Last Wrestling Match Watched 2.0

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Pro Wrestling Superstars: 7OH!4 v.s The Unholy Alliance.

This wasn't too bad despite I'm sure these two teams have never faced off before and the age difference. 7OH!4 consists of Kaleb Conley and Cedric Alexander if you didn't know. If you don't know who The Unholy Alliance is, I seriously can't help you. This tag match had a simple pace and all the characters played their characters well. Mikey Whipwreck had a damn good performance compared to the last couples times I saw him. I think the fact that he had not teamed with Tajiri in quite some inspired him to try. Tajiri pretty much just kicked the shit of 70H!4 as Unholy Alliance rolled on but 70H!4 show that they are solid, undercard heel team for the Indies and probably could be a staple some place soon. Well they are both alright single wrestlers but weren't really getting over like that. I hope to see more of these together. The match itself ended with a top rope Whippersnapper from Mikey.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Pro Wrestling Superstars WrestleReunion: L.A. Street Fight- Tommy Dreamer v.s Kevin Steen.

This was a pretty good brawl. Both took big bumps and hard shots throughout. Dreamer actually seemed to try here something I have not seen out of him lately. It's usually just dull brawling and just hitting people with random weapons. He was actually the Innovator of Violence again. And then you got Steen in the middle of his run where he is taking over the Indies. They both went in wanting to make this a special encounter. Of course it still has it's slow moments and not just them recovering. Just them fighting over who is control in the crowd and stuff. Actually, the entire stuff in the crowd wasn't much at all. The most that happened was Steen headbutting Dreamer off some railing. It picked up drastically when they got back to the ring. Some sick spots with stop sign from both men stand out. Then Dreamer brings a guardrail near the ring and he acts like he is going to suplex himself and Steen on it. It seriously was still in a stand position... No idea how they expected people to believe that they would really attempt a spot so dangerous. Later on the guardrail is used in the finish, though. Steen hits a Swantom Bomb from the top. Nice encounter and went above and beyond what I expected.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Pro Wrestling Superstars Wrestle Reunion: Roderick Strong v.s Jake Manning.

This was a hell of a bout seriously. Manning held his own with Strong and looked like he was on the verge of the upset many times. The action was fast and heavy. Strong did his typical lighting up his opponent with chops, slams and of course backbreakers. Manning kept in it, though. He would come back with unique offense that caught Strong completely off guard and got several nearfalls off of these. Also, a series of pinfalls that was quick with some twists in it. However at one point I think Strong may have actually kicked Manning in the head 10 different times with enzuguri's and superkicks and this was before he finished the match off with the Sick Kick too. Now, I wonder how WWE fans that don't like the Brogue Kick, how they would like the Sick Kick. It always comes off as a brutal fuckin' kick. Jake Manning to get more bookings please.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Pro Wrestling Superstars Wrestle Reunion- Davey Richards v.s Harry Smith.

A very interesting match to say the least. Their styles really corresponded well. Other than some awkward exchanges which is a regular thing in Smith's matches. Smith took a hell of a beating and mostly was just hitting moves to stay in it. Richards took it to him from the start and pretty much just stayed on the bigger opponent. Some incredible leg work to by Richards that just made great sense. One thing that must be seen is the ending sequence, though. Well let's just say the last 5 minutes of them countering holds. Smith has a vicious cross armbreaker or at least his set up to it was great and the leverage was just so much in his favor. Richards was pretty much reliant on the Ankle Lock while Smith was pulling out any hold he could fine. The ending was just a counter to a counter to a counter from a Sharpshooter until Smith couldn't get his shoulders off the mat.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH SoCal Showdown II - ROH World Championship: Roderick Strong vs. El Generico

Generico and Strong timidly go after each other. Generico throws the first chop, and Strong throws one back. Generico takes Strong to the mat. Strong applies a headscissors. Generico gets the ropes to break a front chancery. Generico gets in a few armdrags. Strong takes Generico over with a headlock. Strong shoulder blocks Generico down and then chops him in the corner. Generico comes back with two armdrags and a toreador. Generico chops strong in the corner. Strong boots him away, but Generico responds with ten punches in the corner. Generico hits a leg lariat for two. Generico goes up top for a tornado DDT, but Strong crotches him on the top rope to counter. Strong stomps Generico down in the corner and stands on his chest. On the floor, Generico whips Strong into the barricades twice. In the ring, Strong kicks Generico’s leg out and gives him a backbreaker for two. Strong chops Generico on the ring apron before throwing him into the barricade repeatedly. Strong goes for a backbreaker on the apron, but Generico slides off into the ring. He yakuza kicks Strong off the apron and into the barricades. Generico follows up with a tope con hilo. In the ring Generico hits a crossbody for two. Generico hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Strong evades a yakuza kick and nails a pair of forearms and a knee strike for two. Strong hits a half-nelson backbreaker for two. He puts on a Boston Crab. Generico grabs the bottom rope to break. Strong twists Generico in a crab for two. Strong kicks Generico in the face and spits in his face. Generico fights back with an overhand chop. Generico connects with a yakuza kick. Strong responds with a hard forearm. Strong hits a yakuza kick and an enzuigiri. Generico blocks a Sick Kick with the Michinoku Driver for two. Generico blocks a gut buster and puts on a Boston Crab. Strong tranistions into a LaBell Lock. Generico rolls back into a pin attempt for two. Strong knees and kicks Generico in the head. Another forearm gets him two. Strong hits the Gut Buster and a superkick for two. Strong suplexes Generico into a backbreaker for two. Generico hits a half-nelson suplex. He drops Strong with a brainbuster, only for Strong to get his foot on the bottom rope. Strong drives Generico’s face into the second turnbuckle. He throws a chair in the ring to distract referee Todd Sinclair. Strong hits Generico with his title belt. Strong follows up with the Sick Kick and a Tiger Driver for the win. The finish was no doubt disappointing, but the story told during the match made it much more palpable. Generico took everything Strong had and then some, leaving Strong desperate for the win. He resorted to cheap tactics to retain the title which made sense in the end. Generico had the fans believing on multiple occasions that he was going to win the title which was great and really helped the match. ****


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH Revolution USA 5/6/11 - El Generico vs. Roderick Strong (No Disqualification)

Strong sneak attacks Generico as Martini comes out of the entrance by himself. Strong pummels Generico in the corners. Generico comes back with two clotheslines and a backdrop. Generico chases Martini around the ring. Strong nails him with a rope asissted baseball slide. Strong whips Generico in the barricade. Strong levels Generico with multiple forearms and throws him head first into the barricade. Generico fires back with a pair of chops. He moonsaults off the barricade onto Strong. In the ring Generico hits a crossbody for two. On the floor, Strong lays in some chops and promises he’ll end Generico. He misses a chair shot, so Generico puts a chair on Strong’s back and then slams a second chair into that chair. Got that? A fight on the apron ends with Strong giving Generico a backbreaker on the edge of the ring. Generico recovers and gives Strong an Atomic drop. Strong crotches Generico on the top as he goes for a tornado DDT. Strong follows up with a backbreaker for two. Generico yakuza kicks Strong off the apron and into the barricades. Martini grabs Generico’s legs as he hits the ropes. Generico chases Martini. He runs into Strong and gives him a tornado DDT on the mats. In the ring, Generico delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Strong looks to hit Generico with the Book of Truth. Generico blocks the attack, but eats an elbow anyway. Generico hits a yakuza kick and Strong responds with a knee strike. Strong hits a backbreaker for two. Strong drops Generico stomach first on a set-up chair. He hits a Sick Kick for two then transitions into the Stronghold. Strong sets up Generico on the chair in the corner. He lays in some forearms. Generico throws Strong onto the chair with a t-bone suplex for two. Generico brings a table into the ring. Strong delivers a superkick for two. Generico makes a quick recovery and splashes Strong through table for two. After a bit of struggle, Generico hits a brainbuster. Martini breaks the pin. Michael Elgin runs in but Generico throws him to the floor. Generico nails Martini with a yakuza kick in the corner. Generico drops Strong with another brainbuster. Elgin pulls the referee out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. Christopher Daniels stomps Generico down in the corner as Elgin brings in a second table. Elgin goes for a powerbomb, but Cabana runs out to stop. Elgin and Daniels take Cabana out on the floor. Generico dives onto both of them. Another referee enters as Generico yakuza kicks Strong. Generico looks for a top rope brainbuster through the table. Instead, Strong tosses Generico off the top and through the table for the pin. This match actually flew by, as both Strong and Generico managed to keep the match moving with no stalling whatsoever. This actually would have been a much better match without the interference, but given the stipulation and the fact that it’s purpose was to build towards a steel cage match down the line. ***1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Raw 03.05.2004 - World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels

Benoit and HBK tie up to start and neither is giving one inch. Both men are going back and forth with reversals a plenty. Benoit clothesline HBK over the top rope. Back in the ring now and Benoit is in control but HBK lands a reversal and both men are down. Benoit goes for the Crossface early and HBK breaks free and once again both men are down. Back from Commercial and HBK is in full control with a abdominal stretch. HBK Irish whips Benoit hard into the corner. HBK is in complete control of this match. Benoit is countering now and lands a couple of quick pin attempts and now both men are once again down. HBK gets the control back and sets up Benoit for the flying elbow and hits a very nice elbow and sets up for the sweet chin music but Benoit reverses and hits the German Suplex Hat Trick. He does the cut throat gesture and climbs the ropes and climbs back down and hit a 4th suplex on the challenger. He goes back to the buckle and misses the flying head butt. Benoit catches HBK on the buckle and starts chopping away and kicking HBK to the apron. Benoit gets suplex-ed from the ring to the floor. HBK climbs the buckle and hits the best moonsault to the floor I have ever seen. Both men get up at 6 and HBK throws Benoit into the ring post and goes back in the ring. HBK is in the ring and Benoit is bleeding and we go to another Commercial. HBK is still in control of Benoit with a reverse chin lock but Benoit counters and both men are down again. HBK tries a few moves but Benoit won’t stay down. Benoit hits a pinning German suplex for a close two count. HBK puts Benoit in the Walls of Jericho I mean a Boston Crab and Benoit finds the ropes. After some back and forth action Benoit slaps in the Crossface but HBK gets a foot on the ropes. Benoit tries again and HBK gets the ropes again. Benoit tries the sharpshooter but HBK kicks Benoit into the referee. All 3 men are down in the ring. HBK and Benoit are getting up, so HBK gets sweet chin music right on Benoit. HBK slowly crawls over and HHH runs in the ring and hits the pedigree on HBK. Benoit and the referee are starting to wake up. Benoit gets one arm across HBK and the referee counts to three. **** would be 1/4 or 1/2 more if not for the hhh run in.

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
ROH Revolution USA 5/6/11 - El Generico vs. Roderick Strong (No Disqualification)

Strong sneak attacks Generico as Martini comes out of the entrance by himself. Strong pummels Generico in the corners. Generico comes back with two clotheslines and a backdrop. Generico chases Martini around the ring. Strong nails him with a rope asissted baseball slide. Strong whips Generico in the barricade. Strong levels Generico with multiple forearms and throws him head first into the barricade. Generico fires back with a pair of chops. He moonsaults off the barricade onto Strong. In the ring Generico hits a crossbody for two. On the floor, Strong lays in some chops and promises he’ll end Generico. He misses a chair shot, so Generico puts a chair on Strong’s back and then slams a second chair into that chair. Got that? A fight on the apron ends with Strong giving Generico a backbreaker on the edge of the ring. Generico recovers and gives Strong an Atomic drop. Strong crotches Generico on the top as he goes for a tornado DDT. Strong follows up with a backbreaker for two. Generico yakuza kicks Strong off the apron and into the barricades. Martini grabs Generico’s legs as he hits the ropes. Generico chases Martini. He runs into Strong and gives him a tornado DDT on the mats. In the ring, Generico delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Strong looks to hit Generico with the Book of Truth. Generico blocks the attack, but eats an elbow anyway. Generico hits a yakuza kick and Strong responds with a knee strike. Strong hits a backbreaker for two. Strong drops Generico stomach first on a set-up chair. He hits a Sick Kick for two then transitions into the Stronghold. Strong sets up Generico on the chair in the corner. He lays in some forearms. Generico throws Strong onto the chair with a t-bone suplex for two. Generico brings a table into the ring. Strong delivers a superkick for two. Generico makes a quick recovery and splashes Strong through table for two. After a bit of struggle, Generico hits a brainbuster. Martini breaks the pin. Michael Elgin runs in but Generico throws him to the floor. Generico nails Martini with a yakuza kick in the corner. Generico drops Strong with another brainbuster. Elgin pulls the referee out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. Christopher Daniels stomps Generico down in the corner as Elgin brings in a second table. Elgin goes for a powerbomb, but Cabana runs out to stop. Elgin and Daniels take Cabana out on the floor. Generico dives onto both of them. Another referee enters as Generico yakuza kicks Strong. Generico looks for a top rope brainbuster through the table. Instead, Strong tosses Generico off the top and through the table for the pin. This match actually flew by, as both Strong and Generico managed to keep the match moving with no stalling whatsoever. This actually would have been a much better match without the interference, but given the stipulation and the fact that it’s purpose was to build towards a steel cage match down the line. ***1/2

I was at this show. Great show.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Judgment Day 2001 - Gold Medal Match, 2/3 Falls: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle

Angle attacks to start, and stomps away in the corner. Angle uses Benoit’s rolling germans and tries the flying headbutt, but misses and Benoit finishes him with the Angle Slam at 1:04 to win the first fall. He grabs the crossface right away and Angle bails. They brawl outside and Angle eats stairs. Angle hits the post, but ducks a chop and sends Benoit nut-first to the post, drawing groans of sympathy from the crowd. Paul quips that he’s “not sure what sort of submission move you’d follow that up with”. More brawling, dominated by Angle. Back in, Benoit evades the Anglelock, but Angle goes back to it. Benoit counters to the crossface, but Angle makes the ropes and runs. Angle gets a cheapshot, but Benoit hammers him. Angle beats him down again, however. A suplex is followed by a belly-to-belly (called quite obviously by Angle), but a second try is countered to the crossface. Angle makes the ropes again. Benoit hits a clothesline, but Angle goes to the ankle again. Angle tries some chops and a rollup (?), but Benoit suplexes him out of his boots ala Dynamite Kid. Angle hotshots him to catch a break, and puts a vicious reverse indian deathlock on. Benoit comes back and gets his own Walls of Jericho, drawing a monster pop. Angle bails to the ropes again. Benoit tries a figure-four, Angle escapes. Benoit works on the knee in classic Flairish fashion, and Angle keeps going to the ropes, causing Ross to comment that he’s going steady with them. Angle finally dumps Benoit in desperation and they brawl on the floor. Back in, Benoit wins a slugfest and DDTs Angle, but takes the Angle Slam and the anklelock finishes at 13:27 to even it at one fall apiece. Ladder fall begins as they fight on the floor and Benoit posts Angle, but gets sent to the stairs. Angle grabs a ladder from under the ring and climbs for the medals, but the ladder is too short and Benoit pushes him over. Benoit grabs the “official” ladder and climbs, but Angle dumps him off. Suplex follows and Angle batters him with the ladder. He charges and Benoit backdrops him over the top to the floor, then grabs the ladder back and returns the abuse with the ladder. He heads back in to climb, but Angle lowblows him to stop it. He puts the ladder in the corner and rams Benoit into it, but Benoit catapults him into it. CANADIAN VIOLENCE! Angle climbs the ladder in the corner to stop the momentum of a whip into said corner, but Benoit dumps the ladder back onto him. That was SUCH a cool spot. Vicious german suplex misses the ladder by about 4 inches, but Angle pops up with a clothesline and whips Benoit into the ladder. He suplexes Benoit onto the ladder. Ouch. Benoit quickly comes back and see-saws the ladder into Angle’s jaw, and then hits him in the head with it for good measure. Benoit climbs with Angle under the ladder, but Angle pushes off and topples the ladder. They lifted that one from Shawn-Razor, but it’s forgiveable. Benoit snaps off a crossface, meaning nothing, as Edge & Christian do the “run-in” and distract Benoit long enough for Angle to climb and regain the medals. The ladder match portion didn't really seem to suit these guys, but the second and third falls were still tremendous. I gave it for stars because it was a great match don't get me wrong but parts did not make sense, 1st fall benoit winning a minute in, then during the second fall he worked on angles leg for the most part but the ending had angle hit a angle slam then ankle lock for the submission win even tho he never worked on the ankle. ****


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Monday Night Raw 04/02/2012 - WWE Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Punk is selling his back from the beating he took from Jericho at WM just last night. ans are electric again with a huge “CM Punk” chant. Henry, of course, throws Punk around at the outset. He tries some kicks and plays keep-away but Henry catches him. He uses his feet to escape and dropkicks him a few times but Henry just swats him away. The fans in Miami are SOLIDLY behind Daniel Bryan, I guess upset at his quick loss last night, are chanting “Daniel Bryan” again. Henry dominates with his methodical stomping and trash talking; at least Mark has a smart strategy, work the injured back by STANDING on Punk. The “yes!” chants rings out again as Henry dominates from above. He throws forearms into Punk’s back in the corner and yells some more at him. Fans rally Punk with a “CM Punk” chant. Punk responds but runs into a bearhug and eventually frees himself with a huge DDT. Punk kicks Henry as the fans amuse themselves with a “yes” each time they land; he hits the ropes for a running kick and the crowd responds with an “ooooooh, yes!” Wow, I haven’t seen a crowd this hot in years and they really are behind Bryan. Punk leaps off the second rope… right into Henry’s arms and gets rammed back-first into the buckles. Henry looks for a pump-splash but Punk cuts it off with kicks (and a vociferous “yes” chant). He tries another running kick but meets Henry’s foot. Michael Cole finally notes the crazy crowd. Henry misses a second-rope pump-splash as Punk rolls to the floor; he tries to reenter with a springboard lariat but Henry is waiting with a bear splash. Back from break, Henry counters another top-rope move with a knee to the gut; he slows the match down with a trapezius hold as the “Daniel Bryan” and “CM Punk” chants rain down. Punk breaks the hold with a jawjacker and tries some kicks, more kicks, and a lot of chops; he finally floors him with a roundhouse kick. Punk to the top for the Macho Man Elbow Drop, but hurts his midsection and lower back, so he cannot cover. Henry recovers before Punk does but gets caught with a pair of running corner knee; he tries the bulldog but Henry blocks and deposits Punk over the top to the floor. Punk cannot recover and Henry collapses so he cannot stop the referee’s ten count and wins the match via countout. Post-match, an angry Henry plants Punk on the floor with a World’s Strongest Slam. John Laurinaitis follows and says the WWE Universe wants to see him defend his title week after week. After that, Chris Jericho comes through the crowd, taunts Punk about his family, and pours alcohol all over him and then SMASHES a Jack Daniels bottle over his head. Good match that keeps the title on Punk, Henry stays strong, dominating the entire match and winning (via countout), and Laurinaitis and Jericho add to their heel heat. ***1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2011 - WWE Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk

ADR gets his normal ring entrance for Ricardo Rodriguez and Punk one ups him by having Howard Finkel come out as his personal ring announcer. That’s pretty genius actually and a nice moment for the Fink as the crowd roars in appreciation for him and all he has meant to the fans over the years. Booker T sums it up best when he said he knew he made it when The Fink announced him. Obviously MSG in way into CM Punk and this should be pretty fantastic actually as I look for both guys to do all they can to try to steal the show from the Tag Main Event. More history from Cole as he lets us know the WWE Title has changed hands 15 times at MSG (more than any other arena). Immediately the crowd chants “We want ice cream,” and I agree with them. Next they opt to chant for Colt Cabana as this crowd just loves trying to show how smart they are. Punk controls with an armbar after hitting a hiptoss. For some reason a few people in the crowd chants “Let’s Go Cena,” and rest chants “CM Punk.” Weird! Del Rio bails to the floor regain his faculties and unlike Henry he heads back in and goes right for Punk. He ends up getting beat down in the corner, and hit with a dropkick. Once again Del Rio bails to the floor, but gets no time to breathe as Punk comes out with a Suicide Dive that nearly takes out Ricardo as well. ADR gets sent back into the ring and Punk comes off the top with a crossbody for two. He looks for the Vince, but ADR fights out and sends Punk into 6-1-9 position. Del Rio lands an elbow to the back of the head and Ricardo gets in a cheap shot for good measure. That only serves to piss off Punk and he gives chase on the floor. That plays into the hands of Del Rio as he flies out with a dropkick. He goes to work on Punk’s left arm by slamming it into the ring steps. Now Punk gets sent into the ring and Del Rio comes off the top with a double axe. I was waiting for another “Savage” chant, but no dice. Punk creates some space, but charges into a boot in the corner. ADR then charges and nearly gets caught with the GTS, but floats over and brings Punk down by the arm. Nice! Punks fights back to him feet and he is the one to get his boots up in the corner, but the charges into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The crowd is starting to die on them as they just don’t seem to be into all this offense from Del Rio. Another dropkick is missed this time and Del Rio takes a sweet bump to the floor. Now the crowd gets back into things as they rally Punk to his feet. ADR is one step ahead as he drops Punk throat first on the top rope, but then gets caught with a boot from Punk as he charges back in the ring. The start trading blows in the middle of the ring and that gives us the crowd the chance to boo or cheer. Punk starts firing off kicks and hits the running knee/bulldog combo out of the corner for two. Punk heads on the apron and delivers the springboard clothesline for another near fall. Punk tells everyone it’s time for Del Rio to go to sleep, but ADR counters to a backstabber for two. Punk gets a fluke roll-up for two, but then gets caught with a running enziguiri after missing a knee in the corner. That gets Del Rio another close count and the he hits the backstabber again, but this time on the arm of Punk. Nasty! The head up top where Alberto looks for a superplex, but Punk headbutts out and the crowd roars as they want a Randy Savage elbow. Del Rio gets to his feet and crotches Punk which draws great heat from the crowd. Del Rio follows up with a sick sounding kick to Punk’s arm, but he misses a charge in the corner and hits shoulder first into the post. Now Punk has a second go with the elbow and this time it hits to a massive pop from the crowd. Still not nearly as graceful as what Savage has done in the past, but awesome none the less. Punk tunes up the bad as the crowd is thinking Sweet Chin Music, but just letting us know it is time for GTS. Once again though Del Rio counters by elbowing the injured arm, then ducks a head kick, and locks in the cross armbreaker. The crowd wills Punk towards the ropes and he gets the break with his feet. Del Rio is beyond frustrated as he charges and nearly gets caught with the GTS, but once again counters by sending Punk into Ricardo. ADR gets a roll-up for a hot near fall, but gets his skull kicked in for two. That proves to be end for Del Rio though as he exposes his arm when he kicks out and that gives Punk the chance to lock in the Anaconda Vice. Del Rio taps rather quickly and we have a New WWE Champion. Pretty damn excellent match here. Del Rio's consistent strategy of going after Punk's arm kept the match together and created some excellent drama down the stretch. I wish Punk had tried for the Anaconda Vice more during the match, instead of mostly setting up for the GTS, but that is just a nitpick. Del Rio kicking out a GTS would have been an excellent nearfall. ****


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Special Guest Referee Match for the WWE Championship: Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk

John Laurinaitis is our special guest ring enforcer here of course, and he appears impartial at first by sending Vickie Guerrero to the back to join their buddy Swagger. Punk tries a quick roll-up at the bell but it doesn't work of course. Michael Cole delivers what might be the funniest line of the night by accusing Booker T of being jealous of Ace because Ace was a better worker than him. Both men do some nice countering and evading and Punk tries for the Anaconda Vice, but Ziggler quickly escapes to the ropes. Punk sends Ziggler tumbling out to the floor with a nasty gourdbuster onto the top rope and then promptly follows him out with a big tope to the floor. Back in the ring Punk goes to the top, but Ziggler sweeps his legs out from under him and he crashes to the mat in a rather grotesque manner. Neckbreaker from Dolph and he follows it up with a series of big elbow drops into Punk's heart. He works a chinlock but Punk counters with a back-suplex. Ziggler starts working his trademark sleeper and Punk tries to counter into the Anaconda Vice but Ziggler counters back into the sleeper and dropkicks him. Ziggler tries for a hurricanrana but Punk catches him in mid air and plants him with a sick spinning sitout powerbomb. Punk hits the running knee into the corner and follows it with the running bulldog before calling for the GTS. Ziggler escapes the move though and catapults Punk into the corner. Punk lands on his feet on the ropes though and hits a cross-body, which Ziggler rolls through for another pin attempt. Punk hangs onto the top rope to avoid the Zig Zag and then just nails Ziggler with an absolutely sickening kick to the temple. Punk hits the Macho Man elbow off the top and gets a TON of air, but Ziggler kicks out again. Big "Randy Savage!" chant starts up in appreciation to the late legend. Back on his feet Ziggler tosses Punk right into the ref, who falls outside to the floor like he was just shot by a Desert Eagle. Ace checks on the ref with his back turned while Ziggler taps out to the Anaconda Vice in the ring so Punk gets in his face. He rolls up Ziggler for about a 4 count, but still Ace isn't paying attention. Ace rolls the ref back into the ring and slides in himself while Punk looks for the GTS again, but in the process of swinging Ziggler onto his shoulders he inadvertently hits Ace in the back of the head with Dolph's foot. Punk hits the GTS but still the ref is down and Ace won't count. Punk tries for another GTS, but Ziggler counters in mid-air into the Fameasser! That was an INCREDIBLE counter. Ziggler looks for a second Fameasser, but Punk launches him into the turnbuckle and DESTROYS him with the GTS and both Ace and the ref count the 3 to have Punk retain. I could literally watch these two guys wrestle each other every single day ***3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Elimination Chamber 2011 - Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston

CM Punk and Kofi Kingston start the match with Truth, Jericho, Ziggler, and Miz locked in the surrounding pods. Punk whips Kingston to the ropes, but Kingston leapfrogs over the ropes and onto the steel. Kingston head back into the ring, and he and Punk trade nearfalls as Ziggler does pull-ups in his pod. Kingston hits Punk with a crossbody but only gets a two count. Kingston back body drops Punk over the ropes, but Punk lands on his feet on the steel. Punk tries to suplex Kingston over the rope, but Kingston reverses and catches Punk with a back suplex onto the steel. Kingston tries to catapult Punk into the chains, but Punk reverses and catapults Kingston into Miz's pod. Punk rolls Kingston back into the ring, traps him in the corner, and stomps a mud hole in him. It's time for the first pod to open, and the next man to enter the match is… DOLPH ZIGGLER! Ziggler storms out of his pod and pulls Punk out of the ring. Ziggler grinds Punk's face into the chains and then hits him with a fireman's carry takedown onto the steel. Ziggler grabs the chains and does leg raises on the wall of the chamber before dropping into a leg drop the drives Punk's face into the steel once again. Ziggler rolls Punk into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. All three men get back to their feet, and Punk catches Ziggler with a scoop slam. Kingston hits Ziggler with a second scoop slam, and it looks like Punk and Kingston have formed an impromptu alliance. Ziggler charges Kingston in the corner, but Kingston gets his boot up and plants them in Ziggler's face. Ziggler struggles back to his feet as Punk and Kingston position themselves outside the ropes. Punk and Kingston both go for springboard attacks on Ziggler from opposite sides of the ring, but Ziggler rolls out of the way causing Punk and Kingston to collide in mid-air. It's time for the second pod to open, and the next man to enter the match is… R-TRUTH! Ziggler charges at Truth, but Truth hip tosses him over the ropes and onto the steel. Truth dives over the ropes and connect with a splash to Ziggler on the steel. Truth rolls Ziggler back into the ring and hits the scissors kick but only gets a two count. Truth heads to the corner, but Punk catches him with a running knee and a superplex for a two count of his own. Kingston goes for the Trouble in Paradise, but Punk ducks and then tosses Kingston out to the steel. Punk heads up to the top turnbuckle, connects with the Macho Man Elbow Drop to Truth, and gets the three count! CM PUNK ELMINATES R-TRUTH WITH THE MACHO MAN ELBOW DROP! Ziggler is out on the steel and Kingston springboards toward him, but Ziggler ducks so Kingston flies all the way to the chains and catches himself. Kingston comes off the chains, but Ziggler catches him in mid-air, but Kingston counters into a modified tornado DDT on the steel. It's time for the third pod to open, and the next man to enter the match is… THE MIZ! Miz storms across the ring and suplexes Kingston on the steel. Miz heads back into the ring and tosses Ziggler over the ropes and onto the steel once again. Miz heads back to the steel and drives Kingston back-first into the ring post. Miz sets Kingston up on the top turnbuckle and Kingston gets a boot in Miz's face, but Miz pushes Kingston backwards off the turnbuckle and down to the steel. Miz rolls Kingston back into the ring and goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Punk and Miz battle in the middle of the ring, but Miz takes control and wrenches Punk's neck around the middle rope. Punk regains control with a neck breaker and whips Miz to the corner, but Miz counters with a boot the face. Miz charges Punk, but Punk catches him with a power slam. Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice in the middle of the ring, but it's time for the final pod to open, and the final man to enter the match is… Chris Jericho! Jericho rushes the ring, and Punk releases his hold on Miz to do battle with Jericho. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Punk kicks him away. Punk goes for the Go-To-Sleep, but Jericho counters and connects with the Lionsault for a two count. Ziggler goes for a quick schoolboy pin on Jericho, but Jericho escapes and hits Ziggler with a Code Breaker for the three count. CHRIS JERICHO ELIMINATES DOLPH ZIGGLER WITH THE CODE BREAKER! Jericho returns his focus to Punk, but Punk slingshots him over the ropes and onto the steel. Punk follows Jericho to the steel and slams him repeatedly into one of the pods. Punk shoves Jericho into a pod and they battle in the pod, but Jericho eventually slams the pod door right on Punk's shoulder. Kingston heads out to the steel and catches Jericho with the S.O.S. on the steel. Kingston heads back into the ring, and Miz sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Miz goes for a superplex, but Punk sneaks in an catches him with a powerbomb. KINGSTON HEADS UP TO THE TOP OF A POD AND CONNECTS WITH A CROSSBODY TO PUNK AND JERICHO! Everyone is down, but Jericho eventually gets to his feet, catches Kingston in the Walls of Jericho, and makes him tap! CHRIS JERICHO ELIMINATES KOFI KINGSTON WITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO! The referees open the cell door for Kingston, and Jericho throws Kingston out of the cell. Jericho turns around, but Punk catches him with a kick to the side of the head. The cell door had not yet been closed, so Jericho flies out of the cell and crashes into a camera man. All action stops as referees and officials check on Jericho. I assume this is all kayfabe, but everyone (including a very concerned-looking CM Punk) is doing a brilliant job of selling the situation. The officials determine that Jericho is unconscious and cannot continue. CHRIS JERICHO IS ELIMINATED DUE TO BEING UNABLE TO CONTINUE. Punk and Miz are the final two men in the match. Miz catches Punk with the Skull Crushing Finale, but Punk kicks out at two. Miz traps Punk in the corner and absolutely beats the hell out of him. Miz charges Punk in the corner, but Punk slides out of the way causing Miz to fly head-first into the pod. Punk pulls Miz back to the middle of the ring, hits the Go-To-Sleep, and gets the three count! CM PUNK ELIMINATES THE MIZ WITH THE GO-TO-SLEEP! . Very fun Chamber match to open the show, not quite on the level of some of the best Chambers in years past, but full of creative spots, hot match-ups, and dramatic near falls. ***3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Over the Limit 2012 - WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

Punk and Bryan trade kicks to the legs to start. Punk traps Bryan against the ropes, but the referee forces a clean break. Bryan finds a side head lock, and we've got dueling "Daniel Bryan! CM Punk!" chants from the crowd. Punk connects with a kick to the leg, wraps Bryan's leg around the middle rope, and kicks the ropes to wrench the leg. Punk gets a side headlock takedown and repeatedly drives his knee into Bryan's thigh. Punk DDT's Bryan's leg into the mat, but Bryan gets back to his feet and connects with an uppercut. Bryan traps Punk in the corner, but Punk whips Bryan to the opposite corner. Bryan runs up the turnbuckles and flips over Punk. Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Bryan floats over. Punk takes Bryan down to the mat and continues to work over the legs by locking in the Indian Death Lock. Bryan breaks the hold and connects with a kick to the ribs. Bryan whips Punk to the ropes and goes for a drop kick, but Punk grabs the ropes to prevent contact. Punk locks in a Figure Four / surfboard combination before kicking Bryan's face into the mat for a two count. Punk has been working over Bryan's left knee and leg all match. Punk launches Bryan to the outside and goes for a baseball slide, but Bryan side steps him and whips him into the barrier. Bryan rolls Punk back into the ring, heads up top, and connects with a missile drop kick for a two count. Bryan locks in a seated abdominal stretch and intermittently drives an elbow into Punk's ribs. Punk finally breaks the hold with knees to the face, but Bryan retaliates with a knee to Punk's skull. Punk goes for a Figure Four, but Bryan kicks him to the corner. Punk again goes for the Figure Four, but Bryan rolls him up for a two count. Bryan locks in a surfboard and fish hook's Punks mouth. BRUTAL! Bryan rolls back with the surfboard and gets Punk all the way up. Bryan pulls Punk down into a surfboard / chin lock combination before rolling into a Dragon Sleeper. Punk's head is at what I can only call a very funny angle right now. Punk finally breaks the hold and goes to work with mounted punches and elbows. Punk gets to his hands and knees, but Bryan catches him with a flying knee to the kidneys. Bryan connects with another knee to the kidneys, but on the third try Punk evades and catches Bryan with a bridging fisherman's suplex for a two count. Bryan regains control with a snap suplex, heads up top, and connects with the Benoit flying head butt for a two count. Punk and Bryan get back to their feet, hit the ropes, and hit each other with simultaneous cross bodies. Punk charges Bryan in the corner, but Bryan gets a boot up and plants it in Punk's face. Punk regains control and goes for a suplex, but Bryan floats over. Bryan charges Punk, but Punk back body drops him over the top rope and follows up with a suicide dive. Punk rolls Bryan back into the ring and goes for a springboard clothesline, but Bryan catches Punk with a drop kick in mid-air for a two count. Bryan gets to his feet as Punk gets to his knees, and Bryan works over Punk with a VICIOUS volley of kicks. Bryan goes for a kick to the head, but Punk catches the leg and takes him down with a Dragon Screw. Punk locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock, but Bryan sits up so that he and Punk can trade slaps. Bryan finally gets to the ropes to force the break. Punk goes for a shin breaker, but Bryan floats over into a roll-up for a two count. Punk and Bryan trade near falls, but the sequence ends with Bryan landing a SICK kick to Punk's head for a long two count. "This is awesome!" chant from the crowd. Bryan pulls down his left knee pad and drives his knee into Punk's ribs. Bryan takes Punk up top and goes for a hurricanrana, but Punk shoves Bryan to the side, crotching him on the top rope. Bryan is sitting crotched on the top rope, so Punk heads to the adjacent ring apron and connects with a springboard clothesline that knocks Bryan off the ropes. Punk pulls Bryan back to the middle of the ring for a LONG two count. Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Bryan counters into a crucifix pin for a two count. Bryan goes for the Yes Lock, but Punk counters into a catapult. Bryan skins the cat back over the top rope, but Punk catches him with a kick to the skull for another two count. Punk hits Bryan with a scoop slam and heads up top. Punk connects with the Macho Man Elbow Drop from the top, but Punk's injured ribs came into play on the landing. Bryan again drives his knees into Punk's ribs. Bryan traps Punk in the corner and goes to work with an absolutely vicious volley of knees to the ribs. Punk regains control and hits his running clothesline in the corner, but Bryan counters the bulldog into the Yes Lock in the middle of the ring. Bryan pulls back on Punk hard to increase the pressure, but Punk leans back to put Bryan's shoulders on the mat. The referee counts Bryan's shoulders down for the three count, but Punk taps to the Yes Lock just as the referee completes the three count.

This match lived up to the expectations, and that's a minor miracle considering how high the expectations were. It was a technical wonder and reminded us all how beautiful pure professional wrestling can be. The kicks were vicious, the submissions were creative, and the reversals were spectacular. I also loved the story here was essentially that Punk and Bryan have known each other for ten years and are now wrestling for the title. The only thing stopping it from a full 5 stars is the ending even tho i liked the finished because it sets up another match but a clean no gimmick finish would of been the real fucking deal. But still ****1/4 - ****3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2011 - Triple Threat TLC Match for the WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz

I believe this is the first time we've had a triple threat TLC match in the WWE, so that adds a bit of luster to the mix. The crowd is completely behind Punk, of course, Punk takes on both Miz and Del Rio to start the match. Miz and Del Rio trap Punk against the ropes and pound on him. The whip Punk to the opposite ropes and go for a double clothesline, but Punk slides under their arms and levels Miz with a drop kick. Miz and Del Rio regain control and hot shot Punk onto the top rope. Miz and Del Rio hit a double suplex and then stomp on Punk's head and back. Miz and Del Rio head to the outside and head toward ladders, but Ricardo Rodriguez distracts Miz long enough for Del Rio to connect with a chair to the gut. Del Rio picks up a ladder and heads for the ring, but Punk connects with a suicide dive into the ladder. Punk slides Miz back into the ring and then grabs a chair and slides in himself, but Miz immediate attacks him and whips him to the corner. Miz sets up a chair and goes for a Sabu-esque chair-assisted elbow shot in the corner, but Punk must manages to slide out of the way. Punk goes for the bulldog out of the corner through the chair, but Miz reverses into a back suplex through the chair. Miz slides to the outside and props up a ladder on the ring apron, but Del Rio shows up and back body drops Miz onto the ladder. Del Rio begins to slide a ladder into the ring and Punk goes for the traditional baseball slide spot, but Del Rio lifts the ladder causing Punk to slide right out of the ring. Nice counter to a very well-known ladder match spot. Miz goes after Punk with a chair on the outside, but Punk evades and Miz slams the chair into the ring post. Punk beats Miz senseless with a chair, sets him on the guard rail, sets up a chair in front of him, and connects with a chair-assisted high knee that knocks Miz into the front row. Punk grabs a ladder and slides it into the ring with both Miz and Del Rio out on the outside. Punk sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring and begins to climb, but Ricardo Rodriguez charges the ring and begin to shake the ladder. Punk begin to descend the ladder, but RODRIGUEZ HANDCUFFS PUNK TO THE LADDER! Del Rio heads back into the ring and levels Punk. Del Rio begins to climb the ladder, but Punk kicks the ladder to pieces in order to free himself before knocking the ladder over. Miz slides into the ring with a ladder and uses it to beat Punk down to the mat. Miz climbs the ladder, but Punk pulls him back down to the mat. Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Miz floats over. Punk takes Miz up top and thinks about superplexing Miz through a table on the outside, but Del Rio hits his step-up enzuigiri that knocks Punk off the top and through the table at ringside. Miz also spills to the outside, and Del Rio chokes him with a ladder. Del Rio pulls Miz's arm through the ladder and locks in the cross arm breaker. Miz screams and taps, but none of that means anything in a TLC Match. Del Rio grabs a chair and beats on Punk, who is still entangles in the splinters of the table. Del Rio pulls Punk's arm through the chair and locks in the cross arm breaker. Punk screams in agony, but that won't win Del Rio the Championship. Del Rio sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring and begins to climb, but Punk and Miz head back into the ring and tip the ladder, causing Del Rio to crotch himself hard on the top rope. Punk and Miz slug it out in the middle of the ring before leveling each other with simultaneous clotheslines. Ricardo Rodriguez begins to climb the ladder, but PUNK AND MIZ TIP THE LADDER BACKWARD SENDING RODRIGUEZ OVER THE TOP ROPE AND THROUGH A TABLE AT RINGSIDE! Two referees check on Rodriguez and instantly throw up the fists. Back in the ring, Punk traps Miz in the corner and goes for the running high knee, but Miz evades and handcuffs Punk to the second turnbuckle. Miz stands just out of arm's reach and taunts Punk. Miz turns to look up at the title, but Punk realizes that Miz is still within leg's reach. Punk kicks Miz in the face and knocks him out cold. Punk begins to unscrew the turnbuckle as Del Rio and Miz set up ladders in the middle of the ring. All three men scramble up two ladders, and Miz gets knocks to the mat. Punk kicks Del Rio down to the mat, but Miz pulls Punk down off the ladder. Miz climbs up top, but Punk pulls him down and hits the Go To Sleep. Punk heads up the ladder… AND RETRIEVES THE TITLE!.

I want to commend all four guys (including Ricardo Rodriguez) for their incredible effort. They went out there are busted their asses to entertain us tonight, and for that I thank them. The spot of the night definitely goes to Ricardo Rodriguez for that absolutely SIIIIIIICK backwards tumble off the ladder, out of the ring, and through the table. Dude has grapefruits of steel for taking that bump. With that being said, and taking nothing away from the effort of the competitors, this wasn't a terribly memorable TLC Match. None of the spots were very creative or innovative, and I actually found the use of the handcuffs to be trite in what is already a heavily gimmicked match. ***3/4