Kayfabe The Awards

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Nov 4, 2013
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Danny Jacobs is growing impatient, still waiting at the gorilla position sitting down with a cola in hand and a bag of crisps, furiously drinking and eating. He sees superstar after superstar receive an award, yet he seems to be completely forgotten.

''What. The. Fuck.''

Danny Jacobs stands up and confronts a producer who's watching the award ceremony on a small monitor.

''Hey, uh, what the fuck is this? The last awards are announced, huh? HUH?! Where's my Hall of Fame induction?!''

''Uhm, there's no Hall of Fa-''

''LISTEN UP! You better induct me as soon as possible! I have an IWT Championship match to get ready for next month! I'm not one to play your little mind games, capiche?''

''I can't do anything...''

''Well, that's clear as day, isn't it? This company has gone down the shithole when I left! Get me a fucking beer...''

Instead of waiting to get given a beer, he takes both beers from the trainers that are talking to eachother backstage and drinks them in one go with an irritated look on his face as the screen slowly transfers back to the action on the stage...
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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*Buster Gates music hits. He walks out onto the stage wearing a full white suit to a surprising applaud. He looks back at the curtain and none other than Reginald hobbles out behind him, walking with crutches. Reginald receives an even louder reaction from the audience. Buster walks up to the podium and looks at his awards and picks them up, waving them around.*
Buster Gates: Wow... Promo of the year and Superstar of the year... And all it took was Reginald almost dying. Reg, you should have done that months ago!
*Buster chuckles.*
Buster Gates: Well, as you all know... I came up short at Wrestle Dynasty. Once again I was pinned by the only person who has been able to beat me this entire year, Robert Blake...
*Buster coldly looks over to Ryan, who smirks.*
Buster Gates: I was the Undisputed Champion for the first half of this year basically, up until Robert beat me... It took me some time to recover from that, I was depressed, I had nothing to fight for. I was finished. Then the crash happened... Reginald's life was almost taken away, and that gave me something to fight for.
*The audience begin to cheer.*
Buster Gates: You people began to spur me on, hype me up. I wanted that title back and you guys helped me get into that chamber...
*A "Reginald!" chant begins.*
Buster Gates: But where the FUCK did that get me!?
*The audience goes quiet.*
Buster Gates: I was good. I was soooo GOOD! I played my part PERFECTLY! You actually believed I had some emotions! Surely you should know by now that I don't give the smallest of shits about anything or anyone. For WEEKS I had you eating out the palm of my hand with this crash story. And that's exactly what it was, just a story... Reginald isn't really hurt!
*Reginald throws his crutches to the side and bows.*
Buster Gates: It was a set! There was makeup, it was acting! You didn't see me splashing water into my eyes before the camera started rolling! You didn't see me practising lines or picking out my wardrobe. Damn it, do you know how expensive that was?! Super expensive! I wanted another shot at that title and the only way I could do it was to have some fan support. I fought my ass off and played you all like a fiddle. Hell, Reginald isn't even my dad! Come on now, really?! This guy? He looks nothing like me! I'm one sexy beast. He isn't even close, no offence.
*Reginald nods understandably.*
Buster Gates: I wanted that title shot and I got it. Robert "small dick" Blake beat me again and I got fucked over! I don't need these shitty trophies! They don't replace MY Undisputed Championship. They mean nothing! So fuck you Robert Blake, and you too Ryan you prissy bitch! I'm going to get my title back soon enough. Come on Reg, we're leaving...
*Boos fill the arena as Buster walks away from the podium. He barges past Ryan as he heads backstage with Reginald following as usual close behind.*
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan Blake begins to smile as Buster Gates leaves*

Ryan Blake: I told them to not trust that cockroach, but people seem to always fall for his shit. How can people be so stupid? It's not like I believed him or anything.....

*Ryan Blake begins to walk onto the middle of the stage*

Ryan Blake
: Tonight turned out quite well, but I think we have one more thing to deal with, and it isn't me inducting Danny Jacobs into the Hall Of Fame. We have someone very special joining us tonight to complete a little deal of sorts. How about we get to the good stuff then?

*Ryan Blake walks down to the ring, and he begins to enter the ring as the fans boo him. He begins to point down to the entrance ramp awaiting for this mystery person to appear*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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The lights in the Precision arena slowly dim down and some colorful spotlights begin to roam around the crowd.
Fading in on the titantron are the words "Ladies and Gentlemen..."

The music of Exodus Superstar, Hall of Famer, Current Ironman and World Champion of Exodus, Jet Starr begins to play throughout the arena.
Out comes Jet Starr with both titles held high above his head as he walks down the ramp with a gigantic smile on his face.
He is met with a deafening amount of boos, for not only being extremely despised, but for being in enemy territory.
Jet makes his way into the ring, walking right past Ryan Blake and going to stand on the top rope.
He raises both championships in the air again as fireworks go off on the ceiling of the arena.
Jet basks in the glory before retrieving a microphone and standing opposite Ryan Blake.

Jet: Well hello there Mr. Blake, firstly I would like to thank you for allowing somebody from the other side to join you in this ring tonight. Secondly, I just want to say you're welcome for the ratings boost. Thirdly, I want to sincerely apologize for crushing the hopes and dreams of your brother Robert when I snatched this World Heavyweight Championship from him over on our superior finale, The Mega Show III. This makes me the only man in history to ever hold both the Ironman and World Heavyweight Championships at the same time. It also makes me the first and only man to hold two championships simultaneously that belong to one promotion. Currently, I am the most decorated man in all of sports entertainment, and there isn't any better feeling than knowing that not a single person here like me for it. Now, I could talk about myself forever, we all know that, so why don't we get on with the show here, Ryan. Would you care to explain the situation, or should I handle this if it feels like too much for you.

Jet steps backwards and motions to the center of the ring, signaling Ryan Blake to talk.
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan Blake has a confused look after those comments about Exodus being the better show*

Ryan Blake: That's some mighty trash talk coming from the World champion of the B+ show. Your finale was better than Wrestle Dynasty? At least Precision's Wrestle Dynasty could pull off more than two matches to end their year. Ratings boost? You're on here to keep the other show relevant my dear boy, but we already knew that. Precision has been beating Exodus in the ratings for the past 3 months, and that's a fact, Jet. Don't come onto the number one wrestling show on TV trying to act like the big man.....We both know who the bigger man is in this ring anyway. Again, great for you on becoming World champion, but I don't recall you pinning my brother. I remember Lukey performing the dropkick from Heaven to take out my brother, and can I say that was the only reason he was eliminated. We both know my brother did more in his one year than your entire career.....How about I list them? Longest Reigning Exodus World champion of the year, The final IC champion of that other place, Precision World champion and Iron Man champion. Did I forget to mention him being the only unified World champion in the history of these shows and the others? Think you get the deal there. There's a reason why I won't step foot back into that dump, it's because I have some respect for myself. Why would I go there? Am I some kind of Dog now? No offence to you or my brother, but we both know Precision beats Exodus in every damn category, but you already knew that. To be honest I kind of felt bad for the show, so while you're here I suggest taking a look around, and maybe you can bring back some reports to base camp since you're so respected there.

*Ryan Blake begins to laugh right at Jet Starr*

Ryan Blake: But we need to get down to business, so you have what I want, and I have what you want right outside that ring. It was a hard fight getting it off the person who owned it....But he knows the story. So how about we complete this deal? Then you can jog back to that trash you call Exodus.

*One of the refs grabs Ryan Blake his package which was waiting outside the ring, but Jet Starr begins to speak before he opens it*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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Jet smiles at Ryan Blake.

Jet: Well, I'll agree with you on one thing, Exodus does suck. I came back to do one major thing, and that was to improve that place, but now I realize I'd be beating a dead horse...so I decided to buy a new one. That's right, you no longer have to worry about Exodus, now you have to worry about my show. I bought that place and I'm changing everything for the better. You're looking at the General Manager of the next A show in sports entertainment, "Ignition"!

Jet points at a stagehand, who brings a garbage can into the ring.

Jet: That is also why I decided to grace you with my presence tonight. We need to complete a deal, and I'm a man of my word, but first, I need to get rid of some disgusting trash.

Jet takes the Ironman Championship off of his shoulder, holds it over the garbage can and drops it in.

Jet: That piece of garbage is never seeing the light of day again. Now, that thing you have right there, is the official Ignition World Championship, and I would appreciate it if you gave me my property. In return I'll give you the championship you want, as per our agreement.

Jet holds out his hand, but keeps the title he's holding over his shoulder out of Ryan's reach.

Jet: You first, bro.
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Nov 4, 2013
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3 hours after the show comes to a close, the ring crew and the production crew is cleaning up as Danny Jacobs got woken up from his little nap next to the 14 beers he quickly drank eagerly waiting on his eventual Hall of Fame induction. He jumps up, still kinda drunk, and whilst holding his head, he begins to respond to the member of the ring crew that is slowly waking him up...

''Sir.. Are you alright? Mr. Jacobs?''

''What?! Where am I?''

''At the awards show from Precision, Mr.''

''The what? Do you mean Sony Storm?''

''Uh, no. Prec-''

''Ah! Yes! This is the Hall of Fame induction ceremony for Sony Storm, isn't it?''

''No, sir. This is the awa-''


''Your what?''

''My Hall of Fame ring, you idiot. You think I came here to say hello to Buster Gates, huh? To Jack Rogue and the rest of the circus squad, HUH?!''



''Honestly, Mr. Jacobs, I don't know why you are here. There's no Hall of Fame indu-''

''Does this answer my question?!''

''I'm sorry?''


''We don't have one.''

''It's not for YOU to have one, idiot! It's for ME to have one! GET ME ONE!''

The other ring crew members are slowly closing down the backstage area, and leaving the building. The ring crew member that's talking to Danny Jacobs sees this, and partly because he's frightened and doesn't want to tell the truth to Danny, covers up a lie to follow them and leave the building.

''I'll talk to the others and we'll try everything we can, Mr. Jacobs..''

''Fine, and get me a fucking beer. Cold! And no ''0.0%'', do I look like a fanny to you?''

Danny Jacobs sits down again and waits for his Hall of Fame ring to be brought to him. Out of nowhere, the lights go out in the backstage area. Danny Jacobs starts questioning this and starts looking for people, but there's nobody around. He's alone and locked in the dark arena, left there by the scared ring crew.




Danny Jacobs starts smashing equipment in the backstage area, stomping walls and breaking locker rooms constantly screaming ''I FUCKING HATE THIS COMPANY!'' as the camera slowly fades to black...
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan Blake begins to laugh at Jet Starr as he has his hand out waiting for the package*

Ryan Blake: Just hold on a second....I just don't really trust you. What stops you from taking both titles and making a run for it? This exchange has to be fair, so how about we both take the other's property at the same time? Sounds like a wonderful idea to me!

*Ryan Blake begins to unzip the package revealing the Precision Undisputed Championship. Ryan smiles at Jet as he smiles back, but Ryan Blake doesn't give him the title right away*

Ryan Blake: Two great World championships on the same show. I almost feel some competition from you, but maybe that's the feeling of guilt since we all know Precision is going to murder Ignition once it finally airs. This banter has been fun, but I need to get back to the Precision HQ, and we'll continue to be the most dominant wrestling show on TV. Now, how about we get this little agreement over with?

*Ryan Blake begins to give Jet Starr the Undisputed Championship with his right hand, but he stops half way as Jet needs to fulfill his part. Jet begins to give Ryan the former Exodus World championship. Both men quickly grab the other's championship. Ryan Blake begins to make his way up to the stage with his brand new Precision World Heavyweight Championship. Jet Starr is still in the ring with his brand new Ignition World Championship*

Done in town on a little shit phone. But Precision now owns the World Heavyweight Championship while Ignition now own the Undisputed Championship.