CWF - Past War Trashtalking #6 (Merging Issue)

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awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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WAR 6.6.2011 - BookerDust vs Riley/DiBiase

I come from money...


Familiar theme hits the sound system and on stage appears Alex Riley but without Ted DiBiase. Fans loudly boo´s at A-Ry and he asks for microphone and gets one and get him near his mouth and start talking...


A-Ry: Shut up you jerks, wrestlers with class has arrive !

A-Ry gets boo from fans but he only smiles and continue..

A-Ry: Boo, Boo, Booker ! The man we facing now ! Oh, when say we, I must tell you, that my partner is late and he will arrive in a moment, he´s got some business things to do ! But back to Booker, sucka Haha ! Can someone can tell us why we must facing pensioner´s ? I mean they are like fifty, sixty years old huh ? They got no money, no class, no charisma, no talent ! And we ? We got money, class, charisma, talent and many many next things what they don´t have ! So why we must face looser´s like Booker or Goldust ?

Fans boo´s at A-Ry but he just smiles and make his walk to the ring. He stops before ring and looks at fans but ignore their booing and steps into the ring and continues in his talk...


A-Ry: Firstly, look at your poor lives and than boo on someone and secondly....



Ted DiBiase interrupt´s his partner and asks for microphone on stage...


TD: And secondly welcome most rich man in this building - ME !

Fans loudly boo´s at him and Ted makes his way to the ring, steps into the ring and shake hand with his partner...

TD: Well partner, everything you told is true, but I must tell one more thing ! I am third generation superstar and everybody know my dad, but in fact, he is dead, just like these two jerks we are facing tonight !


Fans boo at DiBiase and his partner but they continue on ...

TD: But you see this title ? It was made by my daddy and now, He gave me it and it mean I already am champion, but, after Money in the bank, I ...

A-Ry: You mean WE !

TD: Sure, we will be tag team champions ! And tonight, we will just deal with these two looser´s and if you got balls to come out here, so let´s do it !

A-Ry: We still don´t see ya ! But I know, step to the ring with wrestlers with class is hard, cause you never be on same level like us !


Ted DiBiase and Alex Riley stand´s in the center of the ring, but no one comes out...

TD: Huh, thats what I thought, Goldust is scared of another beating, like I did before and well, he already know what I´m capable of and he is scared to comes here, and steps right before us ! But don´t worry Goldie, I will don´t beat you !

fans still booing at DiBiase and chant " boring " ...


TD: You are boring with your same old boo, boo shit ! Go to hell you idiots ! You are´nt even nowhere near to class where we are so shut up ! And where I ended, oh, I will don´t beat you... I will don´t beat you, NOW ! I can beat you anytime, anywhere but not now ! Now just come out here with your same old shit and try to tell something intelligent !


A-Ry: Mr. Booker, we absolutely forget about you ! We don´t see ya as well ! You should take your partner and come out here, sucka, before we come for you, personally !

TD: Let me just call someone !

Ted picks up mobile and want to telephone somewhere but he gut interupted...



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WAR 6th June: HBK vs CM Punk



Shawn Michaels comes from behind the curtain to a huge reaction, he gets down on his knees and looks to the ceiling as pyrotechnics explode from behind him. Shawn Michaels then gets up as he struts his way down to the ring, he asks for a microphone.


Shawn 'HBK' Michaels;

Well it sure isn't something I was prepared for coming out here this week. You know since Monday Night WAR last week, I came to the ring and stated that my mentor would be facing Alberto Del Rio and The Miz with Evan Bourne as his partner. Now, understandable CM Punk doesn't have a Pay-Per-View match just yet and he has challenged me to a match this week on WAR. It seems to me that CM Punk didn't listen when I said I am only here to mentor Chuck Taylor, after WAR ended last week... I happened to be backstage when CM Punk interrupted and challenged me to a match. You know; even though I've been gone for so long... I just knew I had to come back to shut CM Punk's mouth! Years after years... ever since CM Punk was known, he respected people. Even I respected CM Punk back in the days, I saw him as a very talented wrestler and mind you he still is but his actions have changed over the past recent weeks. CM Punk is no longer liked by you people, CM Punk is running his mouth about 'Straight-Edge' and how he's better than everybody. You know...

HBK pauses for a moment as he looks to the crowd.

CM Punk, you're not a Hall of Famer like me. You've never experienced the level of wrestling I have; mind you... you've been in some amazing feuds in the past but you CM, to be on my level. You will need to learn about respect and what the business has to offer; now this Straight-Edge thing you've got going on or whatever it is you're doing... I don't like it. I'm a humble Christian man, I don't drink alcohol and I don't smoke so I'm just like you CM Punk. But why all the hatred? Why all the stories you're spitting out of your mouth? I'm quite sure you can continue to love these people because these people are capable to do what they want. You don't see me coming down the ring with a bible in my hand preaching these people to be Christians. I respect everybody's choices and so should you CM, as for you challenging me... That's going to be your worse mistake you've made in this very company. I haven't wrestled in a couple of years but that isn't going to stop me, my age isn't going to stop me and if you CM Punk want to come in the ring, challenge me to a match, you've got it but first... I've got two words for ya!

The crowd then yells out 'SUCK IT' as HBK is interrupted.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Just then a guitar riff that has not been heard in professional wrestling for years hits the PA, and the crowd erupt as a voice can be heard from behind the curtain.

Road Dogg: Oh! You didn't know?! Your ass better CALL SOMEBODYYYYYYYYY!

The crowd copy him as he walks out, with Billy Gunn onto the stage, James with a microphone in hand. He continues to welcome the crowd as he approaches the ring.


Road Dogg: Dallas Texas! You are here with the New Age Outlaws! You are now rockin with the best!

The Outlaws make their way into the ring and keep saluting the fans until their music gets cut. Road Dogg lifts the mic to his lips, and the whole crowd say in unison with him....

Road Dogg: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation-X proudly presents to you the soon to be first ever CWF Tag Team Champions of the Wooooooorld. The Road Dogg Jesse James, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn, the New Age Outlaws!


Road Dogg then passes the mic to Billy Gunn.

Billy Gunn: And if your not down with that then we got two words for you... SUCK IIIIIT!

The crowd are giving the New Age Outlaws a lot of support as the mic is passed right back.

Road Dogg: Dallas, Texas. Your now in the Dogg House! And god damn it has been a while. The last time we were in a ring together, people were only then finding out who Osama Bin Laden is, Jean Claude Van Damme was doing bad movies and the Longhorns sucked! Now... Osama Bin Ladens dead, Van Damme is st ill doing bad movies, and The Longhorns still Suck! It's good to be back. Now, for those of you that know us, then you will know the ass-master certainly knows as well as I, a first class ass! And what do we have here, two asses staring at us from across the ring! The Cowboys from Hell. Cowboys? Really? Is that like this Brokeback Mountain cowboys? I wouldn't put it past you Pilman, the creepiest man to ever grace a wrestling ring! The thing that always got to me is that you were never loved by anyone, you were never hated really by anyone.... you were a nobody, but you you keep carrying on... and on... and on! And this "Loose Cannon" business, what the hell is that?! You were no loose cannon? You were just a dysfunctional cannon, you didn't work, and you constantly just blow yourself up and fail terribly! But you Stone Cold, you used to be one of the greatest singles wrestlers ever, what the hell are you doing get back into cahoots with this washed-up piece of garbage for. I really can-

Billy Gunn grabs the mic off of Road Dogg and quickly adds...

Billy Gunn: Come on Jesse, he's washed up too! Listen, this is the new rising of The New Age Outlaws, and even if there is no D Generation X anymore, the legacy we created will always live on, and now in the CWF we are going to become the first ever CWF Tag Team Champions. So Steve, you can recite anything from that bible of yours, you can keep as many rooms reserved in the brokun skull ranch that you so please, and you can make these fans say what so many times that it's the only damn word they remember, its not going to matter! You may as well keep that whoop-ass canned, coz it's well past its sell by date! Sorry Texas, I know he's a homeboy and all, but it's the truth! And Brian, your undoing will be a thing of cinematic magic... I'll be George.... Jesse will play Lennie.... sorry D-O-Double G! And you, will be the old dog, no road dogg, but the old dog, that needs to be taken in the back yard.... oh you guys in Texas know what I'm about to say next..... BLOW YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT DAMN OFF!

And how fitting the name of that move is "Of Mice"... thats you..... "and Men"...oh, but not just any men, no no NO!... the men that are about to take CWF by the scruff of its neck and pummel it into the forfront of wrestling. And if your not down with that, we got TWO WORDS for ya...!

Gunn holds his mic up and the whole crowd yell "SUCK IT!" and The New Age Outlaws await a response.


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