the chest.

Curt Hawkins: Ahhhh...Classic man, classic. Okay, let's keep looking.

Reks and Hawkins walk off together. Just when they leave the frame, Goldust walks out from behind the crate Hornswoggle was leaning against. He looks at the camera with a smile.

We come to ringside where Matt Morgan is standing in the ring waiting for his opponent of the evening.


Kofi Kingston’s theme song plays over the arena much to the chagrin of the capacity crowd. Kofi Kingston steps out onto the stage accompanied by Abraham Washington. Kofi chooses not to do his thunderclap, instead he just walks down to the ring. The duo walk down the entrance ramp, climb up the steel steps and get into the ring. Abrham smiles as Kofi stands on the turnbuckle inserting his dominance over the UWF crowd.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Matt Morgan looks to clothesline Kofi Kingston almost immediately. Kingston ducks under before driving two swift kicks right into the stomach of The Blueprint. These kicks double Morgan over and allow Kingston to push him backwards onto the ropes before Irish Whipping him to the opposing set. Morgan bounces off of them and comes back at Kingston, who quickly hits Morgan with a leaping leg lariat. The big man falls to the canvas and Kingston quickly goes for a cover…



Morgan kicks out with authority, sending Kingston flying in the process!
Morgan and Kingston both get to their feet at the same time and Kingston goes to uses his superior speed to attack the big man again. Morgan is ready this time and as Kingston comes in, Morgan hits him with a discus clothesline. The clothesline hits Kingston right in the windpipe and Kingston goes down as Morgan goes for a cover…



Kingston kicks out

Morgan quickly gets off Kingston before grabbing him by the hair and throwing him into the corner. Morgan turns his back to Kingston and places his back right onto Kingston’s chest…

Cole: Here comes the rapid fire elbows from Matt Morgan!

Morgan throws both elbows backwards right into Kingston’s face. One then another, followed by another, each elbow hits Kingston faster than the previous one until Morgan walks out of the corner and stops with the assault. Kingston stumbles out of the corner and right into Morgan’s waiting arms. The Blueprint lifts Kingston off the canvas and slams him back first onto the mat with a sidewalk slam. The former Hardcore Champion wastes no time hooking the leg and going for another cover…



Kingston kicks out!

Morgan gets to his feet with the crowd cheering him on. Morgan throws his right arm in the air to a huge pop from the fans…

King: Morgan’s signaling for the Chokeslam!

Kofi Kingston is unaware that Matt Morgan is ready to deliver a massive Chokeslam. The West African sensation slowly gets to his feet, with his back turned to Morgan. Kingston turns around and Morgan wraps his huge arm around Kingston’s neck before hoisting him up in the air…

Cole: This can’t end well for Kofi Kingston!

As Morgan hoists Kingston up, Kofi is able to shift his body weight and go behind Morgan. Kingston quickly reacts by dropkicking Morgan in the back, sending The Blueprint face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Kingston then charges towards the corner, using his athleticism to wrap his body through the middle rope and kick Morgan right in the face with his version of a 619. Morgan falls out of the corner and towards the center of the ring as Kingston stands on the apron. The kick may have caught Morgan off guard, but it’s not enough to keep the big man down. Morgan starts pushing himself off the canvas. Kingston sees this and starts climbing from the ring apron to the top turnbuckle. Kingston reaches the top just as Morgan gets to his feet. Kingston quickly jumps off the top rope, fully extending his body, going for a Crossbody…

Cole: Kofi Kingston getting beautiful elevation!

Kingston goes for the Crossbody, but in an unbelievable showing of strength, Matt Morgan is able to catch Kofi Kingston…

King: No way! How strong is Matt Morgan?!

Morgan holds Kingston horizontally while walking across the ring. He has the crowd in the palm of his hands. They’re on their feet waiting to see what Morgan’s going to do next. Morgan smiles at the fans before yelling “Say Goodbye†before throwing Kingston backwards with a Fallaway Slam! Kingston’s body hits the mat hard and Morgan quickly goes over to him and covers him…



Kingston kicks out!

Morgan gets to his feet and walks to the opposing side of the ring. He starts slapping his left knee, letting everyone know that the end is here!

Cole: I think Matt Morgan is calling for the Carbon Footprint!

Morgan begins to get antsy as Kingston starts to get to his feet once more. Kofi reaches a vertical base and turns around and Morgan charges right at him, looking for this trademark bicycle kick. Kingston sees it coming and runs towards Morgan before sliding under the big boot…

Cole: Impressive counter!

Kingston manages to avoid the Carbon Footprint and when Matt Morgan turns around to go back on the attack, Kingston leaves the mat, spins in midair and kicks Morgan right in the face…

King: Trouble in Paradise!

Kingston hits his finishing move and Morgan goes down and Kingston quickly goes for the win…



Morgan kicks out!

Cole: Morgan kicked out of the Trouble in Paradise?!

Kingston can’t believe it, so he covers Morgan again!



Morgan kicks out!

Kingston is shocked that Morgan just kicked out again. He looks over towards AW and asks him what to do next. AW tells him to “focusâ€. Kingston decides to take his manager’s advice. He heads over to the ring apron and starts climbing to the top again…

King: This didn’t work too well for Kofi last time!

Kofi reaches the top once more just as Morgan gets to his feet. Kingston jumps off the turnbuckle straight into the air and Morgan catches him by the throat…

Cole: Oh My!

Morgan quickly lifts Kingston in the air and quickly drops him with an impactful Chokeslam! Kingston’s spine hits the hard mat and Morgan quickly goes for a cover…



Kingston gets a shoulder up!

Morgan gets to a knee while locking down on Kingston. He starts tapping his wrist telling everyone that it’s “Hellevator Timeâ€. Morgan grabs a limp Kofi Kingston by his arm and lifts him to his feet. Morgan throws the arm over his shoulder before lifting Kofi in the air in a vertical suplex position…

King: This may be it for Kofi Kingston!

Morgan holds Kingston high in the air, but for the second time in the match Kingston is able to shift his body and land on his feet. Kingston spins Morgan around before wrapping his around Morgan’s waist and front-flipping, hitting Morgan with the S.O.S…

Cole: SOS!

Kofi quickly goes for another cover…



Morgan kicks out!

Kofi gets off Morgan, thinking that he got him. The referee tells him otherwise. Kingston shakes his head in disgust before going back on the attack. He makes sure The Blueprint is in perfect position near the ropes before running off the far ropes and dropping both legs across Morgan’s prone body…

Cole: Kofi Kingston just hit the Boom Drop!

Kingston doesn’t go for a cover. Instead, he gets to a knee and begins his traditional slow rhythmic thunderclap. *Clap, Clap, Clap* Kingston repeats himself over and over again as Morgan slowly pulls himself to his feet. Kingston goes right on the attack, leaving his feet and going for Trouble in Paradise yet again. But the second time is not the charm as Morgan ducks out of the way and Kingston hits nothing but canvas. Kingston grabs his ribs and chest in pain but doesn’t stay on the canvas long. Morgan sees this and runs right at Kingston, hitting the Carbon Footprint big boot…

King: There it is!

Morgan hits his finishing move and goes for a cover…



AW puts Kingston’s foot on the ropes!

The referee sees the foot, but doesn’t see how it got there so the match will continue. Morgan gets to his feet and backs into the corner far from Kingston. He’s going to hit him with another Carbon Footprint. Kingston has to use the ropes to get to his feet, but manages to do so. Just as Kofi gets up, AW jumps on the ring apron to distract Morgan. AW talks trash to Morgan, who responds by taking his head off with a Carbon Footprint! AW falls off the apron and Morgan goes back to Kingston. Morgan notices that Kingston isn’t where he was before. He looks around the ring and watches as Kingston leaps off the top rope, going for another Crossbody. For the second time in the match, Morgan is able to catch Kingston…

Cole: This long into the match and Matt Morgan is still showing off his tremendous power!

Morgan holds Kingston horizontally again, but this time he throws Kingston vertically onto his shoulder. Morgan puts too much behind the throw and the momentum allows Kingston to slide down his back. Morgan turns around to see that Kingston has given himself enough distance to leave his feet and hit Morgan with the Trouble in Paradise Kick for the second time this match. Morgan goes down and an exhausted Kofi Kingston goes for the win…


Cole: Is that going to be it?


King: If it isn’t then I don’t know how Kingston can win!


Roberts: Here is your winner; Kofi Kingston!!

The fans boo as Kofi Kingston gets to his feet and has his hand risen as “SOS†plays for the second time tonight. Kingston rolls under the bottom rope and goes to check on AW, who is still lying on the arena floor. He picks his manager up before throwing his arm over his shoulder and taking him to the back with another victory under his belt. Raw then heads to commercial.



Or Kelly Kelly


The camera cuts backstage, as John Morrison is chatting to a woman...

Morrison: Then, Stacey, as I went to leave, they shouted "ONE MORE TIME!", what choice did I have? I had to pose one more time.


Morrison strikes a pose, as Stacey enjoys Morrison's story. Todd Grisham enters the shot and cuts Morrison's story short;

Grisham: Excuse me, John, is it OK if I ask a few questions?

Morrison doesn't look particuarly impressed, as he stares at Grisham with a look of bemusement.

Morrison: No, Todd, it's not OK, you pervert.

Grisham: Sorry?

Morrison: What were you doing back there all that time, with those ridiculous pants on, waiting for your chance to pounce?

Grisham: No, I wasn't waiting for anything. And... what's wrong with my pants?

Morrison: Are you kidding me? They look ridiculous.

Grisham: I thought they looked kind of cool.

Morrison: They don't look cool, Todd. They make you look like a sofa masturbator. If the Sofa Masturbating Guild of America had a uniform, you'd currently be sporting it in a disastrous fashion.

Grisham: Thanks... I guess. So...

Morrison: You're welcome.

Grisham: ... how are you preparing for your match with The Undertaker at Summerslam?

Morrison: It's quite simple actually, Todd, I'm preparing for it in the same way I prepare for every match. I'm making sure that my own game is where I want it to be. Making sure that I'm in the right state of mind. If I do that, I'm confident that I can get the result that I want against The Undertaker.

Grisham: So you're not intimidated by facing such an daunting figure in The Undertaker?

Morrison: What sort of a question is that, Todd? Of course I'm not. John Morrison is beyond good and evil. Dead or alive, I face every challenge that this business has to throw at me and still come out of it looking like a million dollars. In terms of where we're both at; we're evenly matched. We both returned to the business recently and are both out to send a message at Summerslam. What it comes down to, now though, is which man has the willpower to come out of this on top. Who wants it more? I know I want it, Todd. Does The Undertaker? Is The Undertaker willing to go toe-to-toe with The Guru of Greatness, The Shaman of Sexy, The Tuesday Night Delight? Knowing full well, that John Morrison will not give up, never give in, never quit? I don't know whether he's capable of that. I guess we'll see come August 26th.

Grisham: Finally, John, how excited are you to be back?

Morrison: I'm extremely excited, Todd. John Morrison is at his best when he has a platform to showcase exactly what he is capable of. Where better to do it than UWF? I love the persuit of gold. I love the thrill of competition. I don't love being interviewed by you, though, Todd.

With that being said, Morrison strides out of the shot, and Grisham is left to mull over Morrison's final jibe.


The crowd inside the UWF Raw arena are on their feet awaiting the arrival of their favourite superstars. When suddenly the lights dim and a golden hue dawns across the arena and ominous words flash upon the titantron.

Shattered Dreams Productions

24 Karat Pictures Present

A Shattered Dreams Production


The unforgettable theme of Goldust hits the PA system and a spotlight focuses on the stage as he emerges from the back. He is decked out in his usual gold attire, complete with the platinum blonde wig and extravogant robe. Marlena is by his side, smoking a cigar looking very hot. Both of them make their ways down the isle, Goldust stops and rubs himself up and down in front of the camera, licking his lips as he does so. He then continues on towards the ring where he and Marlena waste no time in entering. Goldust does his usual posturing on the top rope. He steps down and prepares for his match.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from parts unknown he is the unusual, Golddust!


The Evil Bully Ray makes his way out to the ring in his usual ring attire. The man looks pissed off that he has been ignored for the past two weeks and cannot wait to get into the ring and take out his frustrations. He walks down to the ring at a brisk pace for going up the steps and wiping off the apron with his boot before stepping in. He yells something nasty once inside the ring and waits for the bell.

Justin Roberts: Introducing his opponent, from Hells Kitchen, New York, weighing in at 306 pounds; Bully Ray!

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Goldust almost immediately strokes his own body suggestively. Ray has a look of confusion on his face. How exactly is he supposed to deal with a man like this? Goldust doesn’t give him an opportunity to really think it over as he takes Bully Ray down with an impactful clothesline. Ray goes down and Goldust goes for the first cover of the match…



Ray kicks out!

As Bully Ray lies on the mat, the Golden One uses his hands to feel up Ray, particularly the calves that Bully Ray is so proud of. Ray backs up into a far corner trying to get the “Prince of Perversion†as far away from him as possible. Ray gets to his feet in the corner and yells at the referee to make sure “That this freak keeps his hands to himselfâ€. Bully Ray’s words, not mine, I promise you. Anyway, back to the match. Goldust charges at Ray in the corner and Bully manages to side step and Goldust eats nothing but turnbuckle. This gives Ray the opening he needs. He starts throwing right hands at the chest and skull of Goldust before grabbing Goldust by the arm and throwing him towards the opposing turnbuckle. Goldust hits the opposing corner with such force that he actually stumbles right out of it and Bully Ray lowers his shoulder and sends Goldust flying high with a back body drop. Ray then runs off the far ropes before coming back at Goldust and dropping his calves across Goldust’s throat with a leg drop. Ray then goes for a cover…



Goldust rolls a shoulder!

Ray gets off Goldust before telling the referee to count faster. Ray then grabs Goldust by the arm before lifting him to his feet. Ray pushes Goldust onto the near ropes before Irish Whipping him. Goldust bounces of the far ropes and as he comes back to his opponent, Ray lowers his head looking for another back body drop. Goldust sees this coming and puts on the brakes before dropping to his back and upper cutting Bully Ray directly in throat. This catches Ray off guard and dazes him. Ray walks towards the far ropes, grabbing his throat. He is unaware that Goldust has gotten to a vertical base and snuck up behind him. Goldust wraps his arms around Ray’s waist before thrusting his groin into Ray. Bully screams in objection but all his screaming is for nothing as Goldust lifts him off the canvas and drops him on his head with a belly to back suplex. Ray doesn’t know whether to acknowledge the impact of the suplex or whether to feel some sort of way about being violated. Either way, Goldust goes for a quick cover…



Ray kicks out!

King: This Goldust is quite the character!

Cole: Character? He’s a pervert!

King: You would know all about that wouldn’t you Cole?

Cole: Huh?

King: How’s Heidenreich doing these days?

Back to the action, Goldust has lifted Bully Ray off the canvas and into the air. Goldust holds Bully high, making sure that he has a firm grasp of every inch of Bully Ray’s body before dropping him with a vertical suplex. Goldust floats over, going for another cover…



Ray kicks out!

Goldust gets off Ray, who once again quickly crawls away from the very strange man. Ray goes to one corner as Goldust goes to another. Goldust feels himself up real quick before going aback on the attack. He meets Bully in the corner with right hands to the chest before surprising with another uppercut to the jaw. The stuns Ray and allows Goldust to put each one of Ray’s legs on the middle rope…

Cole: Oh no! I know what Goldust has planned!

With one of Ray’s legs resting on one middle rope and the other leg resting on the other rope, Goldust has Bully Ray exactly where he wants him. Goldust takes a few steps back before groping himself and charging towards the corner that Bully Ray is sitting vulnerably…

King: Goldust looking to Shatter a few dreams!

Before Goldust can kick Ray in the place where the sun doesn’t shine, the referee intervenes. He steps in front of Ray, causing Goldust to come to an abrupt stop. The referee tells Goldust that “Shattered Dreams†is an illegal move and that Goldust will be disqualified. Goldust and the referee discuss the subject until Goldust finally concedes and shoves the referee out of his way. While all of this has transpired, Ray has had time to recover. He removes his legs from off the ropes and as Goldust looks to go back on the attack, Bully meets him with a big boot to the face. Goldust goes down like a bag of potatoes and Ray goes for a cover…



Goldust kicks out!

Ray promptly gets off Goldust, hoping that the Golden One has gotten enough feels for the night. Ray heads over to the turnbuckle and goes to the middle rope. Ray throws up the horns before jumping off the top in an attempt to drop an elbow down on Goldust. The Prince of Perversion manages to roll out of the way and Ray hits nothing but canvas. Both men lay on the mat as the referee as the referee begins counting them out…








Goldust pulls himself up on the far side of the ring…


Ray pulls himself up on the near side.

Goldust is the first to go on the attack, charging at Ray before jumping in the air and turning in the process, striking Ray in the face with his backside…

King: Haha! Innovative offense by Goldust!

Goldust then goes for another cover…



Ray kicks out!

Goldust quickly lifts Ray off the canvas before placing Ray’s head between his legs. Goldust gets a firm feel on Bully Ray’s backside before wrapping both arms around Ray’s waist and lifting him before bringing Ray down onto his head with a spike piledriver. Goldust wastes no time going for another cover…



Ray kicks out again!

Goldust says that this one is in the books. He watches as Bully Ray gets to his feet and once he does Goldust charges at Bully with another clothesline. Bully sees this one coming though and ducks under, grabbing Goldust’s arm in the process before hooking the other and leaving Goldust vulnerable in a Full Nelson…

Cole: It may just be time for the Bully Bomb!

Before Ray can lift Goldust, Goldust rubs his ass suggestively on Ray’s groin. Ray immediately lets go of Goldust’s arms and tells the referee that should be some sort of disqualification. The referee says it’s not so Ray goes back to work. No he’s the one who goes for a clothesline and this time, Goldust ducks under. Goldust then wraps his arm around Bully Ray’s neck before lifting him in the air and dropping him head fist with the Curtain Call! Goldust then goes for a cover…




Here is your winner; Goldust!

The Prince of Perversion gets to his feet having just won his debut match. With Summerslam right around the corner, Goldust may be picking up momentum. Goldust leaves the ring and heads to the back as Raw heads elsewhere.​

July 31st Edition of RAW

James Storm is on his way to his locker room after he lost his match to Kofi Kingston. An interviewer interrupts Storm in his way. Interviewer is not able to start talking because Storm hears him walking behind his back so The Cowboy turns around.

James Storm:
A'right, what do 'ya want?

Interviewer: You just lost your match against Kofi Kings...

Storm grabs the reporter and smashes him against the nearest wall.


James Storm: I didn't lose anythin'! Referee made a bad call! When Bobby interfered, Kofi was a'ready down fo' a seven count! Referee shouldn't stop countin' Kingston down. The truth is that Bobby was not da' one dat cost me ma' match, the referee did 'cause he didn't know what ta' do at dat moment. Anyway...I can't change da' fact dat he screwed me. I ain't gonna beat him or somethin' like dat. Dat ref is too stupid fo' me ta' be worried 'bout it. What I'm worried 'bout is dat jackass Bobby Roode. He made a hige mistake. He's makin' mistakes fo' a second year in a row. First mistake he made was when he smashed me wit' a beer bottle last year and since then, his 'mistake streak' goes on and on. One a' dose big mistakes he made is when he attacked me ta'night.

Storm lets the interviewer go and looks at the camera.

Bobby, I know yer watchin' dis right now so I want 'ya ta' listen. I know yer on a losin' streak. 'Ya lost yer match at Da' Great 'Merican Bash, 'ya lost yer match on RAW ta'night. Damn, Bully Ray beat 'ya in a submission match. 'Ya keep losin' match after match and Summerslam ain't gonna be different. At Summerslam, I'mma make sure dat 'ya keep on losin' and I will finally get rid of da' disease yer in dis business. At Summerslam erry'body will see da' selfish generation fall 'cause of Da Cowboy and...SORRY...ABOUT YOUR DAAAAAAMN LUCK!!!

The Cowboy walks away and we go to another segment.


Cody Rhodes:

Tick…tock…tick…tock…I’m Coming…for a long time now I’ve been chasing after time. I was looking for my future, I was redeeming my past, but soon I will only think day by day. Because at Summerslam, I get what I’ve been seeking the entire time. That title…it isn’t a belt it isn’t a crown it isn’t even a trophy…it’s recognition. It is a sign that you are better than each and every other person doing what you’re doing. I need that championship, to show I’ve always been better…that I’ve always deserved this spot no matter what those people say about my last name….

*Rhodes seems to drift off looking down at the floor mumbling to himself*

And if you close your eyes…

*Rhodes closes his eyes as he tilts his head back*

Everytime I close my eyes…I see that period of my career. The smiles inside of suits, who lied to my face about what they were going to do with my career. The chairmen who forgot my name on live television, the general managers who signed me with a smile on their face only to shun me aside…but I also see other things…I see those who I’ve faced over this time period… the look of grogginess in Vince’s faces before I twisted his neck around into cross Rhodes…the look of agony in Drews face…the look of not knowing where he was in Brock Lesnars face…and I just...just remember that it was never my fault the injuries I caused…it was the fault of those in charge who decided to bring this out of me…I...

*Rhodes tilts his head to the side*

I hear voices in my head…they echo throughout, hearing Shane McMahon promise UWF was…Different…hearing The Rock announce that the winner of the tournament would be number one contender only to be followed by him announcing Raven and John Cena added to the match for no reason. The Lies I’ve heard, the lies I’ve seen, that is what caused me to be the way I am now. I was a naïve kid in this business and I trusted everyone because my father taught me a fairytale way of life…but now I know what this place really is about…Kill or be killed, no one cares about things you earn they only care about what you accomplish…and at Summerslam…

*Cody again drifts off looking down as if staring at something in his hand that isn’t seen on camera*

Break the walls down…the walls put up to stop my forward motion. The walls they put up to stop Cody Rhodes from making it because they didn’t want Cody Rhodes to make it, well now I’m not going to let that happen. I’m not going to try and win things the “Right†way now I only care about getting that UWF title at Summerslam, whether people get hurt in the process or not is of no concern. Because at the end of the day, while people forget that they respected the valiant effort of five competitors, and forget the fair and strong fight they put up they will only be thinking of one thing and that is who holds that championship. And I will be that man, and once I get it, this mask will come off…I will have finally been redeemed but my attitude won’t go back to normal. It will always have a side to it, and it’s better that way…

*Rhodes suddenly lifts up a hand mirror up, after a moment he turns towards it as if he didn’t put it up there and is just noticing it*

I used to carry one of these everywhere I went, this and what I saw out of it was the only thing I cared about…but now I only care about bringing one thing with me everywhere I go.

*Rhodes drops the mirror, the sound of shattered glass echoing through the small room*


*Rhodes looks directly into the camera as the sound of the shatter glass dies down*

And that is the UWF Championship, the title I deserve, the title that has been destined to be mine. The title that years from now will be synonymous with Cody Rhodes, I am your Future. I am YOUR light at the end of the tunnel, I am Cody Rhodes and after Summerslam I won’t have Dashing before my name, I won’t have grotesque before my name…it will only be Cody Rhodes…because that will be all you will be reading off the championships nameplate.…

Whoa oh…Cody Rhodes 6:25


Please guys, no more multiple promos. It's hard to find a place for all of them. One per trash talker is enough


Fans cheer when all of a sudden the lights go out and static appears than all of a sudden


Fans cheer and Chris Jericho is shown smiling Jericho begins to talk

Chris Jericho: UWF faithful it is I your savior Y2J Chris Jericho, and a lot of people are wondering, they are feeling, pondering a lot of people wanna know... Chris what is it with the code? Chris why did you do something that you did big back in 2007? Why did you use the code? Well let me tell you something folks this whole idea of the code behind it, it was meant to send a message out there to the New World Order. I have mentioned it time and time again, I use to be around the NWO and all the strings they use to pull behind the scenes, I know that pain I know what is like. So when I was thinking of the codes I was thinking what should be the message I want put out there. Than I thought about Saving people, and Lies. The Save code featured references to stuff that showed the word save, but not only that spelt it out.

That you may as why lies... well one of my best friends in this industry lied too me, he decided to put his hands in the devils pot so I decided to send him a message too him about lies. I put common lies people tell almost every single day of there lives so I decided that's what I want people to know the common reason why I chose those focal points. I took my break into hiding to play the same little mind games the NWO likes to play. The people in the NWO they may act like they are some close group niche that loves to help each other by they are far from it. All the NWO wants too do is try to make it easier for the individual, and the individual is not Christian or Cody Rhodes... it is none other than Randy Orton. Through out Randy's career he has never been a guy to do it all by himself, he has never been a guy that could do it on his own. He always needed a group to guide and protect him so he can be the main factor, and that is nothing but the truth.

You see I told Cody and Christian I will take out the NWO at Summerslam, and while they will suffer the main wrath and fury from me, it is not going to be them alone, the main person who is going to suffer is going to be Randy Orton, you see Randy Orton is the same man who almost ended my career many years ago because he saw me as a threat. Well Orton in this world it is an eye for an eye, and you my friend have crossed a valley of no return because I will and trust me will end you and that is how I will get rid of the NWO. If you ever heard of the expression kill the head, and the body will fall. Well Randy Orton is the head of this shady group and trust me folks when it is all said and done the NWO will be nothing more than a bad dream, they will be gone forgotten never to be mentioned again, and it all starts tonight when Y2J, with Stone Cold Steve Austin kick the monkey asses of Cody Rhodes and Christian here tonight.

Fans cheer as Jericho smiles to end the segement



The familiar piece of music plays throughout the arena, as the fans get to their feet. They jump excitably, realizing that the one and only Olympic Gold medalist was about to show his face to the UWF universe. He steps out from beneath the curtains, his head down... wearing a jacket with a hood that covers his head. He steps to the stage, his head never moving... soaking in the emotion that comes from the fans in the UWF. He stays there for a few seconds, as the pyros erupt around him and he succumbs to the cheers that solidify his return to the UWF.


Kurt puts his hands down as the pyros dissipate... his smirk never leaving his mouth. He continues his trek downwards, walking down the ramp and his eyes scanning the crowd for the signs and tell tale signs that they recognized his return coming a miled away.


Kurt takes off the jacket, revealing that he has an American flag wrapped around himself, coating himself in not only warmth but in American pride and spirit. He continues down the ramp... letting go of the flag and readying himself for the action that's about to take place in the ring.


Seeing none, realizing the surprise at hand... his smirk grows to an unstoppable rate as he reaches the ring... grabbing a microphone as he jumps up the steps that lead to the squared circle.


Kurt circles the ring once, holding his microphone with two hands. He leans into the microphone and begins to address the crowd... telling his reason for his arrival... and his plans while he's here.

Kurt Angle: Well… Well… Well… Well! It looks to me that that UWF has a new standard in what they call the BEST. I've been watching, I've kept both eyes and ears on the program… and it when it comes to quality, nobody has to look any further then the olympic gold medalist… Kurt Angle!

Kurt pats himself on the back, as the crowd sits down… realizing that they're not going to get rid of him anytime soon, realizing that he's come to say his peace… and won't leave until he's said it all.

Kurt Angle: Now, I've been around the block. This isn't my first rodeo. I've done it all, and I've said it all… but the truth is DAMN apparent. I'm the only one here with any American gold in this company. That is something this program has been lacking. That is something that RAW has been lacking. A true champion, someone that you people… can be proud of. I've said it before, the integrity is the most important part of being a role model. Integrity is something that you can't buy and its something you can't capture.

Kurt laughs at this, seeing the crowd get to their feet again in disgust. He circles the ring with the microphone in hand, letting the hate and boos rain on him, not seeing or caring that the crowd isn't behind him. Instead, Kurt sees himself in the spotlight… ready and able to prove himself to the world, that he can be a force of nature… that he can fight harder than he has in the past.

Kurt Angle: It is quite frankly, earned. Like a championship, like a victory. It is the very force of nature that proves a man to be better than the rest. When the chips are down, when the lightning strikes and the clock is ticking… the only thing that keeps a man going is his integrity. His will to finish a fight, his absence of quit in him. I wrestled in the olympics with a broken friggin' neck. I've done it ALL… and thats why I carry around this two pound metal. It's because I've earned it! Its because nobody else in this company can say they've got one. It's why I deserve to be looked at as a role model, as a cornerstone of the company. Its why I should be able to get a piece of a UWF Championship. No matter what it is!

Kurt motions to his waist, signifying that he is destined a championship. A piece of gold to call his own, to fight for the right to make his name in the UWF. He looks at the crowd, and spins... letting the fans poor in their disgust. He doesn't stop or change a thing, because only he knows what is in store for the UWF Universe.

Kurt Angle: You people don't like that? I've been in this business before some of you were in diapers. In fact, I don't give a damn what you like… or what you don't like! The fact is… I've always been this damn good. I've always been damn hard to beat. And the fact of the matter is, I've always been a force to be reckoned with… in no matter what company I've been a part of. If any of you people can't respect that… than I don't know what to tell you. You're just gonna have to get used to it, baby…. because the olympic hero is back in town for a reason.

The crowd boos harder, not liking that the Olympic Champion has returned with a cocky attitude. Not enjoying that Kurt Angle sees himself in a light above the rest, ready and able to pick a bone about anything and everything. Kurt continues, resting himself against a turnbuckle to continue his onslaught of words. The crowd doesn't show any likable emotions, but that doesn't stop the Olympic Gold Medalist.

Kurt Angle: I've been picked to come to UWF Tuesday Night Raw…and I got to say I'm a little disappointed. No, it's not gonna stop a hero like myself… but anybody watching UWF can tell Smackdown is the better show! But that got me thinking, you see, I realized. I realized that RAW needs me. It needs a man that its fans can prove is the unstoppable commodity deserving of a place in its roster. I am a former World Heavyweight Champion! I'm arguably the greatest wrestler in the history of the business! RAW is exactly the show that needs to see a talent like myself shine through. You people deserve to see a talent like myself kick ass… and take name. It's REAL! It's DAMN real!

As Kurt says his final line, he points to himself... jabbing himself in the chest with his pointy finger. He has a scowl on, his voice raising from a mixture of rage and desire to prove himself. He continues, leaning against the ropes as he talks.

Kurt Angle: While all of you were surprised that RAW got an Elimination Chamber match at Summerslam…. I was in the gym. waiting for an opportunity to prove myself to the winner. While all of you get on CM Punk's case… I was sitting at home, watching his every move. It doesn't matter who I'm up agains… it doesn't matter if it's The Rock himself, the Straight Edge Superstar… or even the UWF Champion… Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The crowd cheers and boos at this name, recognizing the heat and the love for the UWF Champion. The one they call gthe Texas Rattlesnake, the one they have stuck with for over 15 years. The UWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin. But that doesn't faze, the Olympic hero… Kurt Angle. He saw this coming, and has words to say about it.

Kurt Angle: It doesn't surprise me that you all love your UWF Champion. It also doesn't surprise me that some of you don't like him. Its not surprising at all that some of you want to see a man like myself, a hero… a champion… a warrior… go through the odds and make himself a force to be reckoned with in this show. I've got it all… the looks, the skill, the gold, and the strength… to make all of you believers. It's true… and it's real. It's damn true… and it's damn real!

Kurt's music plays, as he throws the microphone down. He goes to leave the ring, laughing as he does it… realizing that he's made a promise to the UWF crowd. He wants to make his mark, he wants to prove himself worthy of speaking such words to the audience. He knows what he's done in the past, but that the past isn't going to help him at all in the present. In order to make a future for himself, Kurt would have to prove it every week… every night that he wrestles. He would have to show the world that he's ready and able to prove that he is worthy of someday being… a UWF Champion. Kurt mutters words to himself, as his music plays as he leaves the ring.

The camera shot is once again taken backstage where we see Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks continuing to look for Goldust.

Curt Hawkins: I know you're back here some where Goldust! We don't want to hurt you...too much.

Curt smiles and keeps on looking. He comes to a large section full of boxes and crates. He's sure Goldust has to be around here.


Curt Hawkins: This is it Reks, he has to be some where in this mess of stuff. Start opening boxes! Tear down everything until we find that freak!

They start to tear into the crates and the containers. Making so much noise. Reks pushes over the last crate and nothing is inside. Curt starts to get frustrated and starts yelling at Reks.


Curt Hawkins: Where can that little freak be! God! How hard is it to find someone backstage on Raw? We run into Hornswoggle like it's normal but we can't find a golden 6 foot cross dresser! This is insane! Wait...did you hear that? I think it came from this way. Time to go get us a Goldust.

They walk off very slowly, trying not to make a sound. When they turn the corner, without hesitation, Goldust steps into the camera frame. The same smile on his face.


Goldust: Keep looking...

The following announcement has been brought to you by the New World Order!


The music of the New World order hits the arena and the crowd get to their feet booing madly as out come two of the most hated men in the UWF. The former United States Champion Cody Rhodes, and the former Number one Contender Christian. Both men look unhappy to be here together. Maybe because they will be opponents for the championship at Summerslam. Either way the two men make their way down to the ring not looking at each other once.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a tag team match introducing first, representing the New World Order, the Team of Christian and Cody Rhodes.

Lights go out when all of a sudden

Break the


Fans cheer as the twinkle being shown of Jericho's jacket is shining and the lights go on fully and shows Jericho

+Chris+Jericho+vs.+Kofi+Kingston+WWE+RAW+World+Tou  r+February,+2012+Abu+Dhabi+9-2-2012+(1).JPG

Jericho turns as he is happy to see all the fans Jericho begins to look at the ring as he smiles. Jericho goes and he walks down the ring and he begins to go on as he looks on at the NWO Jericho goes in the ring and he goes on the top rope. Jericho pounds his fist does his usual taunts and Jericho moves on waiting for his partner.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, first from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, please welcome Chris Jericho!


At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. Stone Cold walks over to the nearest corner and ascends it, throwing up the Stone Cold Salute with one hand and raising his championship belt as high as he can with the other hand. Austin steps down and heads to the corner diagonal from the one he was just standing on, repeating the process. Austin steps down again after posing and repeats the process with the remaining turnbuckles before handing his belt to an official.

Justin Roberts:
And his tag team partner from Victoria Texas, he is the UWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Christian decides he will start the match for the New World Order while Chris Jericho decides he will start for his team. Jericho and Christian lock up and Jericho snaps off a quick arm drag sending Christian flying across the ring. Christian gets to his feet and goes at Jericho, who once again takes him down with another arm drag, Christian gets to his feet a third time and Chris Jericho meets him with a beautiful standing dropkick to the face. Christian goes down and Jericho goes for the first cover of the match…



Christian kicks out!

Jericho grabs Christian by the arm and drags him to his corner. He slaps Austin on the chest, bringing the Champion into the match legally…

Cole: That was quite the tag by Chris Jericho.

Austin looks at his chest where Jericho tagged him. Austin enters the ring before going to the second rope. Jericho still has full control of Christian’s body and Austin leaps off the middle rope, dropping a double axe handle on Christian’s back. Captain Charisma falls to the mat and Austin goes for a cover…



Christian kicks out!

Austin lifts Christian off the canvas before throwing him in the nearby corner. Austin begins laying the boots to Christian. Repeated shots to the stomach by Austin sends Christian to the canvas where the UWF Champion continues his onslaught before giving his main rival the double finger salute and delivering one more boot right into Christian’s heart. Austin then drags Christian out of the corner before hooking the leg and going for a cover…



Christian kicks out!

King: Christian’s in a bad way!

Austin lifts Christian off the canvas before throwing him back to his corner. Like Jericho did earlier, Austin slaps his partner directly on the chest, bringing Jericho back into the match. Jericho enters the ring as Austin begins leaving and the two share an intense glare. This is the opening Christian needs as he hops from the canvas to the middle turnbuckle and leaps off hits Jericho with a Tornado DDT. Jericho’s head spikes hard off the canvas and both he and Christian lay on the mat for a few moments before the referee begins his 10-count…






Christian crawls over to Jericho and covers him…



Jericho kicks out!

Christian pulls himself to his feet before heading over to the corner and going to the middle rope for a second time in this match. Christian watches as Jericho pulls himself up and when he does, Christian leaps off the middle rope going for a missile dropkick. Chris Jericho is able to catch Christian’s legs in midair. Christian slams back first onto the canvas with Jericho in full control of his legs. Turn turns Christian onto his stomach, applying the Walls of Jericho…

Cole: He’s got The Walls!

Jericho screams “ASK HIM†as he applies the Walls of Jericho to Christian. Christian screams in agony as Jericho applies his trademark submission move. Christian tries to make it to the ropes. He crawls towards the nearest set of ropes in an attempt to break the hold. Inch by inch, Christian makes his way towards the ropes hoping for some sort of reprieve. He sits just a few inches away from the ropes and reaches out, barely getting a feel on the bottom one before Jericho pulls him back towards the center of the ring…

Cole: Christian’s going to have to tap!

Jericho sits down on the Walls even more, not giving Christian any room to move. It seems as if Captain Charisma is going to have to tap out. He raises his right arm in the air, preparing to quit when out of nowhere Cody Rhodes enters the ring and kicks Jericho right in the head breaking up the Walls of Jericho. Rhodes then drags the fallen Christian towards the New World Order corner before leaving the ring…

Cole: Brilliant by Cody Rhodes. It’s obvious that he and Christian can work together!

Christian is now so close to his corner that all he has to do is reach out and tag Cody Rhodes in. Christian does so and now the “Grotesque One†enters the fray. Rhodes immediately runs over to the opposing corner and knocks Steve Austin off the apron and to the arena floor. Rhodes then turns his attention back to Jericho who still hasn’t recovered from the kick to the head. Rhodes begins laying boots to Jericho’s spine, attacking UWF’s savior like a vulture. The fans pop as Stone Cold enters the ring and goes right after Rhodes for the cheap shot. Austin lights up Rhodes with right hands until the referee pulls Austin away from Rhodes and tells him to get out of the ring since he’s not the legal man. Austin fights the referee the entire time, which allows Christian to get back to his feet and he and Rhodes go to town on Chris Jericho. The duo begin beating and stomping on Jericho in the corner, all the while the referee has his back turned trying to deal with Austin…

King: Stone Cold is hurting his partner by not leaving the ring. The nWo are attacking like dogs.

Cole: Austin doesn’t care about anyone but himself King. You of all people should know that.

Austin finally listens to the referee and leaves the ring. But by this point, the damage may have already been done. Christian has left the ring as Cody Rhodes continues to stomp away at Jericho. Rhodes lifts Jericho off the mat in the corner and Jericho needs to use the turnbuckle to stand. Rhodes takes a step back before charging towards looking for an Avalanche Splash. At the last minute, Jericho moves out of the way and Rhodes runs chest first into the turnbuckle. This gives Jericho the opening he needs. He runs the ropes and takes Rhodes down from behind with a running bulldog. Both Jericho and Rhodes lie motionless on the mat as the referee begins counting…







The fans start cheering “Y2J†over and over again!


Jericho crawls towards Austin


Rhodes crawls towards Christian…


Both men reach out and tag their respective partners. Austin gets the hot tag and comes in like a bag of fire. He enters the ring as does Christian and Austin immediately begins throwing haymakers. He takes Christian down with a right hand before turning his attention towards Cody Rhodes. Austin lifts Rhodes off the canvas and high in the air before slamming him with a ring shaking spinebuster. Austin then turns his attention back to Christian, who is getting to his feet and the UWF Champion does the same to Captain Charisma, hitting him with a spinebuster. Austin hooks Christian’s leg, going for the win…



Christian kicks out!

Austin gets to his feet and begins stalking Christian. He’s ready to put his rival out of his misery once and for all. Austin stands firm with his hands on his knees, ready to strike. Christian pulls himself to his feet and Austin is ready to deliver a Stone Cold Stunner, but out of nowhere, Jericho tags Austin on the back, bringing himself into the match. Austin looks at Jericho and clearly mouths the words “You Son of A Bitchâ€. Austin has no choice but to leave the ring as Jericho enters. Christian still hasn’t gotten to his feet, but when he does Jericho leaps high in the air, wrapping his arms around Christian’s head and bringing it down onto his knee with a vicious Codebreaker…

King: Codebreaker!

Jericho goes for the cover as Austin comes in the ring and knocks Rhodes off the apron, returning the favor from earlier…




Roberts: Here are your winners; The UWF Champion “Stone Cold†Steve Austin & “Y2J†Chris Jericho!

Chris Jericho’s theme music starts playing and he and Austin have their hands raised. Austin is handed his Championship from the official and the Champion holds it high in Jericho’s face. Jericho looks at the UWF Championship intently before smiling at Austin and leaving his feet, hitting Stone Cold with a Codebreaker!

Cole: Codebreaker to the Champion!

Austin is down. Christian is down. Rhodes is down on the outside. The only man standing is Chris Jericho. Jericho looks down on Christian before rolling to the arena floor. Jericho goes over to the timekeeper and grabs two chairs from ringside. Jericho then throws the chairs in the ring before going right after Christian…

Cole: This can’t be good!

Jericho lifts Christian’s head and places him face down on one of the chairs before wielding the other. Jericho looks out into the sea of people before bringing the second chair high in the air…

King: Chris, don’t do this!

Jericho swiftly brings the second chair down on top of Christian’s skull, hitting the move that Christian used to take him out way back at Starrcade; the Con-Chair-to! Christian’s body seizes as Jericho stands tall. The referee throws up the “X†hand signal, letting the medical staff know that we need help. EMTs run down the ramp with a stretcher in place. The EMTs carefully put Christian on the stretcher and wheel him to the back as Chris Jericho sits in the ring, having picked up Austin’s UWF Championship. This is where RAW heads to commercial.

Chris+Jericho+vs.+WWE+Champion+CM+Punk,+R-Truth,+Kofi+Kingston,+The+Miz+&+Dolph+Ziggler++February+6,+2012+WWE+Raw+SuperShow  +6-2-2012+3.JPG




Once again we are taken backstage where Curt Hawkins is mumbling something under his breath. The search for Goldust continues.


Curt Hawkins: Don't doubt me. I know he's back here. All the clues point to this direction. We heard the noises. The lights are darker. We all know freaks like darkness because it means that can't be seen. This is it. I just feel it. We're going to get our hands on him for sure. Be quiet.

Curt and Tyler round the corner very slowly where they come to a door. Curt talks in a whisper.

Curt Hawkins: This is it. Shhhh. He's behind this door.

Curt pushes the door open and they rush in side. This is a lot of noise and commotion but nothing can be seen.

Curt Hawkins: Get him! Get him! Don't let him get away!

More noises and then the scream of a female which stops all the sounds and it becomes silent.

Female: Get off of him!

The lights in the room suddenly come on and we see a female who is frantically trying to help someone. Tyler Reks has someone in a head lock but it's not Goldust.


Female: Get off!

Curt looks shocked as does Reks, but Reks doesn't release the hold yet.

Curt Hawkins:...I don't think that's him Reks...I don't, I don't that's him.

Reks slowly lets go of the hold and both look at the female embarrassed before quickly exiting the room.

Curt Hawkins: Okay! That's it. We don't need this. Let's just leave now. Forget this. Forget Goldust. We all know who's truely walking out of SummerSlam with the championship.

They walk off and the camera fades to black.


The crowd erupts, as the New World Order's music begins blaring across the arena. Seconds pass before he finally steps through the curtains, donning the usual Black and White of the NWO. He's smirking, as he stares out at fans that love to hate him. He pauses briefly at the beginning of the ramp, throwing up the NWO hand signal as pyro falls from the rafters, black and white instead of their usual gold of the old age of Orton. He proceeds down the ramp quickly to the apron, as fans reach out to touch him. He ignores them, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope. Up the turnbuckle he goes, posing with his arms out, before climbing each turnbuckle in succession and repeating. He hops down as his music fades out.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from St. Louis Missouri, he is representing the New World Order, Randy Orton!

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous mixed reaction, as majority of the audience isn't quite sure which version of CM Punk they're going to see. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds mixed reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he ignores any possible fan interaction.


Justin Roberts: From Chicago Illinois he is the UWF United States Champion, CM Punk!

Punk climbs the steel steps, slowly, yet with confidence. He then heads to the top rope, unstrapping his United States Championship from around his waist, throwing it in the air, screaming "Best in The World" before leaping to the ring mat. He stares down his opponent as he waits for the bell.

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s now time for our Main Event. UWF United States Champion; CM Punk will go one on one with New World Order member Randy Orton. This history between these two men is very well chronicled. It dates back to last year. They met at WrestleMania and now they meet again.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Orton and Punk stare each other down. These two men cannot stand one another. They meet in the center of the ring where both Orton and Punk’s eyes never leave the other. Randy Orton gets the offense started with a slap to the face of CM Punk….

King: I don’t know how smart that was of Randy Orton!

CM Punk grabs his cheek in reaction to Orton slapping him in the face. Punk doesn’t take too kindly to it. He turns back to Orton and meets him with an elbow to the face. It staggers Orton backwards and Punk responds with another elbow to the face. This one backs Orton onto the ropes and Punk grabs him by the arm and throws him to the far ropes. Orton bounces off the far ropes and comes back at Punk, who meets him with a leaping back heel kick. Punk kicks Orton square in the jaw and The Viper goes down and Punk goes for a cover…



Orton rolls a shoulder!

Punk immediately gets off Orton before wrapping his arm around Orton’s head and throwing more rapid fire elbows into the side of Orton’s head. The blows knock Orton senseless and Punk lands half a dozen before releasing his grip on Orton. Orton is obviously stunned from all the shots to head so Orton slowly crawls all to the nearby corner and pulls himself to his feet. Punk watches Orton the entire time and as soon as Orton makes it up, Punk runs towards the corner and delivers the patented high knee right to Orton’s face…

Cole: That’s vintage Punk!

Punk grabs the head of Orton and looks to run out of the corner and hit the bulldog, but Orton knows what’s coming so as Punk is running, Orton pushes him in the back. Punk has no other option but to release Orton’s head. Punk’s momentum sends him to the far side of the ring and when he turns around, Orton drops him with a stiff short arm clothesline. Punk goes down but doesn’t stay down for long. He manages to get back to his feet and Orton hits him with another short arm clothesline. Punk will not stay down though as he gets back to his feet and immediately swing at Orton. Orton ducks and Punk’s own momentum sends him bouncing off the ropes and when he comes back, Orton catches him with an out of nowhere powerslam…

King: Vintage Orton!

Cole: Hey!

Orton gets to his feet and looks down on Punk. Some of the Philadelphia fans begins chanting “RKO, RKO†as they know that Orton just went through his trademark setup. Orton closes his eyes before spinning backwards and falling to the mat…

Cole: Orton setting up possibly for the RKO!

Orton starts pounding the mat slowly, waiting patiently for Punk to get to his feet. Punk begins shaking off the effects of the previous sequence and begins slowly waiting getting to his feet. Punk makes it to a vertical base unaware that Randy Orton is ready to strike. Punk turns around and Orton leaves the canvas, grabbing Punk by the head going for the RKO! Punk knows that it’s coming and as Orton reaches for Punk’s skull, Punk is able to hook both of Orton’s arms and backslide Orton to the canvas…



Orton kicks out!

Both men are able to get to a knee at the same time. They eye one another…

Cole: These two men know each other so well.

Both Punk and Orton meet in the center of the ring once again and Orton immediately strikes with a beautiful standing dropkick to the face of CM Punk. Punk goes down and Orton goes for a cover…



Punk rolls a shoulder!

Orton wastes no time getting off Punk before striking his downed foe with several stiff boots. Orton starts laying the boots to each of Punk’s appendages. Orton starts with Punk’s right shoulder, then moves down to Punk’s right arm, then his right hand, then the right ribcage, then then right knee, followed by the right leg. Orton then goes over to the left side of Punk’s body and starts the process over again; starting with the left leg of CM Punk and making his way up to the top of Punk’s body. Orton stomps at each vital body part of CM Punk until he reaches Punk’s head and finishes off this sequence by dropping both knees across Punk’s throat. As Punk gasps for air, Randy Orton goes for a cover…



Punk rolls a shoulder!

King: And now Randy Orton has the match in his favor. If he keeps up this pace, slow and methodical; he’ll no doubt walk away with a victory!

Randy Orton gets off CM Punk and heads over to the ring apron. Orton slowly starts climbing to the top rope. Orton reaches the very top just as CM Punk gets to his feet. Punk turns towards the corner in which Orton is perched and Orton leaps off the top rope stretching his body out going for a Crossbody…

King: Orton’s airborne!

As Orton hangs in midair, Punk is able to leave his feet and meet Orton in midair with a dropkick right to the solar plexus. Orton falls more than seven feet to the canvas and Punk quickly goes for a cover…



Orton rolls a shoulder!

CM Punk gets to his feet as Randy Orton crawls to the near corner yet again. Orton pulls himself up using the ropes for assistance. As soon as Orton makes it to his feet, Punk charges right in, yet again hitting the patented high knee. Orton’s head snaps back and Punk grabs it almost immediately, running out of the corner and this time hitting the running bulldog. Punk wastes no time going for a cover…



Orton kicks out!

Punk gets to a knee in the ring and looks down on Randy Orton. Punk places his palms together before putting them on the side of his head, letting everyone know that it’s “Nap Time†for Randy Orton. Punk gets to his feet as he watches Orton stagger to his. Punk wastes no time, lifting Orton off the canvas and onto his shoulders, in perfect position for his Go To Sleep finishing maneuver…

King: It may be time for Randy Orton to say goodnight!

Orton knows exactly what’s going on. He knows the Go To Sleep all too well. He counters by throwing his left elbow right into the temple of CM Punk. Punk tries to keep Orton up, but Orton throws even more rapid fire elbows to the side of Punk’s head, causing the Second City Saint to lose focus and allows Orton to slide down his back. Orton then capitalizes by grabbing the dazed Punk by the skull and bringing his head down onto Orton’s head with Orton’s patented inverted backbreaker. An exhausted Orton then rolls on top of Punk for a cover…



Punk gets a shoulder up!

Orton gets to his feet and backs himself into a near corner. Orton watches as Punk crawls away from him, trying to gather himself. Punk crawls to the far side of the ring and Orton’s eyes light up as he notices that Punk is resting on his hands and knees. Orton’s breathing gets shallower and shallower as he prepares to do the one thing that he could never seemingly do; put an end to CM Punk once and for all…

Cole: That look on Orton’s face says it all! The patented Punt is on its way!

Orton has come to the decision that it’s time to end this. He runs right out the corner before cocking his leg back and looking for the vicious punt. Punk knows that it’s coming and manages to leap off the canvas before surprising Randy Orton with a spinning heel kick…

King: The history between these two men have allowed them to know exactly what the other has planned!

After countering the Punt, Punk rolls under the bottom ring rope and onto the ring apron. Punk patiently waits for Orton to get to his feet. The Viper is obviously stunned that CM Punk was able to counter the Punt, but Orton makes it to his feet. He doesn’t see Punk anywhere in the ring, so he turns to the outside and sees Punk leap from the ring apron and use the top rope as a springboard, going for the flying clothesline…

Cole: Now it’s Punk’s turn to fly!

As Punk soars in midair, Orton is able to leave his feet himself and catch Punk by the head and slam him face first onto the canvas with a sudden and swift RKO! The ring shakes upon impact and the fans cheer the counter and Orton quickly goes for a cover…


Cole: RKO out of nowhere!


King: That’s it!

3…NO! Punk kicks out!

Orton can’t believe it! He looks towards the referee before, who is holding up two fingers. Orton’s head drops in disbelief, but he maintains his focus. He grabs Punk by the head before lifting him to his feet. Orton then throws Punk through the middle rope towards the outside of the ring. But instead of throwing him to the arena floor, Orton only allows Punk to fall to the apron. Orton then feeds Punk’s body through the middle rope before applying a front face lock on the rope hung Punk…

King: We all know what’s coming next!

Orton’s face develops a sick smile before he falls backwards, dropping Punk onto his skull with the trademark Hangman’s DDT…

Cole: Can I say it Jerry?

King: Ugh sure.

Cole: Vintage Orton!

As Punk’s skull hits the mat hard, Orton rolls him over and goes for another cover…



Punk kicks out!

Once again, Orton can’t believe that he’s thrown everything in his arsenal at CM Punk and it’s not enough. Orton gets off his foe before heading over towards the turnbuckle and leaping to the middle rope. Orton sits on the rope as he watches Punk crawl towards him. Punk reaches the bottom rope where Orton is perched and pulls himself up. Punk doesn’t allow Orton to go back on the offensive as he immediately throws right hands into the midsection of Randy Orton. This puts an end to whatever Orton had planned and gives Punk the opening his was looking for. Punk climbs to the middle rope and goes right after Randy Orton. Punk meets Orton with a few more right hands, some to the stomach and others to the face. Punk then takes control of the situation by placing Orton’s head between his legs and hooking both of Orton’s arms…

Cole: What does Punk have planned now?

Punk holds both of Orton’s arms in position before jumping backwards off the middle rope and slamming Punk face first onto the canvas with a Pepsi Plunge! The fans cheer loudly as Punk goes back to his Ring of Honor days. An exhausted Punk and Orton lie motionless on the canvas as the referee begins his 10-count. The fans begin cheering both men as they don’t want this match to end in a countout…






Cole: Who will get to their feet first?




Punk crawls over to Orton, throwing a shoulder on top of him!



Orton gets a foot on the bottom rope!

King: And this match continues!

Punk rolls away from Orton before heading back to the ring apron. Once again, Punk slowly starts climbing to the top rope. Orton has rolled towards the middle of the ring as Punk gingerly makes his way to the top. Punk reaches the pinnacle and manages to stand up. In homage to the late “Macho Man†Randy Savage, Punk throws both arms up in the air before yelling “Best in The World†before delivering a very Macho Man-esque elbow into the heart of Randy Orton. Punk then quickly goes for another cover…



Orton rolls a shoulder!

Punk backs up in surprise. He thought he had Orton there. Punk gets to his feet and says “it’s overâ€. He slowly walks over to Randy Orton before grabbing the Viper by the head and lifting him to his feet. Out of nowhere, Randy Orton is able surprise everyone, mostly CM Punk by grabbing Punk by the head and hitting another RKO!

King: He got him!

For the second time in this contest, Randy Orton has hit the RKO. He is too exhausted to make the cover right away. Both men lie on the mat and the referee begins counting yet again…








This time it’s Orton who crawls over to Punk and covers him…



Now Punk is the one to get his foot on the bottom rope!

Cole: These two men will not surrender!

Orton rolls off of Punk before staggering to his feet once more. The look on his face tells the story. He’s fresh out of ideas. Suddenly, an idea washes across Orton’s mind. He takes his hands before putting the palms together and placing them on the side of his head, mocking CM Punk…

Cole: You don’t think?

King: That’s what CM Punk does!

Orton goes over to Punk before lifting the United States Champion off the canvas and onto his feet. Orton wastes no time lifting Punk onto his shoulders…

Cole: Orton’s actually going to do it?

Orton has Punk in perfect position for Punk’s own finishing move. But whether it’s from the perspiration or simply a good counter, CM Punk is able to slide down Orton’s back and land on his feet behind the Apex Predator. Punk then doesn’t hesitate to spin Orton around before lifting him onto his shoulders…

King: And now Punk’s got Orton in position!

Orton is up on Punk’s shoulders and the Second City Saint wastes no time throwing Orton off his shoulders and down onto his knee, hitting the Go To Sleep! The crowd pops as CM Punk hits his trademark finishing move. Punk is slow to react but manages to go over towards Orton and make the cover, hoping that the end is here…


Cole: Does Orton have one more kick out in him?


King: I think it’s finally over!


Cole: It is!

Here is your winner, the United States Champion; CM Punk!

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, you have just witnessed a classic. This is what we should have seen at WrestleMania between these two athletes.

CM Punk has his hand raised by the referee and is handed his United States Championship. He lets everyone know that he is still “The Best in The Worldâ€. Punk celebrates some more before preparing to leave the ring when…


"Mac Millitant" starts playing and out walks RAW General Manager Theodore Long. He already has a mic in hand and begins talking to Punk from the stage.


Theodore Long: CM Punk! The best in the world! Congratulations on yet another victory playa! Now I know 'ya jus' had a hard fought match, so I ain't gonna waste 'ya time. Earlier this evenin', y'all all saw Chris Jericho take out Christian wit' a Con-Chair-to. Now I've spoken to the trainers and they've told me that Christian will not be able to compete for a matter of weeks. Now, 'ya know what that means playa, that means that I'm a man short for Summerslam. And I noticed that 'ya ain't have a date for that night. So I'm makin it official playa, at Summerslam, CM Punk will be takin' Christian's spot in the Elimination Chamber!

The fans pop for this announcement and CM Punk smiles. Punk stands tall in the ring when...


At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. Stone Cold walks over to the nearest corner and ascends it, throwing up the Stone Cold Salute with one hand and raising his championship belt as high as he can with the other hand. Austin steps down and heads to the corner diagonal from the one he was just standing on, repeating the process. Austin steps down one final time and gets nose to nose with the man who now will be challenging for his UWF Championship. Austin holds the title up and Punk responds by lifting Austin off the canvas...

Cole: What's CM Punk doing?

CM Punk quick throws the UWF Champion off his shoulders and onto his knee, hitting the Go To Sleep! Austin lies knocked out on the mat as Punk picks up the UWF Championship and poses with it as Raw goes off the air.

Cole: It has not been a good night for Steve Austin. For Jerry "The King" Lawler, I'm Michael Cole. We'll see you next week.


Updated for Summerslam

Elimination Chamber for the UWF Championship
Steve Austin(c) vs Cody Rhodes vs CM Punk vs Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho vs MVP

Promos: Respective TTers
Entrances: SBS
Everything Else: Cwalker


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Jun 11, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 8/7 Edition

Holy promos Batman! I've never seen so many promos that you need to have two whole things between commercials of promos. Fantastic work again Cwalker. Making Punk/Orton the main event was a nice touch. Good luck to Dom in the EC match I'm sure he will be fine. Overall the show was great, gotta love what participation can do for you and the Raw roster really showed up this week. Let's see what the blue crew can do folks.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 8/7 Edition

Very promo heavy, nice to see CM Punk added to the Chamber, well deserved.

I enjoyed what Tapout has been doing with his Hawkins & Reks with the hide & seek.

Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 8/7 Edition

An enjoyable show from top to bottom; promos and storylines both contributed to the show nicely. Interested to see what happens with Christian now he's out of the EC. Even though the Chamber match has lost Aniking, it's still looking real solid with someone like Dom replacing him. Shows how deep the roster is. Can't wait for Summerslam.
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