ACW Adrenaline 13: Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Third Bout: Climbing the Ranks
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday July 1, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


New Member
Apr 28, 2012
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(After the ring clears following the Andrew Sanders versus Toyota Chelios the crowd eagerly awaits the start of the next match. Suddenly “Wanted Man†by Rev Theory blasts through the PA system and Dave Summers cockily struts onto the stage. His arrival is met by a mixed reaction of boos and cheers from the audience. As Dave makes his way down towards the ring he talks trash with several members of the audience, even going face to face with one man. Summers enters the ring via the ring steps and catches a microphone tossed to him by a ringside employee. He paces around the ring for a moment while the boos die down a little bit.)

Summers: “Good evening Yonkers, New York and welcome to ACW Adrenaline!â€

(The crowd cheers loudly as Summers continues to hype the night up.)

Summers: “We have one hell of a card for you guys tonight. I was just looking it over in my locker room and I can tell you that tonight will be electric! With such a great show booked tonight, I hope that each and every one of you has a great time. But before I continue to go on about how great tonight will be, I have one small complaint. Is it just me or is this arena really warm tonight? I think I’m going to have to take off my jacket.â€

(Summers drops the microphone onto the mat and begins to remove his Nike jacket. As he casts aside the pullover jacket the crowd notices that he is wearing a David Ortiz Red Sox jersey and showers him with the loudest boos of the night so far. A huge grin appears on Summers’s face as he proudly shows off his jersey.)

Summers: “Aw what’s wrong New Yorkers? Have you guys never seen a real baseball jersey before? The Red Sox are on the rise and soon they will surpass the Yankees!â€

(Even more boos rain down upon Summers, but he continues to talk through them and anger the crowd.)

Summers: “Just wait until the playoffs, it will be 2004 all over again baby! You know what the Red Sox and I have in common? We are both better than every other competitor in our league! When I came here to ACW I had one goal in mind, to be the best. Not just the best inside the ring but the best person in general, and I believe I have already accomplished that. I mean look around you, look at these pathetic individuals in this company. For my debut I faced a man who didn’t even know what to do inside the ring and who burned himself with sparklers. Then the next week I faced off against a so-called “movie starâ€; my only question is if you supposedly make millions of dollars filming big budget Hollywood movies, why are you wrestling in a small independent wrestling company? Finally there is tonight’s opponent, Brandon Banks, a man who has missed the last two shows because he was involved in a shooting. I mean really, where does this company find people? Does it go the crazy homeless people on the streets and say “hey how would you like some money for being horrible?†To be frank I am embarrassed to associate myself with the people in this company. Luckily for all of you however, I am here to save the day. I will cleanse this company of the scum that tarnishes its reputation and claim my rightful spot as world champion. Look at me is there a better role model in this entire company? The answer is simple, no.â€

(Summers tosses the microphone out of the ring and poses to the crowd as he patiently awaits Banks’s entrance.)


Jan 31, 2012
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Mountain City

"So, there's this guy waiting for me at Yonkers already and the show ain't for another day.

Interesting to say the least.

Seems to me that someone's a little anxious.. Nervous maybe.. Don't know what to expect, do you David?

Good. That's exactly how it's supposed to be when you face me. You just never know what to expect when it comes to Brandon Banks."

A light filled the room and all you could see were murals painted on the walls and myself standing in front of them.

"For example, apparently I was involved in a shooting last week. Hell, that even took me by surprise.

Let me clear the air about that. I was at a club, and things got a little rowdy.. Shots were fired but it didn't involve me or any of my crew."

A slight sly grin appeared on my face.

"Well, at least that's what the police statement says."

I turned around back to the camera and began looking at the mural, mainly staring at the 'All Seeing Eye' painting. You know, the thing behind every dollar bill.

"It's pretty funny how many rumors have started up since I came into ACW. First, someone accused me of being in some kinda secret society that runs the World."

Wink wink.

"And then one of Multiplexes personalities thought I was some kinda wanna be gangsta.. And look what happened there?

I beat the breaks off of him.

I told him that after Riot Act, he would never be the same.. And look what happened!

He simply isn't the same, is he?"

I turned back around, stared at the camera in front of me, and sat down Indian style on the floor below.

"There's another rumor going around stating that I'm only one win away from being, and I quote..

Solidified as a challenger for the International title."

A blank look appeared on my face before my head slightly tipped over to the left side.


I have to solidify myself as a contender for a championship that I don't even want?

With me being the youngest Hall of Famer in this business.. Not just one company, but in this business.. I have to prove my worth?

Uh, how about no?

How about I just no show Adrenaline and allow Summers to win by forfeit? Or how about I show up, let the referee ring the bell and just up and leave the ring?

Would that solidify me as contender for that stupid accessory you call a championship?"

You could see my face turning bright red as I started getting a little pissed off.

"I feel disrespected.

I've accomplished so much in this line of work in six short years, that people who've been in this game for a decade wish to accomplish.

I don't expect anything to be handed to me by no means, but don't go tellin' me I have to do this and that to become a 'legit' contender for an accessory that I don't even want.

You all know what I want in ACW and that's control. I've said it over and over again that I'm not here to win any damn titles.. I'm hear to control and own this company.

And mark my words when I tell you this, it will happen. If I have to win the International title first in order to accomplish my goal, then so be it."

I got up, and began pacing around back and forth thinking about what I was going to do to David Summers.

"David Summers.. It was funny of you to compare me to a homeless person on the streets.

So unique, so never used before.

Come on now, son.. You're gon' have to come at me better then that..

Why don't you talk about how full of myself I am, or how I'm currently going through a divorce, hrm? There's some decent material for ya."

I started chuckling to myself.

"I really hope your bite is bigger then your bark David cause if not.. You will suffer the same fate that Black, Heath and Multiplex suffered..

Defeated by me. Not only defeated, but extinguished from this company.. By me.

You have a few more days of having some spotlight on you, David.. But come Adrenaline, I'm taking my spotlight back and making you nothing more then just another spoke on this companies wheel.

As for me? It's simple.. I'll be another inch closer to what I came here for..


I got up again, and began walking away from camera view but you could hear my voice.

"Come Adrenaline, David.. It's going to be lights out for you."

The light in the room shut off almost on cue, leaving you with nothing but darkness.



@CindyParker10 que pasa chica?
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to CindyParker10

@BrandonBanksFTW first of all, you're fucking polish. don't be talking spanish. second, you make me sick.
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to BrandonBanksFTW

@CindyParker10 um, is it that time of the month?
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to CindyParker10

@BrandonBanksFTW actually fuckstain, i'm like four weeks late..
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to BrandonBanksFTW

@CindyParker10 .......... you're fucking kidding me.. not mine.

about 3 hours ago via web in reply to CindyParker10

Momma Banks' House
Date before Divorced.

Not mine..

Something no girl wants to hear from a man they care about, or in my case, married too. This news hit me pretty hard, and I won't lie, I sort of feel like shit right now.

After Cindy told me the truth about the night when I burned my house down, not mine really wasn't a smart thing to say. If Cindy was really pregnant, then that would be child number two. If she was really pregnant, there's no way I'd be able to go through with the divorce. I wouldn't be doing it for me, or for her for that matter. I'd be doing it for my children.

After all, a parent is supposed to do whatever it takes to know that their children are happy, and actually have a family.

I had a family till I was about ten. Father died only three months after his birthday. Since then, I've been going through life with a huge part of me missing. And now, thirteen years later.. I'm starting to forget what my father sounded like, hell, even looked like.

There was no chance that I'd let this happen. My children will never lose me. My children will never lose their family.

Nolan is the main reason why I have yet to file the divorce papers, and I know Cindy was waiting for the same reason. Despite how I act, I missed Cindy. I missed her so much that for the past month, I've been sleeping with one of her shirts, holding it tightly, sometimes pretending it was her.

When she kissed me, I felt the fireworks go off inside. To answer my own question, the magic was still there. However, I needed to see something. I needed to see if I was capable of being with someone else. Despite how bad it feels to do this, my date had to be the sacrificial lamb so to speak..

Little did I know that after one date, I would have my answer..


5:30 PM ET

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, shirtless, wearing only some funky looking Hanes boxers, and a pair of black ankle socks. As I pressed the toothbrush around my teeth I began to hear the house phone ring. I finished up brushing my teeth, and spit out the remaining toothpaste in my mouth. I quickly threw some water in my mouth, attempting to get out the nasty toothpaste taste out of my mouth, and quickly ran down the hall to where the house phone was. I looked at the called ID and it read:

Banks, Brandon

No guys, I wasn't calling myself. That was Cindy's number. After all the shit that was said on Twitter I knew this couldn't be good. I quickly answered, but when I did.. She had already hung up. I sat there debating on whether or not I should call her back, but I decided against it. After all, I was about to go on a date with another women.

"Why didn't she just call my cell phone?"

I asked myself. Maybe she knew about my date tonight and she called my moms to ask her where I was.

"Stop bein' so paranoid, B. You're only going to freak yourself out."

God, was my conscience smart. It amazed me that it actually belonged to me. A burnt out, pot head.

I put the house phone down on the charger and walked back down the hall and into the bathroom. I was already showered, and had my teeth looking all purty. All that was left was too get dressed, and meet my date at the mall. I took a look at the clock in the bathroom and saw it read 5:47 PM.

"Shit. I'm supposed to meeting Jamilyn at the mall at six! I don't even got time to shave."

I quickly ran out of the bathroom and into my old bedroom. When I walked in, I admired the fact that it still looked the way it did when I lived here..

Michael Jordan posters everywhere..

A Green Bay Packers street sign hanging on the wall..

And my favorite bed of all time.. My water bed!

I proceeded to head toward the closet and looked for something to wear.

"I'm really not trying to dress all fancy. Shit ain't me."

I then grabbed a long sleeved plain white t-shirt, and a pair of faded skinny jeans. I threw both articles of clothing onto the bed to see if they looked good together.


Just as I was about to get dressed, I heard my iPhone begin to vibrate on a nearby dresser in the room. I walked over, and saw a number I didn't know. Knowing I was already late, I answered the phone and put it on speaker so I could get dressed in the process.


"Hey, Brandon! It's Jasmine. I just touched down at the airport. Do you want to pick me up, or should I take a cab to wherever you want too meet me?"

I threw my shirt on and began to think.

"You know, your best bet is just to have the cab take you to the mall."

"Mall?" She said sounding somewhat confused. "You're taking me on a date to the mall?"

"Well, ma. I figured we can do a little shopping first, and then afterward, I got reservations to one of the fanciest restaurants in all of Pennsylvania."

You can hear Jasmine giggle a little bit.

"Okie dokie. Sounds good. I'll see you soon then?" She asked awaiting a reply.

"Yes, mam. I'll probably get there around the same time as you."

I sprayed some of my Playboy Curve cologne on myself, and grabbed my car keys off of the nightstand.

"Alright see you soon.. Bye!"



Alright, it was time to go. See, I was never a big fan of having to rush. I always tended to forget something, and this time, it was the same case.

I walked down the hallway and into my mothers room, and saw her watching reruns of Desperate Housewives.

BB: I'm heading out for a little bit, ma. You need anything?

She looked over at me and shook her head from left to right.

BB: Alrighty, well I'll see you when I get back. Love ya.

Momma Banks: Love you too, sweetie.

I turned around and took a few steps down the hallway until I heard my mom yell my name. I quickly walked back to her room.

BB: Yeah?

She looked down and then looked back up.

Momma Banks: Surely you're going to put on a pair of pants, huh?

I took a look down, and...

Damn. Told ya'll I forget shit when I'm being rushed. I looked back up at my mom and smiled.

BB: Thanks, mom.

Once again, I turned back around and headed toward my room. I sat down on the water bed, and slipped my jeans on. I was officially ready. I grabbed my iPhone off of the nightstand and touched the screen and saw the background image of Cindy and myself at Disney World a few months back. I stared deep into the picture and began to wonder..

Was this a mistake?

Why am I even doing this when I still love Cindy?

Would she forgive me if she found out?


Last edited:


Jan 31, 2012
Reaction score
Mountain City
I couldn't let the nagging doubts get to me. I knew this was a mistake, but I had to do this. I do still love Cindy, but I need to see if I'm capable of being with anyone else. And if she really loved me, she would be able to forgive me..

It was that time.. The time for me, to make the biggest mistake of my life..


Already inside the Wyoming Valley Mall in the heart of Wilkes Barre, Pa. I was standing in front of ATT Wireless booth, browsing through some of their new phones as Lindsey stood only a few inches away from me.

She attempted to get closer and closer to me, but each time she would, I'd quickly move away.

Clearly, I was not interested in this girl.


The clerk at the stand pulled out the iPhone 4S because I finally decided to upgrade my iPhone 4.

8.0 Megapixel Camera.

64 Gigs of memory for all my pictures and my music.

And records in HD?

Do you know how good my homemade pornos would look?

I had to have it.

BB: I'll take it.

The clerk nodded his head and remembered a promotional offer they were running.

Clerk: Excellent choice sir. We also got a promotional offer going on right now that if you buy this phone and add a two year extension to your contract, you get a second one free.

I knew this was a scam. They always get you with a discount or a free phone if, and only if, you extend your contract. But what do I care? I'm fucking rich!

Plus, Cindy wanted this phone since they played the first commercial for it..

BB: I'll do it.

I handed him my debit card as the clerk nodded and turned around and began to activate both phones. I looked to my left and saw Jamilyn twirling her hair around in her finger.

BB: You bored?

She looked over at me and simply smiled.

Lindsey: A little bit.. These cell phone places take forever!

Honestly, I didn't give a shit. In my mind, I kept trying to think of a way to get rid of this girl. Sure she was nice, but really.. She wasn't my type. She then did something I didn't expect, reaching for my hand, trying to hold it. I looked down and thought, what the fuck. I wanted to pull away but I just didn't have the heart to do it. Luckily for me, the clerk walked up to us and set down my new contract.

Clerk: I just need you to sign here, sir.

Thank God. Although she was holding my left hand, and I was right handed, I still pulled away. You can tell by the look on her face that she knew something was going on. I signed the new contract to finalize the deal as the clerk handed me my new cell phone, my debit card, and a bag with the other phone in it.

Clerk: I've already activated your line, and whenever you decide to use the other phone, just pop in the sim card and you'll be good to go.

BB: Sounds good. Thanks, boss.

I threw my debit card into the right pocket of my jeans and turned around only to see the shock of my life.

It was Cindy, standing with her arms crossed giving me the dirtiest look I've ever received.

BB: Baby? What are you doin' here?

Cindy ignored me and looked over at Lindsey.

Cindy: Who the fuck is this trick?

I looked over at Lindsey and got this gut feeling that shit was about to go down..

BB: Baby, it's not what you think.

Cindy: Oh, really? So tell me, what is it then.

Lindsey looks as if she's about to say something to Cindy, but Cindy quickly cuts her off.

Cindy: Girl, if you even say one word to me I'll bust both of those implants right now.

Lindsey backs off as I walked up to Cindy, attempting to hold her hand.

BB: Cindy, she's just a friend.

Lindsey: Just a friend? Really, Brandon?

I was quite the mess right now. However, I knew what I had to do.

BB: Yeah, just a friend. I.. I thought I could do this, but I can't.. I mean, could you not tell by how distant I've been toward you?

That shit hurt to say. Lindsey didn't deserve it, but there was no way that I'd lose Cindy for someone who my friends told me was nicknamed, Turbo-Slut..

I hate whores.

I turned back around to look at Cindy and I saw the sorrow in her eyes.

BB: Baby?

Cindy looked down toward the ground and began to tear up. She then hit me with something I was not expecting.

Cindy: I'm pregnant, Brandon.

My jaw dropped, as did Lindsey's.

BB: What?

What are you fuckin' deaf? I said I'm pregnant.

I knew Cindy was telling me the truth, since I was supposed to go too the doctors with her today but I slept in. Typical me.

I-- I...

I was lost for words.

Cindy: But don't worry, Brandon. I'm not your problem anymore.

Cindy then took off. I turned around and looked at Lindsey who looked shocked.

BB: I'm sorry, but.. I have to go.

I didn't even let her speak before I took off and chased Cindy through the mall. The least of my concerns was how Lindsey felt, and although it sounds greedy, you'd do the same thing if your wife told you she was pregnant.

I continued to follow Cindy all the way to the parking lot, where I finally got her to stop.

BB: Cindy, please. Just listen to me.

Cindy: What, Brandon? What could you possibly say that could hurt even more then I already am?

I didn't want to hurt her. Never did, and never will. This girl was my soul mate and I wasn't about to lose her. Especially with her being pregnant again.

BB: I don't want to go through with the divorce, Cindy. I want to work things out.

For the first time in my life, I could feel the tears boiling up in my eyes.

BB: I'm not going to lie too you, baby. I was on a date with that girl, but the entire time I was with her, I tried to pretend that she was you.. But it just didn't work. She has nothing on you, and even my imagination couldn't make her you.

You could see a smile start to appear on Cindy's face.

BB: I need you in my life, Cindy. And although I know it's going to take a lot of work, I'd like to make us work..

No words can explain what I was feeling at that time. Cindy gazed into my eyes and she could see the sincerity in them. She then wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I knew her answer..

Cindy: Can we go home?

I smiled.

BB: Not the one I destroyed, right?

She couldn't help to giggle.

Cindy: I meant your moms, silly. I miss her so much.

BB: That feeling was mutual, Cindy. Come on.. Lets go home.

I put my arm around her as we began to walk off into the parking lot, looking for my Navigator.

BB: Wait.. Didn't you drive here?

Cindy: Yeah. Not a big deal, though. I'll have my dad come and get the car.

I nodded and continued to head toward my Navigator. The scene fades to black with a visual of Brandon Banks and Cindy Parker back together.. Again.